Games are back


Well-Known Member
I noticed that the Arcade menu is up now. How do you play. I am trying to play Simon. When I click play now a window opens with no other options.

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Zeal said:
I noticed that the Arcade menu is up now. How do you play. I am trying to play Simon. When I click play now a window opens with no other options.


Yeah, I got the same thing.
Where's Pacman?

Me and Bailey have a "championship" playoff to resolve!?!


Well, whatever games are available, enjoy them. Pacman is special! *kiss*
Lol you girls are funny.

Yes I saw that last night before going to bed. It was supposed to work out of the box but I need to research a bit on this and get it sorted out. It seems that one game works fine which is something but I need to sort out the other games as well.

I am also downloading now additional games for you so it won't be long till everything will be ready.