*giggle* I want my newbie thread too


Well-Known Member
My name is Nikki. I wanted to start my own "newbie thread" since I am all up here welcoming all the reformed lurkers and I am still a semi-lurker myself. I'd been lurking for quite some time and joined awhile ago. I am truly addicted already.

I am transitioning, with my last relaxer being November 2009. I don't ever want to go back to them either. I am still trying to get a regimen together but I am having a blast trying new products. Co-washing is the BESTEST (yes bestest) thing ever, on the weekends.

I just signed up for fotki yesterday and have some pics I'd like to share.
I have no idea what my hair type is, and I hope you ladies might be able to help me, once I post my pics. I look forward to talking and sharing my journey with you all. :D
Welcome!!!!!!!!!! pics pics pics!!! let me not talk b4 I upload mine... Dunno how u manage being a semi lurker... B4 I joined I was on here every minute!
Welcome!!!!!!!!!! pics pics pics!!! let me not talk b4 I upload mine... Dunno how u manage being a semi lurker... B4 I joined I was on here every minute!

LOL I am shy *not*. I think it was because I was still in limbo about what I wanted to do with my hair. I was a subscribed lurker too. LOL I paid to lurk for awhile. LOL Thank you for the welcome :D
Hows ur transition going and how long are you going for?

Thank you Whimsy! My transition is going ok. :ohwell: I did my first protected style (Sew-in with alittle hair left out) and after it was taken out I noticed my left side temple area is VERY THIN. So I am trying to baby those thin areas using Doo-Gro and oils (is that too much?)

At that same appointment I had the stylist cut more of my relaxed ends off (into a bob) but am now regretting it because I can't bun or do a decent bantu knot. I have started co-washing on the weekends and I LOOOOVE it. However during the week I am wearing it straight for work. I work in corporate america and I feel some kind of way about wearing a short ponytail everyday. :ohwell:

I have no set time for my transition. Everyday I feel like the next might be the end of my transition but I don't want to regret chopping too early. I have a round, chubby face so I am skeptical about a TWA on ME. So, today, tomorrow OR a year from now I might B.C. :grin: Any suggestions?

You can't ask me one question and get a short answer. :lachen:
My name is Nikki. I wanted to start my own "newbie thread" since I am all up here welcoming all the reformed lurkers and I am still a semi-lurker myself. I'd been lurking for quite some time and joined awhile ago. I am truly addicted already.

I am transitioning, with my last relaxer being November 2009. I don't ever want to go back to them either. I am still trying to get a regimen together but I am having a blast trying new products. Co-washing is the BESTEST (yes bestest) thing ever, on the weekends.

I just signed up for fotki yesterday and have some pics I'd like to share.
I have no idea what my hair type is, and I hope you ladies might be able to help me, once I post my pics. I look forward to talking and sharing my journey with you all. :D

Welcome girlie. I'm a newbie too. :-)

Welcome aboard to both of you!!!:yep::yep: