genetically thin hair

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Today I was in the mall and I saw a girl with very healthy looking brastrap length hair, but it was very,very thin. Not thin and stringy with see-thru ends, but it was obvious her hair was thin due to genetics. Consequently, her hair caught my attention because I also have hair that's on the thin side and my goal length is midback(which btw,my hair is an inch from midback). Do you believe that people with thin hair should steer away from long styles? Also, why is it that 2 people can have brastap length hair but, one has thin hair and the other has thick hair, but yet everyone is quick to rant and rave over the person with the thicker head of hair(not necessarily referring to this board, but just in general). All of this makes me wonder if I should even bother growing my hair long especially if the longer it gets the thinner it will appear.

If you want long hair, you can have it!
You already set a goal for yourself! Why break it?
Why should you care about what others think???

These products might help!
Legs, I have very thin hair too, but I'm going to grow it no matter what. Since I will never have the thickness that I would like to have, I may as well go for the length, right? Why not? I'm sure I'll find a way to wear it and have it look nice.
Legs, I have very thin hair too, but I'm going to grow it no matter what. Since I will never have the thickness that I would like to have, I may as well go for the length, right? Why not? I'm sure I'll find a way to wear it and have it look nice.

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I saw your pics and your hair sure doesn't look thin at all!
My hair is medium texture and medium density. If I flat iron it, it looks very thin. If I rollerset it, it looks like I have much more hair. If I use a curling iron, it doesn't look as thick as when I rollerset, but thicker than curling iron. Well, I'm growing it long because it's what I wanna do...I think you should as well!!

There are products, like somebody mentioned, and techniques to make your hair appear thicker.

What is the density of your hair?

Happy hair to you
Yes, it is VERY thin! I have a big head, so my hair may look thick in pictures, but it really isn't.
I get it from my dad's side of the family.
Have you tried thickening up your hair with Solgar's patothenic acid or even Biotin. My hair got so thick it was ridiculous.

Tracy's been on Pantothenic Acid on and off for 3 years, try PM 'ing her about it.
I was taking those vitamins and stopped. But I will start taking them again. It probably won't make much of a difference to the hair that's already there, but it may very well help the hairs that are growing out of my scalp.
Pebs, I asked Tracy about the same thing, she said over time it gave the rest of the hair a fuller look to it. Go on girl, try it
Ditto Tekmommie, my hair is the same...I keep it mildly relaxed and either roller set or wash & wear textured styles to make it look thick. I can't do a flat iron and wrap, my hair looks glued to my head and I have a big head.
Cute AV!

I think I'm gonna buy a product with Pantothenic (sp?) Acid. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I have thin hair too. The roots look thick, but when I press, the real story shows.
I just saw yesterday that the hair vitamin I take doesn't have any Pantothenic acid and my multivitamin only has 50% of the RDA.
I will be traveling to the vitamin store to get some this afternoon. I want to end up with an amazing head
of thick natural hair in the next 2 years.
I've been taking b5(panthothenic acid) for almost a year now and although it has worked wonders it just makes my hair appear thick. I'm just not wanting my hair to look thick, but I want it to be thick. Obviously I'm asking for a miracle.
I've been taking b5(panthothenic acid) for almost a year now and although it has worked wonders it just makes my hair appear thick. I'm just not wanting my hair to look thick, but I want it to be thick. Obviously I'm asking for a miracle.

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If you do happen to find something let me know, please!
I think if you have thin hair, then it'll just be thin. My hair is a little longer than shoulder length, but very thin. It's very healthy. I wish I knew something to thicken it up.