Funny Story:)


New Member
Well, for the past week I've been sporting flexi rod set to give my hair a break from heat. I work in a Pharmacy. A couple days ago when I was working, I was waiting on this older white guy. He was over 65:). And he had the nerve to ask me if this was all my natural hair:eek: . I was completely caught off guard b/c I didn't know that my hair looked like a weave. But I quickly recovered and said "Well, the curls aren't but this is all my hair", with a the fakest smile on my face. He said it really looks good. And asked me how I made the curls. I told him with rollers. I didn't know how to feel. I was about 90% shocked and about 10% offended. Did he not think that african american women and have full hair? Or was he just a out of it old guy? I don't know, it was just funny. But I am proud that my hair looks so full and healthy that he did ask:grin:
Your hair looks really pretty and healthy! And people are just stupid and tacky. I never understand why people feel the need to ask ANY questions about whether someone's hair is real or not. Either it looks good or it doesn't. If it looks nice, just compliment the person and keep it moving.
I agree, Nay, you don't have to ask if a persons hair is real or not... that's kind of rude. I've noticed other races can be very curious about our hair. I would have been caught off guard, too, being asked such a question by someone like him. Maybe he just doesn't see many black women with hair as nice as yours.
darkangel25 said:
I agree, Nay, you don't have to ask if a persons hair is real or not... that's kind of rude. I've noticed other races can be very curious about our hair. I would have been caught off guard, too, being asked such a question by someone like him. Maybe he just doesn't see many black women with hair as nice as yours.
That's what I thought about it. I'd rather he had asked as he did rather than some people that drag their hand in your hair. I don't think he was trying to make a snide comment as some ladies tend to do.
Your set looks so nice! It looks professionally done.