Giving up on PJS


Well-Known Member
It's time for me to give up on trying all these hair products. First of all, I tried my L'Oreal Nature's Hot Oil alone for the second time to give it a chance---and just like I thought the first time---it's garbage on my hair! It's confusing becasue I gave Pantene Smooth and Sleek a second chance and it worked!! But all other products, second chances have just been a second chance for the product to screw up my hair. I'm going to make an effort to stick to my tried and true products--and buy samples when I want to try new products. I'm going to try to buy full bottles only if samples aren't available and I know I have someone willing to take the bottle off my hand. Otherwise I just end up forcing myself to use it.

Secondly, I went shopping today and was depressed when I couldn't afford everything I wanted. I need to trim the hair budget and carry it over into the fashion budget.

Lastly--I've been complaining about my body for too long. I'd love some killer calves--if I obsessed about my calves half as much as I obsessed about my hair---I'd be working my skirts!!!! I guess hair is an easier goal because I don't wanna exercise and it doesn't take much physical work to take care of your hair. It's also more fun to pamper your hair.

Not sure if this belongs on the Off-Topic Board but I just wanted to share. ALthough I think this is the second time I said something like this. I'm going to try harder to balance it out.

Wish me luck!!!
Good luck in sticking to your resolution. Adrienne's advice is what keeps me strong. "Keep it simple and do not be swayed by what people say about a product." If something is working for you and your hair is doing well, don't be tempted to get something just because someone else raves about it. They may have had a problem you don't have. What's more, hair responds differently to the same products - even hair within the same category (eg, one person's hair will respond well to "cones" and while another's will not). So remember the slogan "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Our diversity is a real blessing. And you will do well to find the ideal product(s) FOR YOUR HAIR because down the road, someone might have bad luck with a product that's a hit with everyone else and s/he might just need YOUR advice from YOUR experience with YOUR ideal products.
And that'll be your chance to give to the world and make someone's life a touch better. So be your own person. Do what works for YOU and not the world. If you find your hair lacking in something, THEN and only then may you allow yourself to sample a new "remedy", emphasis on sample, pun intended. Coz hun, you ain't seen nothing yet! When your hair is down to your knees, you'll need to buy more stuff to keep all that length in top condition. So you oughta start a small fund for that time now instead of blowing every penny you have on experiments you may not necessarily need.

Didn't mean to lecture; just trying to give you 'nuff charge to keep you going in the direction you have chosen. I know I'm always in need of extra motivation no matter how strong my convictions.

Now let's see how well I practice what I preach.
Chica, I understand your desire to trim the hair care budget. I am feeling the pressure too. I felt so inspired and encouraged by the willpower of the LHCF July challengers that I put myself on my own personal August challenge. When I announced my intentions to my husband, he chuckled.
hwell: Good luck on your journey!
I when through that a year ago. I've only tried 3 new products recently...LUST being the last one...and it was raved about for awhile before I got it. I mostly restock the products I am currently using.
P.S. For killer calves stand with one foot on a phone book or facing a step(heel hanging off the the step) and in the opposite hand use a hand held weight and do calf raises(10)..raising the heel up and down...then switch legs and arms and do 10 on the other side. Do this every other day...2 sets. Increase the weight once they become easy to do...and don't forget to stretch after each set by dropping the hand weight and just lowering the heels of both feet(toes still on edge of step or book)down until you feel the stretch...
I understand what you mean. I want to get to a point where I don't feel the need to try so many different products also. I wish you good luck!
I had stopped being a PJ for a good while. It's just that new products came along that I hadn't heard of and I wanted to try them. I never would have found Elucence if I hadn't fallen off the bandwagon.

I had fun and I don't think my hair suffered too much, but its just time to spread the love to the rest of me...ya know?

I have products that I'm happy enough with so I think I'll be okay.
I have to agree with the ladies, once you find your staples - the PJism stops. Everytime I buy something new, I don't like it - I save all these items for my teenage daughter. Restocking does cost me a small fortune as I use Nexxus and buy the liter sizes so I really can't afford to be a PJ.