FYI: To Those Consuming Teas/Herbs for Hair


Well-Known Member
I was cleaning out my cabinet when I found a product my friend gave me to increase breastmilk production.

It's called Motherlove More Milk Plus.

I looked at the ingredients and thought "wow, I need to start taking this...all of the ingredients are known for hair growth?" (Oh yeah, I thought about milk for the baby too LOL).

Ingredients: dried fenugreek seed, blessed thistle leaf, nettle leaf, fennel seed, vegetable glycerin, deionized water. (All herbs are certified organic).

Herb Strength 1:3

I already drink nettle tea and a "breastfeeding mom" tea at times for milk and it has the same ingredients.

This seems easier though because it's in liquid form and you only take 1ml 4 times a day.

Just some info for the curious....
OK, I just took my first dose and it wasn't the worst but wasn't the best thing I've tasted. It was bitter but bearable.

..and the grammar police can try to pull me over for the above but I'm speeding off LOL.
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