

Well-Known Member
hi ladies

i'm excited to announce that i achieved 1 inch of new growth in 4 weeks by using the bargello vitamin plan. i used all the vitamins EXCEPT the oils b/c for some odd reason i have this notion that they could interfere w/my birth control pills
(i've been meaning to call my gyn)

ladies, i'm so very thrilled! i think i'm going to pop!

that's all; just sharing!
oh, i forgot to mention something strange. my edges (front)are smooth BUT not as silky as the rest of my hair. weird.

also, some days i did not feel like swallowing 8 pills twice a day;so i did'nt and inspite of this i STILL got 1 inch of new growth.
Congrats on your new growth! :-) I also had one inch of new growth since starting my hair care regimen. How long is your hair now?
thanks erica,

i have'nt measured lately simply b/c i'm layered. but i will soon.

i'm well into "between shoulder blades" length and about 2 inches from brastrap. by the time i retouch i will be bra-strap (that's if i don't trim. i almost can't help it though b/c i love my layers)
I tried it too and received good results I took all the vits
except calcium.
I got tired of taking all those pills also I am going to
alternate the bargello regimen and Viviscal tablets.