Getting another install today + Hair Brand (pic heavy)

Your hair looks great!!! I love the naturalness of the weave. Your stylist did an awesome job. How long are you going to keep it?

i know this sounds crazy, but I'm going to try to keep it in until Dec. I had a one of my best friends at school with me who's natural go into weave for 5-6 months (she got 2 installs) and went from neck length to APL. I had longer hair than she did before and after, well, y'all know I like pics...

my friend, J on the left. Notice how mine's longer



her wash n go before

with her install for about 5-6 months (in the purple)


and after the take down (check the length and size of wash n go)

(ignore us and our silly hand gesture)




you can't tell from the front, but in the back she was past APL. Needless to say, I asked her regimen while she had the hair in and went into this protective style. Notice she has no thinning or damage either.

eta: sorry for being so pic heavy again, but i needed to illustrate yet another reason why I'm doing this method
I'll check the other pages to see if this was already answered but who's the weavologist? I'm in the Houston area and might consider going to her. :grinwink:

Her name is Tinnell, look through this thread and you'll see another post I made with her pictures and her installs on HERSELF for some of her work. She's really good
I LOVE her work as shown in pics. Can you PM me her info? TIA. You, your friend, and Tinnell are gorgeous, by the way!
Keep the pictures coming..., I love it!!

Your friend's hair grows really really fast! Even if I kept the weave in longer (which I am going to attempt to do with your help, lol), I know I will not grow that much hair in 4 months. Wow, I would be thrilled if that could happen but knowing how my hair grows at a snail pace, I would only set myself up for disappointment. Anyway, I am going to try to keep this weave in for as LONG as I can. Hopefully, I will be motivated when it gets really tough by following this thread. You definitely are a weave-it-up-for-growth hair inspiration.
Nichi, your hair is simply beautiful, as are you.

Btw, are all of your friends natural? Just curious. The also all seem to have really clear skin.
WOW, this is a beautiful install. If you had never mentioned it, I would not have known it wasn't growing out of your scalp.
i cant see the darn pics

Dang, none of them? at all? I posted em to the post instead of attaching them, to be seen easier. I wonder if anyone's having issues besides you, I hope not. It seems that most can. Do you have image block?

Keep the pictures coming..., I love it!!

Your friend's hair grows really really fast! Even if I kept the weave in longer (which I am going to attempt to do with your help, lol), I know I will not grow that much hair in 4 months. Wow, I would be thrilled if that could happen but knowing how my hair grows at a snail pace, I would only set myself up for disappointment. Anyway, I am going to try to keep this weave in for as LONG as I can. Hopefully, I will be motivated when it gets really tough by following this thread. You definitely are a weave-it-up-for-growth hair inspiration.

Don't just take my word for it, check out Ediese's threads and her fotki. Weaving is just another way to keep it simple, stretch, use less heat, etc. My friends hair grows at regular pace, it's just that it's noticeable because it was one way before the weave and another. We never really notice our growth when we wear our hair out often. You get it? Dont doubt yourself, i believe you WILL get noticeable growth. She complained about her growth too, but being in Law School, she didn't have too much time to devote to always doing her hair, so weave was a quick fix. On another note, I'm happy youre enjoying the pics, I figured I wasn't the only visual person. I need to SEE to believe.

I LOVE her work as shown in pics. Can you PM me her info? TIA. You, your friend, and Tinnell are gorgeous, by the way!

Sent! Thanks so much for all the kind words, you are truly a sweet person. I'm really flattered.

Nichi, your hair is simply beautiful, as are you.

Btw, are all of your friends natural? Just curious. The also all seem to have really clear skin.

A BIG Thank You! Not ALL my friends are natural, most of them are, and the ones who aren't get two relaxers a year. I've noticed, (or maybe at my grad school), that most female graduate students are natural. I think there is a correlation between advanced education/age and natural hair (in my opinion) in females. A lot of my friends and family in undergraduate statuses are relaxed.

As far as the skin, I don't know what it is, maybe it's the Texas water, lol. I can say that after we got on our journeys, we learned more about skin care too. We get our soaps and cleansers from Whole Foods and use the Neutrogena face bar. Almost all of us do. In addition, we drink tons of water, I mean TONS. We even remind each other to drink more. We take vitamins and also try to live a carefree relaxed life. School and work are stress enough. Maybe that's what it is.
I really like your styles. You are right out of sight is out of mind.... You are doing a great job of keeping your hair up. Way to go!
Wow! her progress is amazing. I am soo scared about possible breakage/thinning with the weave due to a bad installer. I wish I could find someone really good in Chicago.
Wow, Tinnell's work is awesome. Normally I am a lurker :sekret: but I couldn't help myself. Please, PM me her info. I am new to Houston and I am looking for a great weavologist.....Thanks
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Hey guys it's been a little over 2 months since I've had this install and I wanted to share some updates (and also answer questions) about growth with weaves regimen I'm doing. It was easy to maintain while I was in Nigeria, so that was another reason I had it in.

Here's a pic from a couple days ago of how it looks regularly, its the same as my avatar picture

I wash every Friday. Here I've washed, moisturized and flat ironed. I didnt add much curls to it, i wanted a sleeker look. As you can see, the install's holding up really well. I'm going to my stylist tomorrow to cut it into a stacked bob. It'll be like a 'new install style". I'll try to wear this install through Dec. Wish me luck

Here's how it looks this week. I'll post the bob after I get it cut tomorrow.

I've had quite a few ladies contact me and have gotten my stylist, Tinnell to install their weaves and love it. I'll try to continue posting pics and answering questions for anyone interested. I know how helpful it can be.
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You have one of the most flawless weaves I've ever seen. It looks beautiful and soooooo real. Also I'm a HUGE fan of layers and yours are always soooooo cute!!:love:

I've been dying to throw my hair into a long term PS until the holidays, I love the way your weave looks but I'm leaning more toward Tree Braids because I wont have to deal with using heat for blending at all...:scratchch but man I have a friend who has a weave that looks seamless clean and natural just like yours....*sighs* decisions, decisions.
I love your hair. I really want to try the Goddess Remi hair but I'm a little nervous. Did you have any tangles or shedding with it? Let me know Chica! Thanks:)


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gawgus! love your hair and weave!

i love to use weaves to help have a protective style that's not a dern bun...and it helps me stretch and texlax only twice year.