Glorifying God and Secular Music: What Songs Are a Yay or Nay?


New Member
I Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (ESV).

Hi everyone. I have an "issue" that God seems to be working on me with as I get closer to him. My issue: listening to secular songs that do not glorify him.

When I listened to Craig G. Lewis, it confused me a bit because I felt as if he was saying all secular music is bad. Now, the majority of music or R'B, Hip/Hop, Rock etc. radio stations aren't glorifying God in the least sense. But then you have those artists that do and usually they don't end up making "it" in the wordly sense of achieving huge wordly success. One singer that comes to mind is Tamia and "Spend My Life With You." I want this to be my wedding song but sooo many people have used it and someone said something about this as a wedding song being played out. :nono:

I'm sure that Craig G. Lewis would probaly say this is bad but I feel like it glorifies God by speaking of the love that God has ordained between men and women, nor does it make any references to sex...just genuine admiration. But I may be if you have any input...let's here it. And if you want to post songs that you feel don't glorify God...let us know why also.

[Eric Benet]
[Eric Benet]
I never knew such a day could come
And i never knew such a love could be inside of one
And i never knew what my life was for (what you think about this part ?)
But now that you’re here, i know for sure
I never knew til’ i looked in your eyes {oh baby}
I was incomplete til’ the day you walked into my life {umm...hmm}
And i never knew that my heart could feel so precious and pure
One love so real, real
[Eric Benet]
Can i just see you every morning when (every morning, babe)
I look in your eyes
Can i just feel your heart beating beside me every night (every day)
Can we just feel this way together til’ the end of all time
(Can i just spend my life) Can i just spend my life with you {umm...hmm}
[Eric Benet]
Now baby the days and the weeks and the years will roll by
But nothing will change the love inside of you and i
And baby I’ll never find any words that could explain
Just how much my heart, my life, my soul you’ve changed
Can you run to these open arms when no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world i’m your woman and you’re my man
Can you just feel how much i love you with one touch of my hand
Can i just spend my life with you
[Eric Benet]
No touch has ever felt so wonderful (you are incredible)
Not a deeper love I’ve ever known {never let you go}
[Eric Benet & Tamia]
I swear this love is true [now and forever to you, to you...oh...oh] [tone
[Eric Benet & Tamia]
Can i just see you every morning when i open my eyes
Can i just feel your heart beating beside me every night
Can we just feel this way together til’ the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you
Can you run to these open arms when no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
{You’re my woman} and (you’re my man)
Can you just feel how much i love you with one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just spend my life with you [forever here with you]
Can I just spend my life with you
[Tamia] Can I just see you every morning when i open my eyes
[Eric Benet & Tamia] Oooh....oooh

Chica, I want to share this with you.

As a 'Wedding Coordinator", I have heard many 'secular' love songs at Christian Weddings (ceremonies as well as receptions), and it just flows. It's the Bride's wedding and I 've never heard a song that was offensive.

I don't think your song is offensive at all. It speaks of Romance and how the Bride and Groom feel about each other. The song(s) chosen speaks of their love for one another. I don't feel God would be offended by it.

My Personal View on ?Secular Music", depends on it's output...what it places into one's spirit:

I've been surrounded by music all of my life; my father and his parents introduced me to world of music and the Arts as a baby. Afterall, I was born in New York, but of course. :yep: :lol:

Being in the 'Arts', (as a Dancer), I've been exposed to all kinds of music; many, many genres. I use the word exposed, because I 'hear' so much, yet I'm not a part of all of it.

I don't even know half of secular artists of 'today'; only in 'passing' do I hear of their names and some of their songs.

From my generation (before I was saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost), :lol: there was:

Stevie Wonder, Luther Van Dross, Tony Terry, Brian McKnight, The Isley Brothers, Anita Baker, Sade, Lionel Ritchie, Kenny G, Jeffrey Osborn (love him :love2:), Smokie Robinson, the jazz instumentals of Gerald Albright, Earl Klugh;

These were the artists that I listened to until I got saved; then it just stopped; not on purpose :nono:, but it all just stopped. My music desires changed and I was drawn into holy worship music... not gospel, but worship, which is where I still am to this very day and moment in time.

However, because of my interest and life in the Arts, I have a library collection of Classical music and Movie Soundtracks (such as "Spartacus" by Alexander North) and the sound track to the movie, "City of Angels" (starring Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage); the movie "Yentel", starring and produced by Barbra Striesand. These are treasures to me.

I also have music from Hawaii which includes Tahitian and Polynesian music; also music from India, Africa, Brazille and the Middle Eastern cultures; these are all Dance related. :yep:

I cannot sit here and say that I do not still listen to my favorite artists of time's past which perform non-worship music. I kept their CD's and have their music tracks stored on my computer for my craft as an artist. But nothing I listen to is 'trash'.

The music that is played today I never thought my ears would hear. :nono: The cursing, the sexual explicitness. :shocked: One day I was in a clothing store and a 'rap song' came on and I had to pray that song away. It was extremely offensive! And it was coming from a radio station that the store employees' selected. :nono:

We can all give God glory in all that we do; we just cannot allow the world to take priority over our Godly choices. Your song is wonderful for your wedding. I'm not God, but I don't sense that God would have a problem with your choice of music for your wedding.

Here's something my Pastor shared with me. I have the Holy Spirit within me to lead and guide me into all truth, even when I'm out in the world. I can't go wrong from there. Even when I'm choosing a song for my wedding. :yep:

I hope this helps. My life is filled with music, and I love it, I truly love all kinds of music; but the music which takes over my soul is pure worship. I'm drawn to it; it restores my soul and I love it for it takes me into to very presence of God.

Happy New Year Precious Chica! You have the Holy Spirit who will never forsake you nor mislead you. :giveheart:
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I Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (ESV).

Hi everyone. I have an "issue" that God seems to be working on me with as I get closer to him. My issue: listening to secular songs that do not glorify him.

When I listened to Craig G. Lewis, it confused me a bit because I felt as if he was saying all secular music is bad. Now, the majority of music or R'B, Hip/Hop, Rock etc. radio stations aren't glorifying God in the least sense. But then you have those artists that do and usually they don't end up making "it" in the wordly sense of achieving huge wordly success. One singer that comes to mind is Tamia and "Spend My Life With You." I want this to be my wedding song but sooo many people have used it and someone said something about this as a wedding song being played out. :nono:

I'm sure that Craig G. Lewis would probaly say this is bad but I feel like it glorifies God by speaking of the love that God has ordained between men and women, nor does it make any references to sex...just genuine admiration. But I may be if you have any input...let's here it. And if you want to post songs that you feel don't glorify God...let us know why also.

[Eric Benet]
[Eric Benet]
I never knew such a day could come
And i never knew such a love could be inside of one
And i never knew what my life was for (what you think about this part ?)
But now that you’re here, i know for sure
I never knew til’ i looked in your eyes {oh baby}
I was incomplete til’ the day you walked into my life {umm...hmm}
And i never knew that my heart could feel so precious and pure
One love so real, real
[Eric Benet]
Can i just see you every morning when (every morning, babe)
I look in your eyes
Can i just feel your heart beating beside me every night (every day)
Can we just feel this way together til’ the end of all time
(Can i just spend my life) Can i just spend my life with you {umm...hmm}
[Eric Benet]
Now baby the days and the weeks and the years will roll by
But nothing will change the love inside of you and i
And baby I’ll never find any words that could explain
Just how much my heart, my life, my soul you’ve changed
Can you run to these open arms when no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world i’m your woman and you’re my man
Can you just feel how much i love you with one touch of my hand
Can i just spend my life with you
[Eric Benet]
No touch has ever felt so wonderful (you are incredible)
Not a deeper love I’ve ever known {never let you go}
[Eric Benet & Tamia]
I swear this love is true [now and forever to you, to you...oh...oh] [tone
[Eric Benet & Tamia]
Can i just see you every morning when i open my eyes
Can i just feel your heart beating beside me every night
Can we just feel this way together til’ the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you
Can you run to these open arms when no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
{You’re my woman} and (you’re my man)
Can you just feel how much i love you with one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just spend my life with you [forever here with you]
Can I just spend my life with you
[Tamia] Can I just see you every morning when i open my eyes
[Eric Benet & Tamia] Oooh....oooh

Chica, this is in reference to the words of the song in your post above:

I never knew such a day could come
And i never knew such a love could be inside of one
And i never knew what my life was for
(what you think about this part ?)
But now that you’re here, i know for sure

My answer is this:

21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Genesis 2:21-24

God 'completed' Adam with Eve....His Plan and Purpose fulfilled.

In the song, I know they are singing out of being in love with each other and when a man and woman are in love, they feel their lives and purpose for life is completed. Who is anyone to dispute, 'whom God has joined together', as being they are fulfilling God's purpose and His plan for them. They pretty much are fulfilling God's purpose for man and woman, which is to marry and replenish the earth (or to preserve what's in it)and to give all Glory to God and share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As for Craig Lewis...he's not God... :lol:

And from what I've been 'hearing' about him, i'm glad. :giggle:

I need to find out more about this man and listen/read about what he is talking so much about. He sounds like a 'cannon'; blasting continuous fires at issues/folks.

God love him.... :lol:

I wouldn't care too much about what 'Craig Lewis' has to say, but more about what God is speaking to your heart. :giveheart:
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I wanted to share this...

Chica, this is from the movie "Yentl" (starring Barbra Striesand), one of my most favorite music collections from movie soundtracks.

Listen to her opening prayer....I love it.


There are some things that you should never get 'Shimmie' started on. :lol:

Music, Dancing, Prayer................and Jesus, the Goodness of our Lord God All Mighty.
Sorry for not coming back BUT ummm, I really didn't think anything was wrong with the song. I guess I don't really understand that scripture but ummmm, no I'm not changing this as my wedding song. LOL. And yes, I will play songs from SOME secular artists...Tamia, Eric Benet, Anita Baker, etc.
oh yeah, add to that Sade as you mentioned, some Lionel Richie, some Whitney pre-rehab, that Kenny Loggins' song "Love Will Follow". That's all I can think of now. Oh and the "Complicated" song by Nivea.

I think and this is just my opinion that sometimes we may tend to overanalyze things and I'm not saying that is what Craig Lewis is doing because he brought up a lot of good points but I don't believe that every secular song is bad. I'm not a brand new Christian but I am one of those brand-new Christians as far as seeking God in the past two months but I think these are one of those issues where people have personal discrepancies. I remember reading something about a man in the bible talking about not eating meat if it causes' his brother to sin and this is the kind of issue I think that is.
Sorry for not coming back BUT ummm, I really didn't think anything was wrong with the song. I guess I don't really understand that scripture but ummmm, no I'm not changing this as my wedding song. LOL. And yes, I will play songs from SOME secular artists...Tamia, Eric Benet, Anita Baker, etc.

oh yeah, add to that Sade as you mentioned, some Lionel Richie, some Whitney pre-rehab, that Kenny Loggins' song "Love Will Follow". That's all I can think of now. Oh and the "Complicated" song by Nivea.

I think and this is just my opinion that sometimes we may tend to overanalyze things and I'm not saying that is what Craig Lewis is doing because he brought up a lot of good points but I don't believe that every secular song is bad. I'm not a brand new Christian but I am one of those brand-new Christians as far as seeking God in the past two months but I think these are one of those issues where people have personal discrepancies. I remember reading something about a man in the bible talking about not eating meat if it causes' his brother to sin and this is the kind of issue I think that is.
I agree with you, totally about your wedding song and about music. Not 'all' secular music is 'Secular'... :yep: It doesn't dishonor nor separate you from God.

Music is like a Beautiful Garden, a 'gift' to enjoy; a gift that brings joy to one's heart. We just weed out the weeds and harmful pests, and keep our focus on the beauty of it and from where it came....all from Heaven.

Now as for this man, Craig Lewis :rolleyes:. Just who is he? I've seen his name and his quotes mentioned several times in post/threads; I've even responded to such as he has written, but I still do not know who he is or where he is located.

Who is this man who has such a degree of impact that so many are quoting and have taken 'fear' of. Geeesh..... he's just a man.
I agree with you, totally about your wedding song and about music. Not 'all' secular music is 'Secular'... :yep: It doesn't dishonor nor separate you from God.

Music is like a Beautiful Garden, a 'gift' to enjoy; a gift that brings joy to one's heart. We just weed out the weeds and harmful pests, and keep our focus on the beauty of it and from where it came....all from Heaven.

Now as for this man, Craig Lewis :rolleyes:. Just who is he? I've seen his name and his quotes mentioned several times in post/threads; I've even responded to such as he has written, but I still do not know who he is or where he is located.

Who is this man who has such a degree of impact that so many are quoting and have taken 'fear' of. Geeesh..... he's just a man.

Well, I don't know why I didnt' see it before but he was right about alot of secular music. And the reason people bring him up so much is because he is really the first person to go mainstream and talk about specifically what is wrong with it so that is why people think about him when it comes to Christians and secular music. But for me, I thank God for using him to break alot of things down that I probably just dismissed as "okay" or overlooked but now since I have knowledge about secular music, I will let the holy spirit guide me in the type of songs like the one mentioned above.
Well, I don't know why I didnt' see it before but he was right about alot of secular music. And the reason people bring him up so much is because he is really the first person to go mainstream and talk about specifically what is wrong with it so that is why people think about him when it comes to Christians and secular music. But for me, I thank God for using him to break alot of things down that I probably just dismissed as "okay" or overlooked but now since I have knowledge about secular music, I will let the holy spirit guide me in the type of songs like the one mentioned above.
You know what Chica....

Even without 'Craig Lewis' , we (you, me, and 'all' Christians) know about secular music. I mean, Gee Whiz, we 'know' about movies, TV shows, Dancing and the like.

Craig doesn't have the 'mold' on this issue. I mean, 'We" Know! :lol:

Even my babies 'know' the difference and the right from wrong.

Who IS this Craig Lewis and why is he such a guru on what 'we' already know.

When 'we' were growing up, we were not allowed to 'Dance' on Sunday or watch TV unless it was a worship program of some sort. Back then, there were Sunday 'Devotionals' that came on each Sunday morning and evening. Now, we have a flood of ministries on TV and Radio and the Internet.

The only media that was allowed was the radio stations which played 'scriptual' music, etc. And our parents would listen to the weather and initial news reports just to be aware. As children we had our 'Child Study Bibles with little activities which were Bible related and they were fun and they were used to reinforce what we learned in Sunday School classes.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Craig Lewis isn't saying anything that 'we' as Christians don't already know. Even before I was committed to the Lord and 'Saved' as an Adult, I still 'knew' what was God and what wasn't.

Who is this Craig Lewis? :lachen: That's all I wanna know. :lachen:

I don't even 'know' him and yet I still know right from wrong. I know the Holy Spirit who lives and dwells within me and not what Craig Lewis has to say. :yep: Whoever he is.....:lol: I've been around a lot of people from all walks of 'faith', thunder and lightening, you name it. I've probably heard it all. :lol:

Hugs and Blessings to you Angel. Chica, you kmow right from wrong and I know your heart, even more God knows your heart. Enjoy your music selections. There is nothing that you have touched that God has not lead you to. You're a woman of God and a beautiful and graceful one. Enjoy your music.

I've found his (G. Craig Lewis's) website and I'm reading now. I see what his stance is and in much of what he speaks I totally agree with him. He is indeed 'speaking out' and he's not biting his tongue on issues. He's very 'out there.'

Hip Hop --- he's speaking to our youth which has been hypnotized by the Hip Hop exploitation of our youth's generation.

Homosexuality......... He's on point....totally.

I understand more about your post and music concerns. I can see this more as a whole than in part.

I'm sorry if I appeared to be insensitive. :bighug:
For me personally. Since taking my walk with Jesus seriously and not just playing "church" any love song that I hear that is not refering to sex(which unfortunately has been equated with love which is an entirely new subject) I think of the love that Jesus has for me and that I have for him. But I pretty much listen to Christian music nowadays anyhow.