>>Full Jack Mode<< Yet another MTG thread...


Well-Known Member
***Warning, mini rant***
So, my friend asks how my hair grows so much, etc... I put her on to this site, but she never visits... she stays asking how did u do that style... I say remember that site I told you about got it from one of gals there... She constantly is asking questions about hair, but doesnt listen and keeps asking... I finally get feed up and say hey I told you before go research it, or better yet remember that site I told you about go visit...

So, one day she comes to my house, and sees all my products ((recovering PJ)), and she is like next time I come over I am going to write everything down... yeh right... anyways... wait where was I... ok, yeh... I put her onto MTG after raving about it on phone... and I am like if anything this product is what you should get...

WHY O WHY did I offer her half of my bottle... I take it to her house, buy her a spray bottle (yeh really adovcating it), so she can have something to put it in... I am on way home and notice ONLY probably 1/2 inch at bottom... the broad took way more than half....

Darn this thread was useless... BUT I feel like I needed to share pain with others because now I have to order another bottle... and contemplating whether I should ask for some money from her... and come to find out... after I gave it to her she doesnt use it...
i would explain to her that this is an expensive product. i didn't know you were going to take so much, i'm running out, it takes a few weeks to receive, etc...

and take a bottle over her house, fill it up and leave her with and inch. she probably won't notice since she never uses it!