FULL Sew-IN Styles---OPTIONS??


Well-Known Member
I am going to sign up for the Weave it up in 2010 challenge. I am excited its my first challenge that I am genuinely make an effort to keep. I am currently natural and I am looking at styles that I can use for completely full sew-ins with no hair out. But it seems like the only options that I can really do are bangs?? Could you ladies please post examples of full sew-in styles (with no hair out) that don't look too wiggy and that are not just blunt bangs. Or show ways I can jazz up bangs without my sides and edges all showing. After awhile banging it up gets boring! And I really want to use this challenge to extend my weaves to three months instead of two. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for the post OP. I wish I could find someone like this in Michigan. It's hard to find someone who can close a weave with it looking natural.
OOOOH I LOVE this one!!

How do you hide the top track? I do my own sew-ins and would like to know so I can do a full headed one too.
Here's one I just got done, its micros around the perimeter and sewn in the center. I had her plait the micros very carefully and they are not tight, cuz im afraid to stress my edges.
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Im natural and just did my second sew-in. Both times the hair came with a closure (the piece that you sew on to cover the tracks when youre almost done). I used the closure the first time but on this one i jus kinda closed the weave at the top.
Sorry It looks a little messy but Ive been playing with it. its short in the back and longer in the front.


i think with most curly or wavy styles you can pretty much get away with it, since those styles don't usually show parts anyways. i would go with those-i just love big hair and lots of texture.