Gerard Duray's hair Salon in Harlem


New Member
Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

has anyone went to this salon called Gerard Duray's in Harlem? I saw this ladies hair in the DMV and it was spectacular. I have never seen someone's hair with permanent color that looked that good.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Is that Blu Cantrell's cousin or the other guy with the long dreads, what is his name? I get 'em confused.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

I went there once to get a wash and set - and I saw Al Sharpton sitting under one of the dryers with a roller-set!

It was okay...I had my hair done by Gerard...He is very nice.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

yes, I have been there, for styling they are good but for regular wash and sets I prefer dominican salons. The set up is also sort of glamorous, great environment!
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

I went there once to get a wash and set - and I saw Al Sharpton sitting under one of the dryers with a roller-set!

It was okay...I had my hair done by Gerard...He is very nice.

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wait a minute. al sharpton was getting a roller set.?????????ROFLMAO LOL
Why did i always think he got a press and curl LMAO
God bless you all.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Okay, so I know which guy you're talking about. If I eevr come to New York, the first thing I want to do is get my hair did. You all have a ton of salons up there, it ain't fair!
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

I went approx 4 months or so ago and was not impressed. I went for bangs and the hair dresser, the senior stylist cut the front but I didn't see much of a bang. He put conditioner (CPR) on my hair at the sink and left it there cold, then after rinsing and putting in rollars, I sat too long under the dryer, he then followed with a flat iron!
It was way too much heat and he'd go over certain areas over and over again to have it 'bump' just so but heck think of the damage man??

He handed me his card after which said 'celebrity stylist' Yeah whatever, not with hair care standards like that your not (in my book).

I wouldn't go back. Ever.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Okay, so I know which guy you're talking about. If I eevr come to New York, the first thing I want to do is get my hair did. You all have a ton of salons up there, it ain't fair!

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There are tons of salons here but not all of them are good. its really hard to find a stylist that will fulfill your needs without an attitude and a reasonable price. i keep going back and forth about what i should do for touchup time. its frustrating at times. God bless you all.
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Thank God for my sister who is going to school for hair. She does my touch ups. The next best thing is she does it for free (for me that is).
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Okay, so I know which guy you're talking about. If I eevr come to New York, the first thing I want to do is get my hair did. You all have a ton of salons up there, it ain't fair!

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There are tons of salons here but not all of them are good. its really hard to find a stylist that will fulfill your needs without an attitude and a reasonable price. i keep going back and forth about what i should do for touchup time. its frustrating at times. God bless you all.

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That's true, there are alot of salons here but since being in NY I've come to realize the majority it seems aren't that good. I'm glad I stick with where I am...
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

He put conditioner (CPR) on my hair at the sink and left it there cold

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If I went to a hoity toity salon and they put a cheap conditioner like CPR in my hair I would be MAAAAAAAAAD!!!
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

Exactly, for those kind of prices I would've expected at least some mid to high end conditioners being used. Not something available for $10 or less at any old BSS.

And to make it worse, it was POURING rain when I left. Talk about icing on the cake
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

You know I had that same problem once. I had been getting my weaves from a girl, who by CHANCE lucked into being a hair assistant on Janet Jackson's weave. Well everything changed. All of a sudden she raised prices ($120 up to $315) it was ridiculous (I had scramble to find someone else because no weave I will ever get will be worth more to me that $120- unless I'm starring in my own show...)And all it was was HYPE. Her skills didn't improve... she didn't bring back special weave knowledge. She just thought that since she had a relationship to a celebrity now she was worth more. Well I for one could not care less about Janets' weave. I am concerned about my own (sorry for rambling on and on...)
Re: Gerard Duray\'s hair Salon in Harlem

I always past this salon on my way to Fairway..I've seen a lot of his work and some of his stylist's in the SBH magazine.

How much does he charge? I'm just curious. I love my Dominican salons.