Get 'em while they're young!!!


Well-Known Member
Our girls are listening & paying attention ladies!!

My daughter just turned 6 in January & usually she ignores me when I get to talkin' hair. But that never stops me from explaining what I'm doing or why I'm doing it while I wash/comb her hair. I always explain what the shampoo is for, what the conditioner is for, etc etc. She asks questions, but usually she yells at me for hurting her because she is tender headed :lachen:

So today, I'm combing her hair before she heads off for the weekend while she plays a dress up game on the internet (on of those salon makeover games)

Next thing you know....she says, "OK, now I have to deep condition her hair because I just colored it." I'm like say what?!? :lachen:

I'm like, see I know you be listening to me!!! She told me she said it just to make a comment :rolleyes: But now I know, deep down in my heart, that she is listening to mommy's ramblings & taking it to heart!

Just thought I'd share :grin:
That's so cute.

My dd isn't quite 4 years old but already she's saying things like....

'Mummy is that shed hair?' - my personal favourite :lachen:
'After you condition, you rinse it out'
'Are you getting my scalp clean?'

She can undo braids and cornrows and twist her hair - I mean, she does it really well :yep:
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I bought a steamer & you would have thought I bought a rocket ship! she couldn't wait to try it out.

I gave her her first steam treatment last weekend. That's the longest she sat still for anything hair related....she loved it!
Cute thread. I also think it`s important to make it fun and provide lots of positive affirmations while caring for their hair. I`m sure a lot of negative feelings about hair stem from rough combing sessions and complaints about how hard their hair is to care for as a child. I`d try to make it something she looks forward to, maybe watch a movie while detangling or styling...or make a game out of it. I want my (future) daughter to look back on those moments and have fond memories and form positive associations. And I plan to do that not only when it comes to hair, but also health, fitness and spirituality as well.