Gel in hair... HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Well actually there's hair in my gel... Well I put a bunch of gel in my hair I mean it's horribly hard. I know I'll have to wash it out so how do I get it out... Without breaking my hair... I know a sulfate poo will do it but anything I can do to keep my hair from being super dry and brittle?

This is what I used
vo5 kiwi lime to cowash
vo5 strengthening
eco styler olive oil
la looks sport gel

Now its so hard and crunchy
Gel always breaks my hair but I wanted a wash and go using gel :look:

I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused. :rofl: Are you asking how to get the gel our of your hair or are you asking how to get your hair back in good condition since gel left your hair in bad condition? I'm trying to help the best way that I can.
I'm sorry I didn't explain right... I know I ned to stop but all I wanted was a wash & go anywho I just wanna know how to shampoo the gel out without having dry hair later, should I dc or oil rinse, or what? Thanks for trying to help I need it lol
I'm sorry I didn't explain right... I know I ned to stop but all I wanted was a wash & go anywho I just wanna know how to shampoo the gel out without having dry hair later, should I dc or oil rinse, or what? Thanks for trying to help I need it lol

IMO, I think the best thing to do first is wash with just regular warm water for a good 5-10 minutes to soften the gel so it will come off your scalp and hair strands. Use a conditioning shampoo, and after that do an oil rinse or deep condition twist it up and baggy overnight. Then get the bottle of LA Gel, light a match and set it on fire. :heated: It does nothing positive to your hair. Maybe you should try a better gel that is nicer to your hair. There are other gels out there much better like Kinky Curly ( or so I hear)

Isn't that V05 Kiwi Lime a clarifying conditioner/shampoo? If so, you should only use a clarifying products once a month since it can strip the natural oils of your hair if you use it on a frequent basis.
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Thanks so much... OMG you won't believe what happened to the gel... It was on the counter no one near it and it just falls I had it in a glass bottle needless to say I can't use it ever again even if I wanted to lol thanks for your help
Just wash it out with shampoo then deep condition afterwards to put the moisture back in. Any prepoo you put in will just sit on top of the gel
guuuuurrrl whatchu using 2 different kinds of styling gel on your hair at the same time for? lol styling gel is noo joke! if you want a soft wash and go next time (if you are interested in a next time lol) try using an activator gel underneath a styling gel, or even just an activator gel by itself (I recommend Worlds of Curls or Long Aid). The olive oil Eco has a really hard hold...maybe try the blue one or the pink one. The blue one is my favorite :3 it's the lightest one.

and yeah, rinse your hair well and run some shampoo through it to get the gel out :D hope your hair feels better :)
Try using a leave in under your ecostyler next time...not a whole lot...just like a nickle or dime size on wet hair per section, rake it through..THEN rake your gel through.
I use a leave-in under the ecostyler. Just make sure it doesn't have alot of glycerin in it or you won't get the strong hold you may be wanting.

When I gel my hair back with lots of gel, I grab a really moisturizing conditioner and slather it on top (yep on top) of the gel. I then add a heavy oil (like castor) I put a baggie on then go about my business. When I'm ready, I wash with a sulfate poo or a clarifying shampoo if I have alot of build up. I do a really good DC afterwards, then it's back to business as usual.

I realize that there are people that won't agree but this is what works for my hair. If I try a sulfate poo without anything else on my hair but gel, it ends up feeling like a garage full of hot dayum.
Um stop using gel cause moisturizer and thick oils (pomade, grease, hair dressing) can have the same hold as gel but if you want that gel feeling use Lets Jam (and just Lets Jam!!!) no other gels or oils its conditioning so it works better by itself any strength will do
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When I'm doing a WnG, I always do an oil rinse & condition before I scrunch in the gel. I use LA Looks NutriCurl. It doesn't give you hard hair at all, and it's not hard to get out either...just a regular wash with one of my co-cleansers, and it's out.
The only way to completely remove gel build up is to clarify. But if you're not about to straighten your hair, then you don't have to worry about removing all the build up. Just cowash your hair with a conditioner to remove that hard feeling and to soften it up. Then maybe the next day you can attempt to shampoo it.

I had to abandon gel myself because of dryness and tangles. It actually makes my 3c/4a hair shrink more which is not the look I usually want.
I usually co-wash first then use a sulfate free shampoo when I wash out the gel from my hair.

Have you tried using a gel with more natural ingredients? I like the Curls line and Kinky Curly Custard is good too. Both are expensive but may be less harsh on your hair.

When I want to take a rest from gels I apply avocado butter in my hair. It's light but still keeps the frizz away.

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I'm glad I came in here, I didn't know people don't use the ecostyler olive oil gel for wash and go's anymore. :perplexed I do know that I don't like the hard hold it gives. I've only used it once before, but I'll be laying low in here for tips...
After my Eco Styler wash & go, I used a pre-poo to get it out.

Eco Styler left me with hard, crunchy hair even though I used a leave-in underneath. I wrote about it on my blog:

I mixed aloe vera juice, jojoba oil and castor oil in a spray bottle, saturated each section of my hair in about 10 twists. I then added coconut oil on top of that (section by section) and sat with a plastic cap on my head for about 2 hours with the 10 twists in. I washed it out with a sulfate shampoo and then did a deep conditioning.
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