Generic "CHI" Flatiron ????


New Member
I was recently stalking my local Sally's. (Since I'm in the 12 step PJ'ism program, I only look now and try not to buy). I've been feeining for a new flatiron, I have a Maxiglide, but I really want a 1" CHI or FHI. There was a generic Chi for 65.00-70.00 bucks. I often buy the Sally's Generic poo's and/or conditioners, but never a flatiron. Should I go for it? At another BSS I saw a FHI for 85.00 (that's why it's still at the BSS).

Has anyone ever purchased a "Generic" hair styling appliance at Sallys?
Would this be as good as a "real" CHI or FHI but less money??

Help me out...based on you guy's advice, I may just have to fall off the wagon.
I saw in Sally's window that they will have the Generic Chi for $49 this weekend. I'm not sure if it was just for black friday.

Is this a good deal and is it a good product?
Ladies I posted this on another thread:

I think the Generic Sally's CHI is the same as the FHI. I saw the Generic display one today and on the label inside it says BeautyMax 207RVI - THAT IS THE SAME AS THE FHI! :look: I was going to start a post about it actually.

The label on the box says that is is not made by CHI, but Beautymax does make the FHI. Here is the site:

Maybe the new generation FHI irons are made/sold by a different company, but the FHI 207RVI is the SAME as the generic CHI from Sallys.

Edited to add:

Here is the BeautyMax usa site:

Look where is goes to! Right to the FHI Heat site:
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