Getting a little discouraged (a little long)


New Member
Hi ladies,

I just began my transitioning journey, and I'm already starting to have second thoughts. I really want my hair to be natural because I miss the curls and waves and such, but I also miss my relaxed hair. Now that I wear my hair mostly up or curly (because of rollersets) I don't get to see my length anymore....and I miss that. It's just poofy and hard to com. I keep seeing all these girls with their long straight relaxed hair and I keep saying to myself "mine's like that too!!"

I don't plan on doing the big chop because I'm not ready for that at all. I have about 1/4-1/2 an inch of growth on my head, and I've never had short hair in my life. Transitioning is going to take me forever because my hair is at bra-strap, and I've always been terrified of flat-ironing my hair. I only do it rarely, because I fear heat damage. However, I guess the only way I can get my hair straight is if I flat-iron it.

I'm so confused...I need some help and support. I kinda feel like flat-ironing my hair, to have it straight for a while, but is there anything special I should put on my hair before I do that? I'll probably be washing my hair on Thursday, so should I wait til then?
CutiePie0Five said:
Hi ladies,

I just began my transitioning journey, and I'm already starting to have second thoughts. I really want my hair to be natural because I miss the curls and waves and such, but I also miss my relaxed hair. Now that I wear my hair mostly up or curly (because of rollersets) I don't get to see my length anymore....and I miss that. It's just poofy and hard to com. I keep seeing all these girls with their long straight relaxed hair and I keep saying to myself "mine's like that too!!"

I don't plan on doing the big chop because I'm not ready for that at all. I have about 1/4-1/2 an inch of growth on my head, and I've never had short hair in my life. Transitioning is going to take me forever because my hair is at bra-strap, and I've always been terrified of flat-ironing my hair. I only do it rarely, because I fear heat damage. However, I guess the only way I can get my hair straight is if I flat-iron it.

I'm so confused...I need some help and support. I kinda feel like flat-ironing my hair, to have it straight for a while, but is there anything special I should put on my hair before I do that? I'll probably be washing my hair on Thursday, so should I wait til then?

I'd rollerset and flat iron the roots only. Oh, and put a baby dab of marcel curl wax at the root of each section before you flat iron- I swear it's my anti-reversion miracle grease. Best of luck.
Thank you!

I just flat-ironed my roots, and I feel much better! I now have hair that I can comb without losing my precious curls/waves forever. I think I'll do this once or twice a month to see growth and when I get frustrated again.

This is the first time I've been able to wrap my hair in about a month or so!
CutiePie0Five said:
Thank you!

I just flat-ironed my roots, and I feel much better! I now have hair that I can comb without losing my precious curls/waves forever. I think I'll do this once or twice a month to see growth and when I get frustrated again.

This is the first time I've been able to wrap my hair in about a month or so!

See! The best of both worlds! :)
CutiePie it gets that way sometimes! I have been natural 4 times before I came to realize that I love my Natural hair Better, It is the Best of Both worlds, My relaxed hair was Healthy & My Natural Hair is Healthy,It is perfectly okay, Some people go natural and never look back,But it took me some time, Because I would go natural and then 5 months Later I will relax my hair and then 2 months later I big chop because I miss my natural hair.

Then I see women here with beautiful Relaxed hair and then I will want to relax, But it is A Mental Thing, When you are Truly ready to be natural you will know!

I knew because My hair told me & showed me!

HNHG! (Happy Natural Hair Growing)
I hate making product recommendations, but the maxiglide has cured me of all thoughts of perming.

If I have the urge to straighten my hair, a little heat protectant and the teeth on the maxiglide go a long way. I will stay 'straight' for a week and then I'm back to my naps! <----That sounded a little dirty. :lol:
JCoily said:
I hate making product recommendations, but the maxiglide has cured me of all thoughts of perming.

If I have the urge to straighten my hair, a little heat protectant and the teeth on the maxiglide go a long way. I will stay 'straight' for a week and then I'm back to my naps! <----That sounded a little dirty. :lol:
haha. so true!!!! maxiglide!
NappyParadise said:
CutiePie it gets that way sometimes! I have been natural 4 times before I came to realize that I love my Natural hair Better, It is the Best of Both worlds, My relaxed hair was Healthy & My Natural Hair is Healthy,It is perfectly okay, Some people go natural and never look back,But it took me some time, Because I would go natural and then 5 months Later I will relax my hair and then 2 months later I big chop because I miss my natural hair.

Then I see women here with beautiful Relaxed hair and then I will want to relax, But it is A Mental Thing, When you are Truly ready to be natural you will know!

I knew because My hair told me & showed me!

HNHG! (Happy Natural Hair Growing)

That sums it up. When your mind is "there"...those urges will begin to dissapear.
when i used to have relaxed hair, i would blow dry my hair using john frieda's wind down cream and then passed over the relaxed with a flat iron (light setting) or wrapped it over night so that the relaxed ends wouldnt be poofy. it actually made my natural hair straighter than the relaxed. the natural part would snap back when water hit it though

i started using it again for gentle blow outs. you could try that for a longer transition period
CutiePie0Five said:
Thank you!

I just flat-ironed my roots, and I feel much better! I now have hair that I can comb without losing my precious curls/waves forever. I think I'll do this once or twice a month to see growth and when I get frustrated again.

This is the first time I've been able to wrap my hair in about a month or so!

Yep did this last night with my Maxiglide. It is good to check on it every once in a while. I gained an inch but I can't begin to tell you how long it took to get there because I really haven't been checking which is good for me ( because I declare I have a tape measure stashed in different places :lol: ). I think I will reach my short term goal very soon. I am two inches away. Another reason I forgot is because I have been wearing a wig that looks alot like my own hair. I wear my hair cornrowed underneath. The only real difference between the wig and my hair is that the wig is a little longer by about 2 inches and it's highlighted (which I am considering get mine own hair highlighted soon for the warm weather.) Please stay encouraged!
Don't be discouraged. I've been transitioning since June of 2005, so that's 10 months for me and I have lots of new growth now. I've been doing rollersets and wraps and it has helped. I don't wear my hair down much though, trying not to manipulate my hair too much. I'm doing alot better now than I was in my 6 - 8 month of transisitioning. I have to say that I do love my natural hair and I'm looking forward to the day that I can do the big chop. Not now, though....I'm not where I want to be yet. But, when I get there, you all will know about it!!:D
CutiePie, don't be discouraged. Transitioning requires MUCH PATIENCE! It's hard. From my experience, I started transitioning in Oct 2004 and planned on chopping in Oct 2006 for fear of having short hair. Well, I ended up doing the BC in May 2005. Right now, you said you only have 1/4 - 1/2 an inch of new growth. You might change your mind as time goes on, that's what happened to me... a mind transformation. But who knows! Everyone is different. If your ultimate goal is to be natural, go for it! If you're not ready for the BC, don't do it, just keep transitioning until you are at a comfortable natural hair length. Also, looking at natural hair albums for inspiration helped me as well. HTH! Be blessed and take care!
Thanks Poohbear, and everyone else who responded! So inspirational! That's why I love this board! =)

I still want to transition, I just don't want to be forced to wear my hair curly or in other transitioning styles all the time. I haven't had my hair straight in a while, and sometimes I want it that way. Other times, I want it curly...I just have to bear with myself! It's gonna be a loooong time coming before I'm natural.