Gay-Sponsored Hunky J**** Contest


Well-Known Member
And they say there is no attack on Christianity... :ohwell:
I couldn't post most of the NSFW photos. Disgusting.

"First, Jesus isn't dead. He's hot," is one particularly offensive quote from the flyer promoting the event.

The event is sponsored by a group of gay men posing as nuns called Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This year's gathering celebrated their 35th anniversary, and organizers decided to hold the controversial event on Easter Sunday at Hellman Hollow in Golden Gate Park, seemingly hoping to offend Christians.
"If men dressed as nuns and a Hunky Jesus contest on Easter Sunday makes sense, and you don't currently live in San Francisco, move here immediately," the promotion of the event said.
A parade of people wore decorative Easter bonnets, with many dressed as drag queen nuns. Others sought to portray themselves as a "Foxy Mary," and "Hunky Jesus."

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have been around since its inception in 1979. They are known for their demonstrations, and street performance organizations that uses drag and religious imagery. Since their establishment they have worn the attire of nuns in public to draw attention to their message.
Starting in 1995, the group began their Easter Sunday mockery, choosing Easter to celebrate their anniversary to cause maximum offense to Christians The event features a 13-stop pub-crawl that parodies Stations of the Cross. "We adore thee, O Christ," they shout through the demonstration.
The Catholic Church in San Francisco has protested the methods of the group since 1982, but the group has simply grown more bold as they gain more attention.
The man who won this year's "Hunky Jesus" contest encouraged every one in the audience to "twerk," which is a derogatory dance move that was made known to the mainstream media by pop singer Miley Cyrus.


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I guess I'll be offering up prayers of reparation for blasphemy against the Holy Name of Jesus.
I'll give my catholic response. There's a comedian who did "I Will Survive," featuring a gayish Jesus walking down the mall and street in loin cloth to confused pedestrians. At the end of this farce, he got hit by a bus. That was Javier Pardem? Or someone similar? It's on Youtube. First time I saw it, I was mortified but there was a laugh coming somewhere on the horizon. Watched it twice out of curiosity to make sure I comprehended what I had just seen, and I laughed so hard, I had tears, wheezing, grasping for air. Then I showed it to my son after I asked the L-rd to forgive me for laughing at that bit of "blasphemy" and he said they saw it in their history class at catholic high school on somebody's lap top. They, including the teacher, cried for 15 minutes.

It was the bus that got him which is the funny part - direct consequence for his foolishness. That's what that guy in the pic looks like...right before the accident. "I will survive,"...hmm, he sure about that? Not that I wish harm on the people at that parade, but I brush them off as foolish and humorous, actually. We know the real One and He definitely had humor. Those poor folks don't know what they do. Forgive them, L-rd.