Question Gifs in siggy


Baby Chick Gate 2011
I was told that we weren't allowed to have gifs in our siggy, but I'm still seeing folks with gifs who are regular am I to take it that this is allowed again?
I guess those folx were "lucky" enough not to be noticed by the admin. I was one of the unfortunate saps that was told to remove a gif from my siggy months ago and I complied right away. I've also been seeing many people w/ gifs.
So yeah, I would like my siggy back...but I don't want to make the banned...

And I'm seeing gifs in the sigs of regular posters. I came back after a months long absense and got busted within two weeks...
Yes. Nikos pm'd me and told me no gif siggies and alot of people were posting with gif siggies. I was like :huh: I guess I just got caught. I just changed my siggy again because I saw this thread at the top of the screen the other day and put the one that I have now up. Don't wanna make the banned. :look:

Please do not run into conclusions i.e. I will get banned. Throughout the years every year I call for a reduction of massive signatures. Most people shrink them and that is the end of it.

There are also a few automated scripts that either remove signatures and/or alert me of people having animated gifs.

Personally I have no problem with any of these (animated gifs or huge signatures). The problem though is that some members connect using dialup and the huge signatures impedes their browsing experience and some people do not have high powered computers and as a result the animated gifs slow the browser resulting in a not so good browsing experience.

The PM was more of a polite way of enforcing the rule.