Giovanni Direct - White Residue???


Well-Known Member
I notice that a lot of ladies here still use Giovanni direct leave in. The problem that I have is the dull white residue it leaves on the hair shaft. I've seen this in reviews across the board online, ever since a formula change that is said to have occurred around 2011.

I want to like this product (affordable if you know where to get it, no animal testing, de tangling etc). But I'm having major problems with the residue. It's just not working. How do you work around the residue? I can't mix with eco styler because my hair does not do gel.

Is there another recommended product similar to Givoanni Direct that does NOT have this problem?
I didn't have that problem and that was the only product I would use it after my cowash when I would wear wash and goes.
I fill a spray bottle with water then add about 1-2 tbsp worth. Shake. Then I'm good to go.
Not sure of an alternative. Is the product/conditioner you are using before it contain a lot of butters or shea butter, or a lot of heavy oils. It sounds like you the product applied before the leave-in is coating the hair enough to not allow the leave-in to absorb into the hair.
are you putting it on soaking/damp hair. Or dry/damp hair? I get residue if my hair is not wet enough
are you putting it on soaking/damp hair. Or dry/damp hair? I get residue if my hair is not wet enough

I don't think it goes well with the texture of my soaking wet hair. I've seen old youtube videos with the old formula on almost dry hair. I'm just disappointed now.
Direct leave in used to work so well for me yrs ago but every time I use the product, my hair tangles up so bad, leaves a white residue and doesn't work well with gels. I finally decided to throw the bottle away.
I notice that a lot of ladies here still use Giovanni direct leave in. The problem that I have is the dull white residue it leaves on the hair shaft. I've seen this in reviews across the board online, ever since a formula change that is said to have occurred around 2011.

I want to like this product (affordable if you know where to get it, no animal testing, de tangling etc). But I'm having major problems with the residue. It's just not working. How do you work around the residue? I can't mix with eco styler because my hair does not do gel.

Is there another recommended product similar to Givoanni Direct that does NOT have this problem?
I have heard people say that if you get a white residue than you maybe applying too much. I have tried applying little and a lot and it doesn't do anything for me, and I've never had slip with it either.

Now I mix it with my shea butter mix and it works better. But I still don't get no slip. Only silicones give me slip.
I had this very same problem when I used this product. I did my big chop while studying abroad in South Africa and Giovanni was a product line I could find in excess.

Anyway, I researched the Giovanni line and I had remembered my older sister using it in college and decided I would try the CG method in conjunction with the products. The Giovanni direct leave in while making my hair soft and moisturized it did leave a white cast. Not a sticky, messy one, but it was noticeable. Even when I would do a wash and go at night I would still wake up with the white residue. Annoying much!

I eventually decided to abandon the CG method and used the remaining product on my hair when I would water rinse and halo braid in the summer with EVOO. It worked great and dried quickly with the oil.

I always wondered why it would look nice with a halo braid but not on my strands individually. Hmmm....

I know that when I go curly in the summer I will do this method again.
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