Give me a professional colorist anytime......


Indy Girl Growing Strong
I'm right now in the process of getting my hair colored by a professional colorist. I'm so bored with my dark brown (I've used a chestnut brown semi), that I've decided to really kick it up a notch. I don't know a thing about using highlights, but rather than to do the worst damage on my hair, I'll let the experts do this.

Can you give me some pointers on how I should get my hair highlighted by professional colorists? Tracy, maybe you can help me on this. And instead of using bleach which is damaging to the hair, can I ask the colorist would using a foiling technique be a safer choice for chemically relaxed hair? TIA

Using foil vs. caps vs. freehand isn't *really* what makes the procedure damaging.

The formula the colorist uses to color your hair is the real thing to focus on. If your natural haircolor makes it possible (meaning: if your hair is medium to light brown) just have her use a regular permanent color. Stylists like to use bleach because it's quick and it's sure to work. This is the LEAST safe way to do it and the hardest to control in terms of the end result of the color.

Foil and bleach aren't mutually exclusive though. The foil technique - where they apply the color solution to strands of hair and then wrap them in foil - can be done with bleach, just as it can be done with regular permanent color.....

I prefer the cap method, because I find it produces the most natural looking, least "stripey" looking result. Some people don't like because they feel the pulling of the cap through the cap is "damaging" because of "manipulation". I disagree. You do it once and it takes ten minutes and if you apply a bt of oil to your hair before you do it and your hair isn't majorly damaged (in which case you shouldn't be highlighting it anyway) it really shouldn't be any more damaging than combing through your hair when it's a little tangled. But that's just me, and I understand people have their as to HOW they're physically applied, that's really a personal choice.

My recommendation is to go with color based highlights. That's what I'd stress to the professional.
Tracy, how much oil should one put on the hair before getting the highlights? Should it be saturated with the oil?
No. Just a little. It's not really that big a deal. I don't even do it at all when I use the cap. People just freak out so much about it (and it's REALLY not that big a deal) that a little oil sometimes helps assuage the fears....

It's just not as damaging as people think it is, no matter how it feels when the hair is actually being pulled through the cap....You don't HAVE to apply oil at all, if you don't want to. It's just for really anal folks...LOL!