giving advice and needing regimen for 14 yr old


Well-Known Member
I know hat some people are more open to advice then others. My husbands 14 year old cousin stayed for the weekend. We started talking about hair care and growing hair properly. Some of the things she told me she was doing are crazy. Take for example falling asleep with a relaxer in. I asked her how in the world she did that. She said I just did. She showed me all the scabs she had in her head. It was horrible. I told her not to ever do that again. She said well it wasnt burning at first. I told her you should not be waiting for burning to occur. I asked her how long she used usually leave them in. She said I used to leave them in for an hour. I must have her a look that said why in the world she would do that because she said why does everyone look at me like that. She said I only do it for 30 minutes now. I go you really don't have to do that. She said yes I do. So I go into more detail which she listens to about a part of. Her grandma helped her put the relaxer in and trimmed her ends. Her hair is above shoulder length . But neglected to monitor her relaxer time. :(
So about an hour goes by and she mentions how my mil is always washing her own hair. My mil washes her hair about twice a month greases it. Mil is old school and doesn't believe anything I say anyway she goes on to tell me that is just washing out the nutrients. I told her I wash my hair and condition wash my hair every 3 days. She tells me well your even worse. I tell her about to do it properly and my hair likes it. Well she tells me you should only wash once every 2 months. Please help me to create a hair regimen for this child She is somewhat open to ideas.
Some pple are more open to others when it comes to listening to haircare advice. I took a friend of mines out yesterday to pick up some things to get her regimen started. But another friend of mines listens half and half, especially when you tell them how often you wash your hair, lol, then their are some who have actually joined the forum, so I guess it depends on how important it is to them to keep their hair healthy and growing.:ohwell:
Well I guess you'll have to find out what products will work for her and be w/in her budget if her parents won't be aiding her haircare bill. She'll need:
Moisturizing poo, moisturing cond., protein treatment, daily moisturizer, EVOO or some oil for pre-poos/hot oil treatments, leave-in cond., Jilbere shower comb, and a paid subscribtion to LHCF.
Since her hair is above shoulder length, she needs to learn about protective styles to start retaining some length, and find out what relaxer and stregth she's using to make sure it's good for her hair.
Maybe you should invite her over when you have the time and offer to do her hair for her. While you are washing and styling explain the types of products you are using and how they help the hair.

When she sees how much better her hair looks she may be more open to trying a new hair regimen.