Funny Beautician/Stylist Story


Well-Known Member
A woman stuck her head into a hair salon and asked, "How

long before I can get a wash & curl?'

The beautician looked around the salon full of customers

and said, "about 2 hours.' The woman left.

A few days later, the same woman stuck her head in the

door and asked, ' how long before I can get a

wash & curl?'

The beautician looked around at the salon and said,"

about 3 hours.' The woman left.

A week later, the same woman stuck her head in the salon

and asked, ' How long before I can get a wash &


The beautician looked around the salon and said, "about

a hour and a half.' The woman left.

The beautician turned to her girlfriend and said, "Hey

Juanita, do me a favor.

Follow that woman and see where she goes. She keeps

asking how long she has to wait for a wash & curl,

but then she doesn't ever come back.'

A little while later, Juanita returned to the salon, laughing

hysterically. The beautician asked, 'So, where does that woman
go when

she leaves?'

Juanita looked up, wiped the tears from her eyes and

said, 'Your man's house!' :rolleyes:
This is funny but ..this makes the third time its been posted here..I emailed to all my friends they love it !!!!!
Wow,I'm late. Sorry for the repost. Thanks for letting me know. I should have searched first.
Wow. Can we say beat down. This will be the woman next time she asks how long for a wash and curl.:hardslap:lol J/K Non violence. Non violence.:lachen::lachen:
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