Gay Designers Dolce and Gabanna Oppose SSM

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member

They are brave for coming out (no pun intended) in support of traditional marriage and the traditional marriage structure.

“The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offspring and rented uterus. Life has a natural flow; there are things that cannot be changed.”

They also said, “Procreation must be an act of love.”

“I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Uteri for rent, semen chosen from a catalogue,” Dolce stated.

Gabanna said, “The family is not a fad. In it there is a supernatural sense of belonging.”

The pair have long been outspoken about gay marriage. In 2013, when the LondonTelegraphasked them if they had ever considered getting married, they answered, “What? Never!” Dolce said, “I’m a practicing Catholic.”
This story has tickled me and I have been following it rather closely.

On their FB page (D&G) the homosexual community is eating them alive! Calling them homophobic bigots and such. How does that work - they are gay? lol
This story has tickled me and I have been following it rather closely.

On their FB page (D&G) the homosexual community is eating them alive! Calling them homophobic bigots and such. How does that work - they are gay? lol

It sounds like they have had a conversion, at least Dolce. He may be choosing to live with the cross of being attracted to men without of acting on it. :yep: Unless he is actively lusting/fantasizing about being with men, unless he is acting on his desire, he is not in a state of mortal sin for being gay.

There are some gay people who believe in chastity according to their state in life, i.e. they can't sleep with someone of the same gender just like an unmarried straight person should also not be having sex outside of marriage.

I DESPISE the LGBT bullies who claim they are against intolerance but are intolerant of anyone who is for traditional marriage.
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Somewhere along the line, prayer was covering these two for deliverance. Prayers never fail. Even more, God never fails.

I truly believe that the truth lies in the hearts of all gays, it's simply a matter of time of total surrender to God's love for them rather than to continue to resist.
I just don't get why anyone who believes in traditional marriage and heterosexuality is a "bigot" and homophobe? Can people not have a difference of opinion without being personally attacked?
One view by an activist:

May 1, 2013 ( – Conservative pundits are saying that a homosexual activist exposed the hidden agenda behind homosexual “marriage” when she told an audience last year that the movement is not seeking equality but rather a total dismantling of the institution of marriage itself.

Masha Gessen, a journalist and author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', made the comments last May in Australia on a panel at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. She said:

It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.

The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago.
Providing her own life as an example for her advocacy to do away with marriage, Gessen described the complex family structure in which three children whom she parents live: one of them is adopted with her ex-partner, another - whom she birthed – has a biological father in Russia, and the third is the biological child of her current partner and Gessen’s brother. These three children have five adults in parenting roles, but not all five adults parent all three children.

“The five parents break down into two groups of three,” she said. “And really, I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”
And with this agenda, herein lies confusion and every evil work. So now they want to eliminate marriage altogether?

God is so disappointed and disrespected :nono:

One view by an activist:

May 1, 2013 ( – Conservative pundits are saying that a homosexual activist exposed the hidden agenda behind homosexual “marriage” when she told an audience last year that the movement is not seeking equality but rather a total dismantling of the institution of marriage itself.

Masha Gessen, a journalist and author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', made the comments last May in Australia on a panel at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. She said:

It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.

The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago.
Providing her own life as an example for her advocacy to do away with marriage, Gessen described the complex family structure in which three children whom she parents live: one of them is adopted with her ex-partner, another - whom she birthed – has a biological father in Russia, and the third is the biological child of her current partner and Gessen’s brother. These three children have five adults in parenting roles, but not all five adults parent all three children.

“The five parents break down into two groups of three,” she said. “And really, I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”
Yes Shimmie, I went to a talk on marriage sponsored by my church. Apparently the gay marriage movement is not really about gays getting the right to marriage--the advocates want to eliminate marriage altogether. That is at the root of it. I didn't even know that until I heard that talk :nono:
That's like saying, "there should be no institutions of religion." Well, they exist and are going to continue to exist. Might want to get over it a bit. The church is more than just an institution, it's cultural as well and that means that a country's identity is often tied into the religion of it's inhabitants. So, as long as there are Italians, there are going to be catholics and Jews and, well, some people like those calling Dolce & Gabbana (who, btw, have fabulous fragrances are two of my favs are theirs) bigots are just going to have to bite the big one.

I wonder if our bishops knew but no one openly spoke about it to keep the attacks at bay. Truth always comes out. I like being married. I'm going to marry again.
Bumping because this is interesting to me, and I'd like to hear more views.

The point in the article Kurlee posted about dismantling marriage altogether...does anyone know if that is just that woman's opinion, or is it a known goal of the SSM movement? I had thought that was just fear-mongering from the religious right.
Bumping because this is interesting to me, and I'd like to hear more views.

The point in the article Kurlee posted about dismantling marriage altogether...does anyone know if that is just that woman's opinion, or is it a known goal of the SSM movement? I had thought that was just fear-mongering from the religious right.

Look up Robert George. He has written a lot about the plan by some liberals/feminists/homosexuals to systematically dismantle marriage.
I thought this was a hoax.

Yes Shimmie, I went to a talk on marriage sponsored by my church. Apparently the gay marriage movement is not really about gays getting the right to marriage--the advocates want to eliminate marriage altogether. That is at the root of it. I didn't even know that until I heard that talk :nono:

Lady Belle, it's even worse. They are performing Throuples. Threesome alliances and I refuse to call it a marriage ... I refuse to, for it is not. Yet this is what they are calling it.

I thought it was a hoax, one of those internet stories that are not true. However, it's sadly the truth. The gay agenda has absolutely no respect for marriage, let alone respect for God.

It's just sad....
Bumping because this is interesting to me, and I'd like to hear more views.

The point in the article Kurlee posted about dismantling marriage altogether...does anyone know if that is just that woman's opinion, or is it a known goal of the SSM movement? I had thought that was just fear-mongering from the religious right.
Apparently she's a well known activist and leader of the movement. I'm assuming, like most movements, the "common folk" aren't really privy to, nor do they care about the long term implications. This is the first time that I've heard of her. If it's true, it's clever to tug on people's heart strings to get what you want.:yep: If it's not true, they need to get rid of her because she's muddying the waters.
I thought this was a hoax.

Lady Belle, it's even worse. They are performing Throuples. Threesome alliances and I refuse to call it a marriage ... I refuse to, for it is not. Yet this is what they are calling it.

I thought it was a hoax, one of those internet stories that are not true. However, it's sadly the truth. The gay agenda has absolutely no respect for marriage, let alone respect for God.

It's just sad....
They also recently had an advancement in science where they can insert the DNA of three people to make 1 child.:look:
Look up Robert George. He has written a lot about the plan by some liberals/feminists/homosexuals to systematically dismantle marriage.

This has always been the plan and the forerunners have been quoted saying as much, it is just not known by those who haven't followed the movement closely.

We've been saying this for years.
They also recently had an advancement in science where they can insert the DNA of three people to make 1 child.:look:

Yeah... :yep:

They're trying to dispel the truth that two homosexual men cannot reproduce However, in this experiment, they still need the 'egg' of a woman and her womb to carry the baby to term.

Idiots! They cannot erase God nor God's natural designs for humanity. :nono:
This has always been the plan and the forerunners have been quoted saying as much, it is just not known by those who haven't followed the movement closely.

We've been saying this for years.

momi.... "Tell it ! ! ! " We sure have. :yep:
That's like saying, "there should be no institutions of religion." Well, they exist and are going to continue to exist. Might want to get over it a bit. The church is more than just an institution, it's cultural as well and that means that a country's identity is often tied into the religion of it's inhabitants. So, as long as there are Italians, there are going to be catholics and Jews and, well, some people like those calling Dolce & Gabbana (who, btw, have fabulous fragrances are two of my favs are theirs) bigots are just going to have to bite the big one.

I wonder if our bishops knew but no one openly spoke about it to keep the attacks at bay. Truth always comes out. I like being married. I'm going to marry again.
Or maybe it's I don't want there to be institutions or religion that conflict with my worldview, so eliminate or dismantle all that do?
Yeah... :yep:

They're trying to dispel the truth that two homosexual men cannot reproduce However, in this experiment, they still need the 'egg' of a woman and her womb to carry the baby to term.

Idiots! They cannot erase God nor God's natural designs for humanity. :nono:

imagine the genetic and physical complications that can arise from that kind of engineering:look:. I'm all for interventions that help people have healthy babies and even fertility for couples experiencing challenges having a baby, but. . . . this? When you mess with God's design/nature, there's bound to be disaster in more ways than you can count.:perplexed
momi.... "Tell it ! ! ! " We sure have. :yep:

Sis. Shimmie - God is faithful to His word and gives us all am opportunity to repent and turn to Him. Soon it will be considered a hate crime to even disagree with gay marriage so I'm thankful for all the years The Lord allowed His children to cry loud and spare not.

What saddens me the most are the children who are now and will be affected by this social experiment.