Ghetto, Makeshift Haircare...

paper bag curlers. this one is more country then ghetto but you take strips of a paper bag and use it to curl you hair. i'm not to good with these but my best friend can do curl her hair like this real good.
and when you can't afford the pretty straight hair for you braids, just get a the regular kind that isn't to kinky, braid it, knot the ends and take a little baby oil gel and blow dry. the baby oil gives it lots of shine and it has more body then they straight hair.
and this last one is for you skin but oh well, i use toothpaste to clear my skin if i'm breaking out. you wash you face then put on the pimples. but don't do it to often it will make you skin peel.
I use toothpaste for blemishes too. In fact I'm gonna have to pull that trick works even better if you put ice on the pimple for a couple of minutes then put the toothpaste on and go to bed, in the morning the pimple will usually be gone or waaaaaay smaller.
I use toothpaste for blemishes too. In fact I'm gonna have to pull that trick works even better if you put ice on the pimple for a couple of minutes then put the toothpaste on and go to bed, in the morning the pimple will usually be gone or waaaaaay smaller.

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Me too!
I used to curl my hair with magazine papers the curls came out real good!
oh yea and at night I would wrap my hair up with a slip kept the moisture in and everything

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That seems like it would make sense. The pages are laminated and wouldn't rob the hair of moisture. And I've done the plastic bag thing too many times to count.
Hey Toothpaste girls,

I read that you can crush an aspirin up and mix it with water. Then apply the mixture to the blemish. I'm sure that it would work because alot of acne treatments have salicylic acid in them and aspirin is made from salicylic acid also. The aspirin thing is supposed to work really fast.

When I was in 8th grade, I remember using a mixture of baking soda and water on some blemishes and it worked too!
It is so good to see that people are human
I used the grocery bag instead of a plastic cap. Also, when going out to eat, always asked for lemons and water so I could make lemonade - saved money on buying sodas. Did this as a student but still do it now once in a while
- Dress slips as silk bonnets, especially when air drying on large rollers

- Plastic bags for shower caps, conditioning caps

That's about it....(that I can remember)...
I have a few persky gray hairs in the front and color them in with my eye liner or a sharpie/magic marker/crayon. Don't forget using eyeliner as lip liner.
I've done the toothpaste thing on zits before too, but it didn't work for me. I way prefer the Queen Helene Mint Julep mask.

Peachtree, on that picture of Brook Kerr from Passions that you have posted on your signature, her hair looks so nice. It looks so much better than when she's on the show. Her curls look so much more defined on that picture.
This thread makes me happy

I've used wax paper when I ran out of end papers (I actually used the non-waxy side)
I had an old satin nightgown that had too many buttons missing so it was transformed to a pillowcase
And this one isn't so ghetto--I don't have any kind of dropper or dispenser for oils (my coconut oil is in a jar) so I use a straw...dip it in, hold finger over the top hole, and go on about my business
This isn't related to my hair, but I've used hairpins to hold a hem when I didn't have any safety pins.

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I used staples
I'm ashamed to admit, but I've used staples to hold up my hair!!! Paper clips, too! Please don't get mad at me was before I learned about haircare!

Boy was I dumb.
I too have conditioned with plastic grocery bags. One of my friends told me I was pathetic and gave me some shower caps. It's all cool though, college has taught me how to be CHEAP!!!!

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I do that all the time esp when i need to do pre-shampoo treatments with oils, when I'm done i just toss them in the trash. I hate rinsing/washing showercaps.
Oh yeah, I forgot microwaving weave with rollers on it so it would dry quicker...

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I don't buy plastic caps for my conditioner. You only get like 3 or six. I buy a 99 cent box of food storage bags. They are the perfect size and you get 100 in the box.
I'm also guilty of many of these but hey they work.
Mly3e, what brand of food storage bags are you talking about. I so much detest washing my shower cap after conditioning.
I buy the clear, plastic shower caps (I think maybe they're 20 a pack?) from the BSS. Although 100/box...hmmm....
I just checked the box and its 50, not 100 (sorrry about that). The name brand is PRIDE. Its in a yellow box and can be found at the 99 cent store. They're great. You don't have to worry about throwing rinsing them because they are so cheap.
I have a couple....

- When I was younger, I used dishwashing soap to shampoo my hair!! That was a mess!

- I have definitely used plastic bags instead of shower caps, although now at the BSS, they sell packs of like 50 shower caps for $2, They disposable, made for salons.

- I've used eyeliner to color in my edges if they look sparse!

Ok, that's it....I think!
