Getting rid of splits


Well-Known Member
I have splits and bubbles on my strands going up sometimes 4 inches. I know I need to do a major cut but I don't want to. My hair comfortably fits into a pony tail now, but with I hack off 4 inches I wont be able to pony tails or buns again until next year! Is it okay to trim an inch off every other month, or should I just wait and cut the whole length off?

Girl, trim as much as u'd like. Think of it as transitioning. Just keep dusting and trimming regularly, u'll see ur splits start to disappear.
I would like to know too cos them splits never seem to disappear, ive trimmed so much that i keep trimming my progress away.
any other ideas apart from trimming would be nicer
same thing happened to me so i chopped off about 7 inches. They are better but i still have some left.
have you ladies figured out what's causing the splits? personally, i wont cut anything until i figure out why i have splits in the first place. Then i would protective style with extensions (weave, braids, or twists) while doing an inch cut every time i take the extensions out. HTH
same thing happened to me so i chopped off about 7 inches. They are better but i still have some left.
Did u cut off 7 inches all at once? or little by little?

have you ladies figured out what's causing the splits? personally, i wont cut anything until i figure out why i have splits in the first place. Then i would protective style with extensions (weave, braids, or twists) while doing an inch cut every time i take the extensions out. HTH
The only thing I can think of for myself is chronic dryness. I don't do any of the other things that tend to cause splits.
I couldn't deal with it they were all over my strands so i cut it all at once in December.

I still don't know what caused it. I thought i did everything right but it's the worst my hair has ever been. I did an 8 month stretch then relaxed, it might be that. Now i am left with 4 inches and they r healthier.

One more thing i do not do protective styles at all and i never did so i don't think it's that.
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I would like to know too cos them splits never seem to disappear, ive trimmed so much that i keep trimming my progress away.
any other ideas apart from trimming would be nicer

How about a search and destroy method. I do this most of the time....and I also dust.
well if you trim gradually, wont the hair just keep splitting? if you said the splits reach as far as four inches, you better cut off four inches. not one, not two..... you want to get rid of them right?
well if you trim gradually, wont the hair just keep splitting? if you said the splits reach as far as four inches, you better cut off four inches. not one, not two..... you want to get rid of them right?

I'm not sure. When I say that some go up as far as 4 inches, I dont mean the traditional split where the strand forks into two and the fork is 4 inches high. It's the bubble strands with one or more bubbles per strand that can be seen as high up as 4 inches. I don't know if the bubbles travel up or not.

I know I'm going to have to cut it all off eventually, but with my life as busy as it is I don't want to decrease the manageability of my hair but cutting off too much right now...:ohwell:
have you ladies figured out what's causing the splits? personally, i wont cut anything until i figure out why i have splits in the first place. Then i would protective style with extensions (weave, braids, or twists) while doing an inch cut every time i take the extensions out. HTH

I use to have major splits, no sooner I cut they would come back, I'm natural, never use heat and protective style and used moisture daily. But once I started DC'n 2x a week, I barely can find 1 split. So I know for sure that DC'n made mine almost vanish, why I don't know, but it has.
i have them everywhere too but im not cutting..with my texture im sure split free hair is impossible.i also dont use heat, keep up w/moisture,ps style and all that good ish.they are inevitable.i S&D when i see them but i dont go out my way and cut off INCHES of my hair.

they may get a bad wrap but i haven't had any problems with my hair yet
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I wouldn't cut off 4 inches! Nurse your hair and trim gradually...A good S and D will take care of the more bothersome strands... But many times splits may just be the nature of your texture...A few here and there will not kill you.

Just step up ur DC game and find a moisturizing leave-in that works for you.
My splits really do need to go. My hair breaks a lot. I only retain about 3 of my 6 inches of growth a year. I didn't know why it was breaking so much then I realized I had so many split ends. I also noticed that the breakage tends to be a art of the split pulling off, or snapping off where the bubble is. I need to get rid of them because its really slowing my progress.

My plan of attack is to trim an inch or two off every 3 months and S&D in between. Hopefully the bulk of the splits will be gone by autumn.