Get A good trim ( Let's put our heads together)


Well-Known Member
Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together)

Okay. I think I am stating the obvious when I say that I am not the only one who is terrified of getting trims at the salon.
I think that it would be a good idea for us to put our heads together and think of a fool proof plan for getting the desired results from our trims.

Here are some that I came up with on my own:
Before you agree to let the stylist trim, stress that you DONT want a lot of hair cut off.

Ask her to show you how much she thinks needs to be cut and if u dont agree with the amount, tell her NO and then specify what u would like. (I think that it is important to ask how much she i planning to cut, even if u know that u only want like 1/4 of an inch gone and u know she will say like 2 inches b/c then u can actually STRESS that she will NOT under any circumstances cut off that much.)

Be Firm. Let her know that you will be extremely angry if she cuts off more than the desired amount. State that you will not be paying her if she cuts off more than u told her to cut.

To me, the most important thing it to EMPHASIZE that you are not going to put up with her scissor happy bs.

O and of course, try to ask around for a reputable trimmer.
Okay... what else?
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together)

Lovelylocs said:
Okay. I think I am stating the obvious when I say that I am not the only one who is terrified of getting trims at the salon.
I think that it would be a good idea for us to put our heads together and think of a fool proof plan for getting the desired results from our trims.

Here are some that I came up with on my own:
Before you agree to let the stylist trim, stress that you DONT want a lot of hair cut off.

Ask her to show you how much she thinks needs to be cut and if u dont agree with the amount, tell her NO and then specify what u would like. (I think that it is important to ask how much she i planning to cut, even if u know that u only want like 1/4 of an inch gone and u know she will say like 2 inches b/c then u can actually STRESS that she will NOT under any circumstances cut off that much.)

Be Firm. Let her know that you will be extremely angry if she cuts off more than the desired amount. State that you will not be paying her if she cuts off more than u told her to cut.

To me, the most important thing it to EMPHASIZE that you are not going to put up with her scissor happy bs.

O and of course, try to ask around for a reputable trimmer.
Okay... what else?

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Sounds good, but i've done all that you said and still had my hair butchered.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together)

hmmm... did u pay her?
Maybe I should have added to bring a trusted friend to stand over the stylist while she is trimming.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together)

Yeah I've done that also so now I just do it myself.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together)

im sticking to either doing it myself or having my girlfriend or SO doing it for me.
NO MORE STYLISTS cuts/trims for me. They suck!
I hate them all.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

That would be so funny! I would bring my mom to stand over the stylist while she trims hehehe
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

i'm going to have either my sister or my mom stand over the stylist IF i think i need a trim when i get a relaxer.

i'm no joke. not only will she not get paid if she cuts more than i wanted/needed cut, she will get ***** slapped.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

My stylist always shows me how much she's taking off. And then waits for me to be like "yeah, that's ok". Stylists like her are hard to find though.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

I think dry trimming is better, because when you trim wet hair they tend to take more off. So I am going demand dry trimming!!
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

JuJuBoo said:
My stylist always shows me how much she's taking off. And then waits for me to be like "yeah, that's ok". Stylists like her are hard to find though.

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You're so right! My current stylist is like this and she is just a godsend.
Re: Get A good trim ( Let\'s put our heads together

The problem comes in (and I think this is what happened to CH) when they show you and you say "yeah" and they cut, then they go ove each section 2x. So you end up getting double what you think is gonna be cut off.