Gay Protest That Encountered the Love of God


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Very warm story...

The Gay Protest That Encountered the Love of God

11:30AM EDT 8/28/2012

Michael Brown


Last week, Scott Volk, one of the pastoral leaders at FIRE Church, my home congregation, received a call from the local police informing him that there would be a gay protest outside our building on Sunday morning.

The leader of the protest announced on Facebook, “We will meet just before service begins, and protest as they gather, we will have a silent protest as service is going and let them have it as they leave for the day. Remember we will be peaceful and respectful, something they don’t understand. We are going to STAND TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY to show that our love is stronger than their hate.”

In response, I wrote on my blog: “On behalf of FIRE Church, I want to extend to you the warmest welcome and let you know that we are thrilled that you are here with us on Sunday. We have been praying for you for a long time!

“As always, you will only meet with love, kindness, and respect from the FIRE leadership and congregants, and we proclaim to you once again the amazing grace of God. Jesus died to save us from our sins, heterosexual and homosexual alike, and only in Him can we find forgiveness, redemption, and transformation. Jesus alone is the Healer, Savior, Deliverer, and Transformer.”

On my radio show, I also encouraged them to come in good numbers so we could greet them, and Scott posted a note on Q-Notes, a local gay website that had announced the protest, saying, “As the pastor of FIRE Church, I just want you to know that you’ll be greeted with the same love and compassion as we always endeavor to show anyone--you are more-than-welcome! You make mention of the ‘hate’ that we show. Yet, in all our years here we’ve only desired to reach out with love to everyone in the local community here whether they are labeled as gay or straight. Hopefully, you’ll see that love demonstrated on Sunday as you protest.”

Not surprisingly, given the suspicion, and misunderstanding that exists, Scott’s gracious invitation drew some hostile responses:

David: “Love is the most disfigured mask that hate wears.”

Sue: “If what you think is reaching out in love is perceived as hateful attack, perhaps you should reconsider your actions.”

David: “You can fool yourself, Mr. Volk. You can fool your parishioners. But you can’t fool God. He knows what’s in your heart, and it isn’t love. It’s hate.”

Tom: “What these fire church people probably don’t understand is that spending an eternity ANYWHERE with them is what I would consider a true HELL. They should concern themselves with their own pathetic lives and leave other alone to theirs ...”

Scott responded by inviting them to his home for dinner to spend a night with him and his family. And he explained that, “to call someone hateful without ever meeting them, seeing them, or hearing them speak, is an indication of a heart that needs love. I make myself available.”

On Sunday morning, Aug. 26th, about 10 protesters showed up (we were disappointed there were so few) and some of our FIRE leaders met with them, offering them water and snacks, sharing God’s love and truth with them, and then inviting them to join us in the service. After a few minutes they left, explaining that we were too nice and loving to deserve a protest!

Bear in mind that these protesters know the stands we have taken for biblical values and some of them have listened to my radio broadcasts or read my writings, so they recognize how strongly we differ with them on many key issues. Yet they also recognized our genuine love for them and saw that we were not full of hate. The love of Jesus, flowing out of Spirit-filled, godly hearts, makes an impact that cannot be denied.

Scott shared this good news on the Q-Notes website, along with the invitation to those calling us hateful to join him for dinner at his house. In response Spydre wrote, “I want to hear more about this Jesus,” and Jaybea commented, “Even I would be welcome there? It would be an honor to meet Scott Volk and Dr. Brown. I’m beginning to see light as very attractive.” How amazing!

The next day, Monday, Aug. 27th, the leader of the protest called into my radio show to apologize publicly for the protest, explaining that their “anger ... was aimed [in] the wrong direction.” And then he said these words: “Once we got there Sunday morning we were greeted with absolutely perfect love. I mean, it was fantastic.” Praise God!

After the broadcast, we exchanged contact information and are looking forward to sharing a meal together and, more importantly, candidly sharing our hearts. This is genuinely good news.

When the Lord called me to get involved with homosexual issues eight years ago, He said to me, “Reach out and resist,” meaning, “reach out” to the people with compassion and “resist” the activist agenda with courage.

Is it possible to do both? By God’s grace, the answer is yes, and in the end, love never fails.



Michael Brown is the author of The Real Kosher Jesus and the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network.

He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience.
Love wins every time...:yep:

These gay groups have a high sense of entitlement. What rights have been given to them to invade a Church service... or a Church period? :nono:

This is a very aggressive spirit and it's only serving to backfire upon them.
Awesome post! Thanks for this. Indeed this is a VERY strong spirit. Probably the strongest we have ever seen in our times. It's so strong that even saved followers of Christ are being brought down!
This kind of love will convict the hearts of gays and encourage those who will to change. I love this. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
Thanks for sharing, Shimmie

God bless each and every one of them.

Awesome post! Thanks for this. Indeed this is a VERY strong spirit. Probably the strongest we have ever seen in our times. It's so strong that even saved followers of Christ are being brought down!

This kind of love will convict the hearts of gays and encourage those who will to change. I love this. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

This reminds of the scripture in Proverbs...

"A soft answer turns away wrath... "

What blesses me is that this Pastor's heart is so geniune. He invited them to his home, to stay and have dinner with him and his family.

Such love...diffusing such anger and most of all their hurt. I know gays are hurting, it cannot be easy to live in such a lost state of being... There truly is no such thing as gay pride. :nono: Why else so much anger and protest?

I pray for their hearts to be healed and open unto Jesus the keep of their souls...Jesus did indeed die for gays; all they have to do is accept Him and believe in His love and in His 'correction' and deliverance which is love to the ultimate. :yep:

Thank you for sharing this. It demonstrated beautifully how Christians who have a heart for God can love the person but hate the sin. People choose to distort the Christian's desire to denounce homosexuality (in a effort to abide by the word of God), by calling it hate. I have no desire to hate any gay person even though I do not approve of their choice of lifestyle. I am glad that the pastor had such a good heart and that he chose to show love. It would have been easy to get angry and give an inflamed response and then the protesters would have felt justified in saying that the congregants were filled with hate. When we do things God's way, we will always see victory.

Thank you for sharing this. It demonstrated beautifully how Christians who have a heart for God can love the person but hate the sin.

People choose to distort the Christian's desire to denounce homosexuality (in a effort to abide by the word of God), by calling it hate.

I have no desire to hate any gay person even though I do not approve of their choice of lifestyle

I am glad that the pastor had such a good heart and that he chose to show love. It would have been easy to get angry and give an inflamed response and then the protesters would have felt justified in saying that the congregants were filled with hate.

When we do things God's way, we will always see victory.

What you shared above, I could feel the warmth and love in your heart, directly from my screen. God is in you and you will be among many who will bring those in the deception of homosexuality into the Light and Love of Jesus and they will be delivered and you shall see it and give God all of the glory.

How can I say this and not know you? Quite easy. :yep:

1... Because it's true and it's flowing from your heart very strong.

2... Because you truly want to do things 'God's Way'. You've searched for His heart in all that you do and say. You never give up, making things right.

So yes, I can say what I said above and know it to be true, very true of you.

Love and blessings,

Shimmie :Rose:
Awesome post! Thanks for this.

Indeed this is a VERY strong spirit. Probably the strongest we have ever seen in our times.

It's so strong that even saved followers of Christ are being brought down!

You're an Intercessor... :yep: You're strong in prayer and God uses you for tearing down strongholds in the spiritual realm. You've seen this spirit's fibers and it's roots into the souls of those in bondage.

Above, when you shared, 'this is a strong spirit...', I could 'sense' your prayers of intercession.

Sometimes in prayer, the 'enemy' will try to intimidate with a spirit of doubt and fear ... but you dear one... you are not afraid, you keep moving with the Holy Spirit, you know how to pray through. :yep: You're good, too. :yep:

These spirits, strong as they 'seem' are subject to your prayers on intercession. Praise God for your heart that truly loves the Lord. :love3:

Thank you for encouraging my heart.... :Rose: Confirming what I always knew, yet knowing God is the greater in strength and power. Amen.