Fuzzy Braids... Gotta be a better way!


Well-Known Member
Hair growth without extensions...Gotta be a better way!

I'm very new to LHCF so be patient with me. I did the BC in August after 15 months of transitioning. Shortly after I was introduced to all of the online hair communities. I decided to follow the C&G method to grow my hair out long enough to do protective styles, maybe longer. On last Saturday I went & got my hair braided with human hair. My intentions were to follow this method for the next year, maybe two. By yesterday my hair was so fuzzy, it looked like I had been wearing the braids for months. I was wetting my hair daily so that might have been the culprit but I didn't want to go days without cleansing my scalp. So out of despair I took my braids out on yesterday. So I failed (miserably) my 1st LHCF challenge (the hard core C&G challenge)!:wallbash: So what's the point of this thread you ask?:help: I need some expert advice from all of you ladies out there who have successfully grown your hair BSL and longer. Can I obtain my hair growth goals without the braids, weaves, etc.? I didn't mention that I got a weave last month & took it out in less than 12 hours. In being honest with myself I now realize that I don't want to wear extensions but I do want long, healthy hair. So maybe I just need encouragement. I also would like to hear from ladies that are perhaps going through the same thing. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond...Nakia
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I know exactly how you feel. Please be patient, long beautiful hair does not happen overnight. Right now I have braids and I am anxious to take them out. I keep reminding myself that it is not worth the money or time to remove them so soon (19 days). Also, the stress on the hair only pays off if you are able to keep them at least 4 weeks (IMO).

Your hair will grow, take your time to enjoy it every step of the way. PM me if you want to talk... I live in the "A".
I think I posted a bunch of braid advice in my June fotki album so go there and check it out.

The #1 thing that I can tell you - you did wrong,

You can't saturate human braid hair like that. It'll be a mess.
You have to get a spray bottle with diluted infusium and also some african pride braid spray.

Clean your scalp, not the hair. Use a saturated wash cloth, Hold the braids up in the air so that the water doesn't run down the length of the braids and hold the washcloth against your scalp and squeeze. Feel free to ask me braid questions. I stay braided and cornrowed alot and I'm glad to help.
I just want to welcome you and tell you that I have been where you are; and it's frustrating as hellz:wallbash:. And you can do this; but its going to take patience and getting to know your natural hair. I wish you the best with your hair journey.
I think that because your hair is natural, the braids will get frizzy in about a week or two, even if you don't wash it. I could be wrong.
I am natural and I have twist extensions and I can tell where my hair is because that's more frizzy, although not frizzy enough for me to be uncomfortable.... it looks, well, natural....

I put a light coating of Elucence leave-in on my hair down to the point where my hairends. I use Sea Breeze on my scalp...and I have some weave hair spray for the lower part of my extensions (not on where my hair is....)

Maybe some castor oil will help with the frizzies?
For me, slight fuzz is just part of natural hair with braids. BUT- I think it can minimized by tying the hair down with a silk scarf after you wet it. Maybe if you are going to go ahead with your plan (which I personally think is really smart) you should learn how to braid your own hair. When I used to wear braids, I always did touch ups as needed. I just concentrated on the front and the top layer of my hair. It keeps the braids looking new. If you do a couple of braids everyday when they start to frizz you can maintain.

If you look in my fotki there are some pics of me with braids:

These pics after having twists in for a month. I have frizz, but it went with the bohemian style I was rockin' at the moment. Black people in Brooklyn actually thought this was my real hair- go figure! My real hair is pretty long here- at least bra strap length- maybe longer.

This the pic I want you to see- I washed my hair every day like you (it just feels soooooooo good). My hair was really short- maybe 3 inches long at the most. These braids kept slipping out in the shower because they were done in a hurry- but- they still look pretty good.


Once you find out what works for you I don't think you'll have any problems.:yep:
I'm natural and I have been braiding my hair. Initally, after my BC, I wore my hair straight (flat ironed) and then when it got to my chin, I started going in for roller sets for 3 months, and since it wasn't straight, I MTG'd it and it grew fast. Now, I get braids, and I noticed that with human hair, my hair likes to 'act up' so I use expressions, and 'grease' (for lack of a better term) it well before braiding it. I also have her braid it PAST my hair, and then she plaits it, dips it in hot water, and that keeps my hair looking GREAT till the roots start to grow in.

I have noticed that with Expressions, it's heavier than human hair, but not as coarse as synthetic, so it works well for me. I wash it, spray it, do all kinds of things to it and it still looks good...

Oh, and Do tie it down at night.
1st & 4most, thanks to all of the ladies that have responded. Mook it's me "lovinglance" from Fotki - the one that has already asked you a million and 1 braid questions. Thanks for more advice yet again. Question: do you think I'd do better with kanakelon (I hope that isn't misspelled.) hair?

I think I posted a bunch of braid advice in my June fotki album so go there and check it out.

The #1 thing that I can tell you - you did wrong,

You can't saturate human braid hair like that. It'll be a mess.
You have to get a spray bottle with diluted infusium and also some african pride braid spray.

Clean your scalp, not the hair. Use a saturated wash cloth, Hold the braids up in the air so that the water doesn't run down the length of the braids and hold the washcloth against your scalp and squeeze. Feel free to ask me braid questions. I stay braided and cornrowed alot and I'm glad to help.