Full Fledged Product Junkie


New Member

I have only been visiting this board for a relatively short period of time. However, I picked up so many new tips that I have been able to successfully use on my hair. I have always been a little hair obsessed, but now – I am completely out of control. My sister and boyfriend think that I have completely lost my mind.

But even more is that I have become addicted to purchasing new haircare products – shampoo, conditioner, reconstructors, serums, heat protectors, etc. Tuesday, I was looking at the Kemi Lab sign and ended up buying some of their products. And today, I ordered an ionic blow dryer and a ceramic flat iron. What is a girl to do? How can I break this addiction??

How can I break this addiction??

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You can't, girl; you just can't!!
Many of us have tried, and many of us have failed!!
Welcome to the board Honey!!!!

I would say if you have products that already work well for your hair, stick with them and once you try out different products find ones that you can use consistently. i.e. find a good protein conditioner you can stick with a good leave-in you can stick with, a good moisturizing conditioner you can stick with, etc. When I first joined the board, I was a PJ out of control, but now it's slowed down as I have started finding a good regimen and good products to fulfill my regimen's needs. I think consistency with products is important too. And don't run out and buy a products just because there are a few raves on it. Once I found a good daily moisturizer I stuck with it; I still haven't tried the Mango Butter despite all the raves and despite my wanting (no craving) to. I decided to wait until something else runs out at least!


BTW, If they ever came out with a trial size of the Mango Butter....I'd be all over it.
these things tend to work themselves out. Like the rest of us PJ's you will one day (god help u) run into a a buying spree that does not yeild anything but drama - tangles, bad rollersets or airdries....just generally substandard results from what you are used to, and like all us PJ's you will run screaming for something that you KNOW works to correct the wash gone awry and you will seriously rethink experimenting more and more until you treasure your personal old faithfuls...

Give it some time.
You'll come around.

I have been on this site for maybe a week and I have purchased the Puritan Pride Biotin< The Amino Hair pills from the Nutrionary< the THICK Hair Shake and have already scoped out the salons on Columbus Ave that were recommended>

The last product I hope to buy is the Steamer>
Well, at least I am not alone. BTW PepperAnne - I also picked up the Puritan Pride's biotion and MSM and I can't wait until I start seeing the results. Hopefully, I will get over this obsession before I spend too much money.
Welcome to the board.
Buying sprees can be fun from time-to-time. It's a big difference being a pj (been there, done that).
I thought I was the only one too. I dont know how or why this started but I can't resist the urge to try something new. If I read about it in a magazine or on a message board I feel like I have to buy it!!!Even if something works good on my hair there is always the feeling that maybe the next product will be better. I have spent sooo much money on hair care products I am ashamed to even tell the amount. The only reason why this has slowed down latley is because I dont have a job right now and the money I saved from my last job is almost entireley gone!!!! Help!!!
LOL....I'm a conditioner junkie....I confess!

BTW, Dasha, I've been meaning to drop you a line. Thumbs up and thanks!
I have spent sooo much money on hair care products I am ashamed to even tell the amount.

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OMG - I know what you mean. Everytime my friend comes over, he checks to see what new product I've bought. I almost feel like I have to hide stuff in my own apartment.
Even if something works good on my hair there is always the feeling that maybe the next product will be better.

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Ahhh, now there in lies the rub....
Honey welcome to the board

Like Tracy said, you'll have a major setback after a major spend and it may calm down. You know you really have a problem when you don't need anything, but go into the hair shop to look around to see if you've 'missed' buying anything or hope a new revolutionary product has come out catered for that LHCF woman.

The only thing I am WAITING for are the new Profectiv products. I love them to the max!!
OMG - I know what you mean. Everytime my friend comes over, he checks to see what new product I've bought. I almost feel like I have to hide stuff in my own apartment.

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LOL, I know what you mean I have to hide these products from my family who knows how out of control this is. My mom and my sister think I'm crazy. My Mom always asks what new products did I buy this week and she always asks how much it costs. I just hang my head in shame!!
I'm the opposite, I'm proud of the fact I have no more room on the shelf and quite happily show it off. Ain't no shame in my game. Plus I like having a choice when it comes to washing and styling my hair. I get bored too easily.