Garlic Shampoo VS. Shedding

Anyone ever used garlic shampoo when they had excessive shedding. Did it help to stop or reduce shedding. I need to know so that I can return this if I hear bad reviews. After all my friend told me that it gave her, her mother and her sister big snowflakes in their hair for weeks. It warns of flaking on the bottle though. Please help thanxs. My hair has never stopped shedding since that no lye to lye incident. I tried Aphogge. Nexxus Emergencee made my hair stop shedding for about 2 day then it started all over again.
Nat, ur hair started sheeding after the Emergencee?? Maybe u should use it again on Sat. I am going to bring my Penetraitt to Christinas tommorrow, my hair too is shedding. Do u want to try my Affirm 5in1 treatment? I could bring it!
Tracy mentioned garlic products in this thread . I bought a few of the conditioners, but not the shampoos. The ingredients were too harsh for my hair (ALS, SLS, etc...). I'm not experiencing excessive shedding, I just want to hang on to as many strands as possible.
I like Spanish Garden as a leave-in.
Hey Britt, my hair won't stop shedding and breaking even after my emergencee treatment. Did Affirm's 5in1 help you? Where can I purchase it? I'm quite desperate.

i used the garlic shamp rec'd by Tracy and I really did see a significant decrease in lost strands. My hair was going buck wild and i shed like 20-40 strands a day on top of like 150-200 on wash day.. it was really ridiculous.

When i used the Nutrine shamp i lost like 50 hairs that wash and i barely lost hair during the week. I use it as a first lather shamp and follow it with CON to soften my hair up. Its a definite hair saver, I have a big bottle that will probably last me one year.
Hi Debyjay,
I gave away my Emergencee to help Meinzzfuture.
I find that Sebastians Penetraitt is great at stopping breaking and shedding and its cheaper than Emergencee. I plan on using it tommorrow.
As far as the 5in1 is concerned I dont use it as a strong reconstructive protien, I think its more of a protein and moisturizer. I like to use it here and there just to give my hair added strength.
For shedding and breakage i would definetely recommend Penetrait. I have used Dudleys DRc before, and Nexuss Emergencee and I like Penetraitt the best. IMO its worth the cost because one bottle lasts a long time.
Yes it helps. Although i'm beginning to think it's just seasonal shedding, the GS has lessened how much i lose considerably.
I use it and it really works, I also use the Nutrine Garlic Conditioner, it softens up the hair as the shampoo leaves the hair feeling stripped.
After being reluctant about purchasing the Nutrine Garlic shampoo because of the Ammoniumh Lauryl Sulfate I finally broke down and tried it yesterday out of desparation to cease the shedding. Man, I wish I had purchased it a long time ago and to my surprise it wasn't harsh at all.:eek: :eek: It was like using Keracare hydrating detangling shampoo that contains ammonium lauryl sulfate that it very gentle and effective. I lost much less hairs when I was shampooing my hair. It was like doing a protein treatment to my hair but instead of using a conditioner I was using a shampoo. My hair immediatey felt stronger as soon as a applied it but at the same time it made my hair really soft. I was very happy that I decided to try it:yay: :love: . I think it even works better than the Nutrine Garlic conditioner which is unscented. The shampoo that I purchased contained pure garlic and other natural ingedients. So ladies that are experiencing major shedding this shampoo is definately worth trying.
I use EKO brand shampoo and conditioner... Although I have not used the cond. yet because there is protein in it, and I am not due for more protein until next week... But yes, the shedding has decresed SIGNIFICANTLY! I am very pleased. The breakage has decreased alot too! but EKO brand really stinks up my house... I have to light scented candles when I wash my hair!
Personally though, since the active ingredient in these products is "garlic oil"... You could just go to the health food store, buy some garlic oil and add to the conditioners you already have. And that way you can add as much as you want or need.
I wonder if taking a garlic supplement works in the same way to stop/reduce shedding because I have been taking 500mg of garlic daily for months now. I also take MSM (1000mg) I'm sure one or both are working for the shedding I had earlier in the summer. I only lose about 10 hairs a wash when I comb my hair out. This is interesting. I may try a garlic shampoo.
Meinzzfuture said:
Anyone ever used garlic shampoo when they had excessive shedding. Did it help to stop or reduce shedding. I need to know so that I can return this if I hear bad reviews. After all my friend told me that it gave her, her mother and her sister big snowflakes in their hair for weeks. It warns of flaking on the bottle though. Please help thanxs. My hair has never stopped shedding since that no lye to lye incident. I tried Aphogge. Nexxus Emergencee made my hair stop shedding for about 2 day then it started all over again.

Hi Meinzzfuture, i did use nutrine garlic poo while transitioning last year it stopped the shedding but it was very drying. i had to follow up with nioxin therapy, nexxus humectress and deep cond with Lekair peach cholesterol i know nutrine also has the garlic cond i never tried that one
I just went to the convience store and they had the whole line, I seen the condiitoner(both bottle and tub) and poo

Has anyone tried the whole line, and which worked best, all together or just poo / bottled con / tub con (that has aloe vera in it)
^^^I recently brought the nutrine grlic shampoo, and used it last night, and the experience was really good, the poo left hair nice and soft, and the scent was actually nice... I am in bun challenge and plan on following the directions... Additionally I confess to not washing hair in HOT MINUTE... dont ask how long is hot, because yall would be ashamed of me... but there was harding any breakage...