Bug getting on the site

@Myjourney2009 and @Nonie - I have LHCF (www.longhaircareforum.com) set as a favorite and when I click on it I now get the message "Some of the areas are temporarily down for routine maintenance and/or upgrades. This maintenance should be finished shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience. Have a great day! Warmly, ~ Long Hair Care Forum"


When I google LHCF and select one of the hyperlinks for one of the forums, it brings me to the LHCF forum of my choice with no issues.


ETA: I'm using Firefox and this problem just started yesterday. This does not happen when using IE. Perhaps it's a browser issue. (so I guess I answered my own question).
Well, I got that message yesterday after I'd been on the forum for a bit and then stepped away. When I returned got the message. I have always uses Firefox to get on this site, but whenever I get that message, I usually assume Nikos is doing some maintenance. It usually doesn't last long, and when it does or will, usually Nikos will make a huge announcement in advance.

Not sure why you were able to get through a back door though. :scratchch
^^^ Same here i'm using Chrome. It started last night( right after the SF-Boundless tresses thread went poof) and is continuing today.

Having trouble logging on both with Mozilla which I use the most as well as Internet Explorer.

@Highly Favored8, @Damaged but not out Really? I use Mozilla and I got on with ease today. After it went into maintenance mode last night, I went to bed. This morning it seems to be working fine.


@foxee, interesting about the cookies. I wonder whether Nikos isn't trying to fix the other issues (like "mention" feature) and in doing so, somehow changed the path a bit so that if you're using cookies to get back to the site quickly, you're ending up in limbo. Since it's a new day, different PC with no cookies, perhaps that's why I haven't had any problems.

ETA @Damaged but not out, I'm excited I can mention you now. So excited I feel a song coming on: ♪You and me us never part, makidada; you and me us have one heart, makidada; ain't no ocean ain't no [PC], makidada; keep my sister away from me...
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Nonie - It's my desktop that is having issues. Interesting thing is, I can log on without backdooring it (googling LHCF and accessing it through a forum hyperlink) by using Firefox on my laptop. My phone app and my ipad app is working without issue. As long as I can get on, I guess that's all that matters.