Get Back On Track Challenge: Who's in?!

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!! :wave:

Over on the OT forum, some of us were discussing being "trifling" with our hair and mentioning some of the ways we've slacked. Some of us resolved to get back on track and start back giving our hair the love and attention it deserves.

I have been much too busy to tend to my hair like I needed to, but I've learned that my hair must be a PRIORITY and not an option. If I neglect my hair, it will neglect me. So, I'm making a resolution to return to the days of TLC for my hair and ditch this super low maintenance hair doesn't like it. It's siddity. :lol:

So, I know there are other ladies who've been slacking and if nothing else, it would be WONDERFUL to have accountability partners for something like this so that we don't backslide. My goal is to have my tresses whipped into shape by Christmas so that I can have the banging hair I had last Christmas (only longer).

So who's with me? Have you been slacking? Are you ready to get back on track and have healthy hair going into the New Year? Come on in. Share your story, your motivation, your inspiration, your regimen, your game plan, whatever.

I was just typing up some ideas on how to improve my regime when you posted this. I was already thinking of how I was going to finish this year out and what new techniques I wanted to try to make habits in the newyear. So needless to say you can count me in. I haven't really been slacking too much lately but I need to really just take my regime to the next level and hone in on some problem areas. So what changes are you going to make?
Well, first off, I need to get back to shampoo/DCing or CW/DCing once a week. Over the past 3 or 4 months, I've been doing 2 weeks sometimes without pooing/DCing. And when I would poo, sometimes I wouldn't use heat to DC. My hair REALLY appreciates 30 minutes under the dryer to DC so I gotta get back to that.

Also, I've got to settle on products. I've been all over the place lately. Instead of trying to use everything I have, I'm going to try to sell what I have and buy a new arsenal of things I actually want to use on my hair. I'm going to stick with J/A/S/O/N and do away with the cone-laden cheapie stuff. It's drying my hair out, and I hate it.

Other than that, my hair is doing really well. I'm not having breakage or shedding issues. I've been keeping up with my protein treatments and doing a really good job of eating right so it's been growing like a weed. I'm happy with the length I've gained recently. I just need to get back to basics so it'll LOOK as healthy as it actually is.

I think those are the main things. I know what works for my hair...I've just got to get back in the swing of things.

What about you?
Divine Inspiration said:
Well, first off, I need to get back to shampoo/DCing or CW/DCing once a week. Over the past 3 or 4 months, I've been doing 2 weeks sometimes without pooing/DCing. And when I would poo, sometimes I wouldn't use heat to DC. My hair REALLY appreciates 30 minutes under the dryer to DC so I gotta get back to that.

Also, I've got to settle on products. I've been all over the place lately. Instead of trying to use everything I have, I'm going to try to sell what I have and buy a new arsenal of things I actually want to use on my hair. I'm going to stick with J/A/S/O/N and do away with the cone-laden cheapie stuff. It's drying my hair out, and I hate it.

Other than that, my hair is doing really well. I'm not having breakage or shedding issues. I've been keeping up with my protein treatments and doing a really good job of eating right so it's been growing like a weed. I'm happy with the length I've gained recently. I just need to get back to basics so it'll LOOK as healthy as it actually is.

I think those are the main things. I know what works for my hair...I've just got to get back in the swing of things.

What about you?

I am going back to preshampoo hot oil treatments. My scalp loves these and I have been kinda slacking on those for awhile now. I also think I am going to have to start doing real protein treatments. I don't think I've done a "real" one in a while. I want to use some duo tex or some DRC. I really want to get on the Henna bandwagon ASAP.
I'm in! I fell off just a little bit but I am 16 weeks post and my hair is doing better with less.

I just got Kinky Twist and now I must moisturize day and night so that is my challenge. I also started taking Horsetail to help me out.

gymfreak - What's the Daisy Dukes Challenge?

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Share your story, your motivation, your inspiration, your regimen, your game plan, whatever.

I am not doing a lot of DCing and although I'm not getting ridiculous breakage, I'm getting enough to be concerned. I definitely need to step up my game! I need to start properly bunning too. My regimen is very simple, I just need to REALLY work on those two things. I will DC once every three days so that I won't forget. Once a week would make me forget. I have to do it more often in order to remember. I DCed a couple of days ago because of the triflin' thread and my breakage was curbed significantly. No more slacking for me! I'm ready to make the change!:lol: I just need to by pins for my bun (I don't like the baggie because I'm a bit hard core about avoiding fake hair) or figure out some other protective styles. Maybe a really big clip or something? We'll see.
DI, you know I'm in. I need to stop getting so sloppy. I realized that I CAN retain growth, I just need to take better care of it so it looks healthy. I am also aiming for more thickness.
I'm in. I've been slacking off since school started again, and I've been struggling to keep a long distance relationship together. I really want to get back to taking care of my hair again, but it's been really tough because my boyfriend is always begging me to wear it down and I have so much classwork to do.

I plan to wash twice a week again. I will be taking 1500mg of MSM and a multi-vitamin. I really want to more water. but I hate the taste; I'll try it for a week and go from there.
Yay!!! :yay: Glad to see that we've got ladies who are ready to regain control of their strands.

We're gonna do 180s ladies!!! Are you guys excited?! I certainly am. :D

Does anybody wanna do before & after photos so we can track progress each month? I think it would be fun.
Oh, yah. I have ignored my hair big time. :ohwell:

When my computer went down last winter I did some major slacking.:(
I need to get back "on the bean bag ball", ya'll.:grin:

I have already gone thru 1 draw of my hair trolly. I am starting fresh with the products I know work for me and getting rid of the other stuff.

But my main thing is....I need a touch up...bad. I mean REALLY bad. I have not had a touch since November of last year. :eek: Some of the new growth is as long as my middle finger.

Fletgee talking to herself as she walks away.."I gotta find someone to do my hair".
I need to join! I have just gotten pitiful. I haven't taken any kind of vitamin in over a month. I was wearing it down for about 3 weeks and my ends don't appreciate that craziness. I got so lazy and stopped tying it up at night...I did finally go get a satin cap last week but I only half used it. My po' little ol' hair is just a H.A.M. most of the time.

I was actually thinking about this yesterday and stopped by the health food store for a fresh bottle of jojoba oil. I'm going to keep up the henna treatments because the strength it seems to give my hair is amazing.

I need to get off of my behind and take care of it because it is a blessing and I am thankful for it and I need to show that gratitude and appreciation by taking better care of it and stop taking it for granted.

Sorry, I'm starting to ramble.:look:
Im in, I have to get ready for this winter and I need protective styles to manage these dry ends.

I've already got my list of products that I will be trying/ I'm ready
You can count me in
I don’t think I have ever been on track?.. but I certainly have been dogging my hair the past 2 weeks. I was frustrated with it being curly and so I let it go L
But around that same time I decided to finally really comb thro it and straighten it…. BOY I had a SINK full of hair….. not all of it was from me pulling it out but I did pull out a lot.

I plan on starting up a game plan but I am not 100% sure what my regimen is yet. Since I have only been on this site for 1 week.
Honestly most of my life I only wash my hair 1ce every 2-3 months…it must not be horrible since my hair is mid-back length.

For the first trial run I will shampoo once every 6-8 weeks and condition every 3-4 weeks. I wore my hair natural all summer and I noticed it truly grew over 1 ½ inches so I know this is good for hair growth. So my plan is to press my hair only once every 3 months or so, I don’t think my hair can handle much more and remain healthy.
So my plan is to deep condition 1ce a month, protein pack every 3 months and wear it natural more than I wear it straight.

This is all I can think of now, since my hair is straight now I probably wont wash it until this weekend.
I need to step my game up but wish my natural hair was a little bit longer the front is 3 1/2 to 4 inches and the rest is 6inches, however I did do some trimming. I am on the Crown and Glory technique and I put my braids in to small and the top and front of my hair is short. I admit I am lazy with my natural hair. I had my mom put me in some twists I hate them I need about 3 more inches to wear them comfortably. I am going to try and do some big box braids over the weekend and keep them in for a month hopefully i'll get an inch. Then i'll do the braids again for another month or two. Hopefully by next year i'll have 12inches.

Those braids stunted my growth oh well Robin was right. Once I get comfortable with the length of my twists i'll keep my hair out 100% of the time. Stay positive ladies!!!!

I'll post a pic to mark where I started to step my game up

Will we be checking in with progress pics?

My braid regimen (I have got to do big braids and stop doing them so small)
1. MTG Daily
2. Spray with S-Curl daily
3. Wash when needed

My loose regimen
1. Clarify as needed
2. Deep Condition/CO wash Once a week/Every 2-weeks
3. Moisturize with S-Curl/MTG daily
4. Wear twists as a protective style
5. Limit puffs and cornrows my hairline is very fragile
6. Keep close watch on my progress

My Vitamin Regimen
1. Silica 500mg 2 a day
2. Biotin 5mg
3. MSM 4000mg
4. Multi this will be hard cause I hate Multi's
5. Omega 3 1200mg (I have some of these so what the heck)

My Diet
1. I have some whey protein so shakes it is
2. Lots of protien
3. More fruit and veggies
4. Beans, eggs, and whole grains
5. No unhealthy fast food
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I'm in!!!

Umm... although I had a fabulous haircut in May, I wouldn't have had to have done it in the first place if I had taken better care of my hair.

After nearly 5 inches lost (8 whole months of growth :( ) my hair is now really special to me:lol: I bought my own trimming scissors and I'm trying to stay on track.

I've been on campus for about 3 weeks and I can say that so far, I've done relatively well, although I need a bigger scarf, and I still haven't worn my hair down at all. I just don't feel the need to...even at parties, lol

So far, I've only washed twice, and both times, i did a prepoo treatment with AO GPB conditioner. I plan on doing that every week, and I'm actually using SunSilk, which I actually like a lot. When the NG gets crazy... I might have to get a humecto shampoo, but right now, i'm about saving money, books are expensive.

I'm going to buy my own soft-bonnet hairdryer. One of my friends can rollerset,so that might become the choice of drying from now on, especially as the weather cools down.

I haven't been taking my vitamins or drinking as much water as I should, but I'm definitely going to start doing that soon. Some friends and I plan to start exercising, so that will benefit the growth as well. I'd write more, but I need to be doing my hw right now. so ciao
im in. so far i've been washing and DCing every week. I did add some changes to my diet. I moisturize every day and but I think I need a new moisturizer. I am eating more greens and I've been eating alot of salmon. which is an improvement because i used to go weeks without eating a veggie or fish. The only thing I am lacking in is the fruits and water. I also plan on stretching my relaxers. so far im about 5 weeks post and don't plan on relaxing before 8 weeks. if i can hold out until 10 or 12 i will.
i'm in, cos i've left my vitamins for a week, and my nails half felt the wrath, so i gues my hair will be next!

i'm back on my 5mg biotin, my b50 and my super multi...!!

in October i'll be back on my flaxseed (yuck) oil

i've been taking better care of my hair though, and have stopped washing so often (once every 7 days now), as a result my hair is much stronger and the ends look thicker and split less!
Divine Inspiration said:
Yay!!! :yay: Glad to see that we've got ladies who are ready to regain control of their strands.

We're gonna do 180s ladies!!! Are you guys excited?! I certainly am. :D

:lol: That sounded like one of my Mary Kay meetings! "Can you get excited about that ladies? Get excited ladies!!!" :lol: Love it!!!

Anyway.... Im in too! I know I havent been maximizing my growth potential, out of pure laziness. I have braids now, but I have not been moisturizing them every night like I need to. I also wanna co-wash with these briads more, as it leaves them feeling so soft and silky. So Im going to step up my moisture game big time..... and i also intend get serious about these durn scalp massages. Next time i go to Bed Bath and Beyond i will pick up one of those hand-held massagers..... because i realize that part of my problem with massaging is consistentcy, because doing it at length really hurts my fingers.

When I take my braids out, I intend to wash once a week as well as deep condition. I will pre-poo with the ORS Cholesterol....... and then bun every day!!!! On the rare occasions that i wear my hair out, it will only be with a silk/satin shirt.
I need to get back on track as well. I have not tied my hair up in a satin or silk scarf properly in a while. I have been sleeping on cotton pillowcases and I have not deep conditioned with heat since late August.

The Get Back on Track Game Plan will be:

Deep Condition with plastic cap hooded dryer for 15 minutes every shampoo

Like Divine Inspiration mentioned---get rid of the hair products that I know I am not going to use and just concentrate on what is working---here lately AVEDA Damage Remedy line and AVEDA Brilliant line (finishing gloss and anti-humectant pomade)

I plan to order my 5lb tub of Kera Care Humecto and liter size RUSK Smoother leave-in today.
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I was looking @ MizaniMami hair and thinking just this same thing...count me in on this challenge
I'm joining divine! I have been quite triflin with my hair need to get back that hair growin horse. I need some new products to boost my hair managablity.
Alright often shall we update? Weekly? Bi-weekly? Sunday is October 1, and the challenge will go til January 1 (just to make things easy). So that's 3 months to turn things around...they said things become habit after 21 consecutive days of doing them and in my experience this is true so for me, the month of October will be the "get in the habit month" and November will be the month to make any changes to the regimen and December will be the month of thriving. A few extra inches of healthy hair would definitely add more cheer to my holiday! :lol:
Qetesh said:
You can count me in
I don’t think I have ever been on track?.. but I certainly have been dogging my hair the past 2 weeks. I was frustrated with it being curly and so I let it go L
But around that same time I decided to finally really comb thro it and straighten it…. BOY I had a SINK full of hair….. not all of it was from me pulling it out but I did pull out a lot.

I plan on starting up a game plan but I am not 100% sure what my regimen is yet. Since I have only been on this site for 1 week.
Honestly most of my life I only wash my hair 1ce every 2-3 months…it must not be horrible since my hair is mid-back length.

For the first trial run I will shampoo once every 6-8 weeks and condition every 3-4 weeks. I wore my hair natural all summer and I noticed it truly grew over 1 ½ inches so I know this is good for hair growth. So my plan is to press my hair only once every 3 months or so, I don’t think my hair can handle much more and remain healthy.
So my plan is to deep condition 1ce a month, protein pack every 3 months and wear it natural more than I wear it straight.

This is all I can think of now, since my hair is straight now I probably wont wash it until this weekend.

Your hair is pretty.
And, you remind me of "Lily Winters" on Y&R. Hmm....
taraglam2 said:
I need to get back on track as well. I have not tied my hair up in a satin or silk scarf properly in a while. I have been sleeping on cotton pillowcases and I have not deep conditioned with heat since late August.

The Get Back on Track Game Plan will be:

Deep Condition with plastic cap hooded dryer for 15 minutes every shampoo

Like Divine Inspiration mentioned---get rid of the hair products that I know I am not going to use and just concentrate on what is working---here lately AVEDA Damage Remedy line and AVEDA Brilliant line (finishing gloss and anti-humectant pomade)

I plan to order my 5lb tub of Kera Care Humecto and liter size RUSK Smoother leave-in today.

Still trying to get back on track. I thought that AVEDA would be my central main haircare line focused around getting back on track but I have changed things around somewhat. Planning to start a whole new lineup regimen for January 2007 so I will be using up a lot of products I still have until then. Wednesday nights and Sundays will be "love my hair" time with the 20 minute to an hour deep conditioning on Sunday. Trying to take it to the next level !:)
I'm in. I need this so bad. I really shold be WL by now. Since hitting brastrap n Jan 06 I slacked off. I wash once a week, which I'll keep doing. But I need to be more consistent with vitamins and low manipulation.