Getting a virgin relaxer- your help is needed please.


New Member
Hi beautiful ladies,
I am taking the plunge and getting my virgin hair relaxed later this week after much deliberation. Anyway, I would really appreciate your tips as to what I should do to prepare myself and my hair. I figured that this would be useful for many others on the board who may be straddling the divide between relaxed and natural.

So please, share your tips and suggestions as to what I need to do the week before my relaxer.

Thanks in advance. :)
don't do anything that will irritate your scalp at least two days prior to your relaxer, no wahing, scratching, brushing or combing down to the scalp.

ALso ensure that the day of...ensure that your stylist base your hair properly.

Thats all I can think of

I got a virgin relaxer two weeks ago. If you don't want to lose all your curl (i.e. underprocess on purpose) pre-treat with a liquid protein treatment like DuoTex. Seal with castor oil or olive oil maybe 3 days in advance. I left my hair in plaits until the big day. David (my stylist) was calling on the Lord the whole time he was doing my hair. When he rinsed he said "you have a head full of beautiful curls, but that ain't what I want :wallbash: " but I was thinking 'but that's what I wanted' :angeldevi
since it is a scalp stimulant/exfolliant I would think at least one week in advance. ORS temple balm and other stimulators suggest one week of discontinued use prior to relaxing. HTH :)
AllAboutTheHair said:
since it is a scalp stimulant/exfolliant I would think at least one week in advance. ORS temple balm and other stimulators suggest one week of discontinued use prior to relaxing. HTH :)
Thank you.
Have you considered texlaxing instead of a straight up relaxer? Like AllAboutTheHair said above? That way you don't lose all of your texture? I'm texlaxed and if I had known how my hair would thrive I would have never relaxed and then went natural. Now I'm texlaxed and loving it.

Either way I wish you the best!
myztiquecleo said:
Wat base do u use Locks and whr can i get it

I use Hawaiin Silky's base because it contains menthol and it supposedly cools the scalp. BUT IT DOESN'T, so I say don't waste your money. Some vaseline should do you juuust fine.

I also base over that with some oil (Doo gro oil, but I think any oil should do, I only bought the doo gro because it comes in a nozzle tip).
Very important: detangle as best you can yourself before you get to the salon (preferably at least 24 hours beforehand). That way, your stylist won't have to manipulate your hair any more than necessary, decreasing the likelihood that the relazer will burn (and that s/he will rip the hell out of your hair with a rat tail comb).
These are great tips. Thanks. Please keep them coming. I've greased my scalp with some vaseline in preparation for the day and I'm going to detangle tomorrow. Anything else?
I've told my stylist about phyto relaxer to texlax but she hasn't heard of it and recommended soft and beautiful relaxer. She said it is a mild relaxer and I think that's what she uses on her hair, which is nice too.

I would like to use phyto and already have a box of index 1 it's just that when I did a strand test it didn't really relax. Either I didn't leave it on for long enough or I should use index 2. I don't know but my hair is 4a or b.

I am trying to achieve the sort of style in my avatar but without the mohawk. My hair is slightly longer but after it has been trimmed it may be that length. I don't mind about the length so long as it's healthy.
Penspringz said:
I've told my stylist about phyto relaxer to texlax but she hasn't heard of it and recommended soft and beautiful relaxer. She said it is a mild relaxer and I think that's what she uses on her hair, which is nice too.

I would like to use phyto and already have a box of index 1 it's just that when I did a strand test it didn't really relax. Either I didn't leave it on for long enough or I should use index 2. I don't know but my hair is 4a or b.

I am trying to achieve the sort of style in my avatar but without the mohawk. My hair is slightly longer but after it has been trimmed it may be that length. I don't mind about the length so long as it's healthy.

I just ordered Phyto II relaxer and I am planning to texlax with that. I wanted to try Phyto I but I think I'll just cut the Phyto II with a little olive oil and spray my hair with SAA the day or 2 before and hope for the best. I have a combo of textures on my head but I think I am predominantly loose 4b and loose 4a so I'm hoping the Phyto II will do the trick. Good luck and keep us posted.