Fusion Hair Extensions


New Member
or strand by strand weave. I am thinking of getting this to hide my hair until my hair gets to the point I would like it to be. The process is relatively simple, but expensive and lasts 4-6 months. Of course I would let a profession do the insertion, up keep and removal!

Problem is I keep hearing mixed reviews:ohwell: Has anyone tried this? Where you left a baldie or did your hair grow?

This website somewhat explains the strand by strand method
i used to work in a salon that did this, my friend(co worker) is very good at her job. You should make sure that the person doing this has pictures to show you and the experience, even though it is easy it is still glue(keratin) being applied to your hair near your scalp. Clients have had hair growth, you have to also you a loop brush to comb/brush your hair or you will rip that hair right out.
I've had it done and I've installed my own. It didn't damage my hair but I don't think that it made it grow any faster than normal either. You have to remember that with fusion whatever you do to the extensions you do to your own hair because it doesn't cover your hair it's mixed in with your hair.
Im so feeling that motto:grin: and I've been on that tip since 2005

Is a loop brush a brush with the balls on the ends?

no, it's like a wig brush. the bristles don't have points on the end at all so the fake hair won't get snagged... they loop all the way back over and into the brush.

i'm too lazy to google a pic right now, hopefully you understand what i'm talking about... :look:

fusion weave is DREADFULLY expensive... i do my sister's so all she pays for is the price of the weave. and the ones i do are not strand-by-strand, just smaller-than-pencil-size sections. takes me about 3 hours or less, but if she had it done at the average salon it would be about $2K.
A friend of mine used to wear them all the time. They looked good and didn't cause her any damage. She is a natural with 3a / 3b hair.

She had a curly texture.
This does not last 4 - 6 months. I had this done 4 times and although it looks amazingly real it is not a protective style at all. You hair is left out and the strands are glued to your hair (at the very base of the hair). I had been doing sew-in weaves before that and learned my lesson the hardway about handling my hair with fusion strands installed. In the exact spots that I was rough with my weave is where I had the breakage...completely forgetting that it was MY HAIR and not just weave that I was tugging on with the brush.

It looked so real that my boyfriend (husband now) even thought it was my hair.

I had it redone every 2 months. You have to remember that as your hair grows out the glued sections also grow out so at month 4 you could have 2 inches of new growth BELOW the glued in strands and you would be walking around with dots of glue all over your head around the 2 inch mark.

Granted, the glue is color coded to match your hair but still, there will be dots of glue throughout your head after a couple months. It's fine in the beginning since nobody but your SO is all in your scalp but after 4 months it would be obvious to anyone standing by you that you have dots of glue all over your head.

I had a bit of damage but that was my own fault. Had I taken care of the weave as I do my own hair, I'd probably already be MBL.
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I've had them in but I don't think I would get them again. And I took mine's out after about 3 months. I don't think they would've lasted any longer because I had extremely bad shedding (mostly just the fake hair). But it might be because I didn't take care of it as good as I should of. (Wasn't wrapping it on a daily basis)


-Looks extremely real!
-You can still relax your hair with these in....AMAZING.
-Versatile - you can wear it in a ponytail, bun, etc and it will still look real. (No tracks to hide)
-Little to no damage
-You can put different color hair in and do a highlight effect


-Shedding (mostly the fake hair coming out)
-Doesn't make your hair grow any faster (IMO)
-My stylist took mine's out with acetone, which to me seems extremely harsh. My hair is fine now, but I was just uncomfortable with the whole acetone idea.
-My stylist took mine's out with acetone, which to me seems extremely harsh. My hair is fine now, but I was just uncomfortable with the whole acetone idea.

i don't understand why stylists are doing this! these things come out pretty easily if you just use baby oil... yeah i know baby oil is mostly mineral oil that most of us avoid, but it's probably better than using acetone! :nono:
I think the longest I kept mine in was 6 months maybe longer but with monthly maintenance replacing the ones that were 1/2 or longer from the root. Acetone won't damage the hair, it evaporates very quickly. If drying out the hair is the concern, you need to wash or co-wash anyway to remove the residue.
i wish i knew this! i definitely would've told her to put that acetone down, but i was clueless as to how they come out. i just thank God that my hair wasn't destroyed!

ETA: Oh and get this, she made me sit there and rub acetone on some of the strands myself since she had "business" to attend to! plus i was the only one in the salon (it was late at night, took 4-5 hours). so i was just sitting there all by myself trying to get these things out my hair. i could've done that for free at home! talk about unprofessional! i haven't been back since.

i don't understand why stylists are doing this! these things come out pretty easily if you just use baby oil... yeah i know baby oil is mostly mineral oil that most of us avoid, but it's probably better than using acetone! :nono:
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i wish i knew this! i definitely would've told her to put that acetone down, but i was clueless as to how they come out. i just thank God that my hair wasn't destroyed!

ETA: Oh and get this, she made me sit there and rub acetone on some of the strands myself since she had "business" to attend to! plus i was the only one in the salon (it was late at night, took 4-5 hours). so i was just sitting there all by myself trying to get these things out my hair. i could've done that for free at home! talk about unprofessional! i haven't been back since.

sorry to hear that... :ohwell: too bad y'all don't live near me, i would hook ya up for CHEAP. and of course i am LHCF-friendly :yep: :lachen:


This is glue fusion. They feel like hard little balls on your head, and are very difficult to remove. They also fall out frequently because they take very little hair into the bond, and when your hair naturally sheds, they will fall out quickly. This was done too tight. See how they stick out and don't lie flat? When this woman lays down, her hair will pull until it starts to grow out, probably causing lack of sleep and headaches for her for about two weeks.

Britney Spears...This is not good....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

My mom's friend had this done before. Her hair fell out in clumps, but her hair was damaged and relaxed to hells end. She put it in to cover the damage--not a good idea. It looked real, though. You would never know if she didn't tell you. I would stay away from the glue fusion, though.
I've had them in but I don't think I would get them again. And I took mine's out after about 3 months. I don't think they would've lasted any longer because I had extremely bad shedding (mostly just the fake hair). But it might be because I didn't take care of it as good as I should of. (Wasn't wrapping it on a daily basis)


-Looks extremely real!
-You can still relax your hair with these in....AMAZING.
-Versatile - you can wear it in a ponytail, bun, etc and it will still look real. (No tracks to hide)
-Little to no damage
-You can put different color hair in and do a highlight effect


-Shedding (mostly the fake hair coming out)
-Doesn't make your hair grow any faster (IMO)
-My stylist took mine's out with acetone, which to me seems extremely harsh. My hair is fine now, but I was just uncomfortable with the whole acetone idea.

WHOA Acetone??? That has to be one of the most harshest chemicals next to bleach. I remember going to a nail salon and the acetone spilled over and melted her phone.

How much does the procedure cost? How long does it take?
My damage was self inflicted and was not from the fusion installs. A few pictures are here - http://public.fotki.com/RegsWife/my-fusion-weave--fr/

I had a few colored strands too - highlights without having to dye my hair :-)

I paid $500 for mine (super discount since she is also a good friend) but I know that my former stylist (she moved) charged others $800+ for fusion. I have seen prices of $1,500 & up as well in Manhattan.

It took ALL DAY - like 8 hours to take it out, relax hair & reinstall. You can relax with it in but I never kept it in for more than 2 months at a time.

ETA: I used hair from Adorable's in Manhattan. I do not recall the price but I always got 8 ounces of mixed colors #2/#4 (6 ounces) with streaks of #8 (2 ounces)
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I had hair locs for 1.5 years. The major problem I quickly learned was the inability to apply the type of moisture that I need in my hair. I had to always be extra carefull with conditioners or any type of oils, as the hair would slip right out :blush:. I cowash every few days , use a leave-in with oil sealant. I can't tell u how many I was constantly losing and paying to replace.
I paid 1200. and it was 400 every 6-8 weeks with my perm for maint. Oh and I forgot, with learning to take better care of my hair it has grown faster, hence more maint. and more money. my hair started to Loc around the clamp thingie holding it in place....what a mess.
I had hair locs for 1.5 years. The major problem I quickly learned was the inability to apply the type of moisture that I need in my hair. I had to always be extra carefull with conditioners or any type of oils, as the hair would slip right out :blush:. I cowash every few days , use a leave-in with oil sealant. I can't tell u how many I was constantly losing and paying to replace.

right! i mean... the stylist that did my sister's hair the first time told her not to use anything with oils in it because the oil would make the fusions break down and the weave come out.

so again i ask, if the stylists know this, why are they using acetone to remove the weave? (never mind i'm sure it's because they are LAZY and $$$-driven :perplexed )
sad but true....money. I followed instructions faithfully. Glad my hair didn't totally revolt. But I have started better care now, it's really short, but healthy.
:ot:Lady Libra your hair is my dream.
I had hair locs for 1.5 years. The major problem I quickly learned was the inability to apply the type of moisture that I need in my hair. I had to always be extra carefull with conditioners or any type of oils, as the hair would slip right out :blush:. I cowash every few days , use a leave-in with oil sealant. I can't tell u how many I was constantly losing and paying to replace.

I had hairlocs twice. The first time it was REALLY expensive - i think 1500 to 2000. The second time I got my hairlocs in queens and it only cost me about $300 - lol. I didnt have any problems with them. i did my hair as usual - not sure if i co-washed alot though cuz my hairlocs were really long and required time to wash. I used conditioner and oiled my hair, etc. I think i had two fall out (out of 200) in 2.5 months. I care about my hair. even though i spent money on the locs, i wasnt going to neglect it. i just wouldnt put conditioner on the roots by the locs - you shouldnt really be putting conditioner on ur natural roots anyways, unless you are transitioning b/c it can create buildup. Just wanted to give a different opinion here :grin: