Fulfilling Your Prophetic Destiny


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Do you believe that you are being called to the Office of the Prophet. This message may help you:

Fulfilling Your Prophetic Destiny

This journey is not for one that is faint of heart.
God wants you to fulfill your destiny. It is even
more important to God than you that you
fulfill it. You may ask “how do I fulfill the destiny
God has for me”. There are no short answers and
no shortcuts for the man or woman of God who
is called to the Office of the Prophet.

Obedience is one of the most important things
God is looking for. Pinpoint obedience in your life
will be a deciding factor in how fast you move
forward into what the Lord has for you.

Even now you may sense this calling in your life
There is a time between receiving the call and
walking in the destiny of that word being fulfilled
in your life.

Daily you need to love Him with all your heart, soul,
mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself.
This is the first commandment. One only fulfilled in
His strength and by grace alone.

God has given you a prophetic word. How do you
see this word fulfilled? There is always a time between
the word being given to you and the time of fulfillment.
The greater the call the longer the training but it will
be worth it all when you come to that place of knowing
that He alone is what it is all about. It is not about
you doing but Christ being all in your life. Glory to

The vision you have will die before it comes to pass. There
is that little spark that is still there that will one
day ignite and become the little flame that starts the fire
burning in your heart.
Keep the vision before you and though it tarry, wait for it.
It shall surely come to pass as you are obedient and walk
in His steps.

God will do His part and you must do yours. A prophet will
spend much time with the Lord sitting at His feet. Learning
to listen to His voice and communing with the Father is
a must for the prophet, must know the voice of God. Being
temperate in all things is something that the Lord will bring
about in your life. You will become that intercessor God has
called you to be and need to pray for a hunger for His Word.

Death to self as the cross is applied daily to your life is part
of being a prophet of God. Allow Christ to be all in you.
You must decrease and He must increase. Oh for the desire
that God’s prophet’s to decrease and die to self. Taking up
your cross and following Him will be done by grace alone.
You cannot make yourself into a prophet but it is Christ
in you the hope of glory that will turn you inside out and
upside down and make you what He wants you to be.

As one of God’s prophets you must not look for man’s
approval for it will be a snare to you. You must look to please
God alone. You must be willing to be His mouthpiece when
you know that the Word is from the Lord. Be willing to open
your mouth and speak His words regardless of the cost.

It will cost you everything that you hold dear if you are truly
walking in His steps. It cost Jesus all and beloved it will cost
you a dear price that you must be willing to pay to be God’s

Ask yourself, are you willing to pay the price? That price will
be paid by living a crucified life, forsaking the world, taking
up your cross and following Jesus. He alone is the author and
finisher of your faith.

Beloved you are on this journey because the Lord set
you there.You must continue to press in even though there
are moments when you are feeling pressed out of measure.
There are moments that you totally despair of life and yet
you see the light at the end of the tunnel and know His voice.
Hear His voice today. You who are called to be a prophet
of God hear what the Spirit is saying to you. He is saying
be willing to take up your cross daily. In the little
things pick up your cross. In the big things pick up
your cross. In all things pick up your cross without
murmuring and follow Him.

Only then will God allow you to be set into that place
of power where He can totally trust you and you will
trust Him. In you dwells a good thing and so you see
beloved God is working and changing you into His image.

One step at a time allow Him to change you into His
image for only Jesus was that perfect prophetic voice,
perfect God and walked perfectly on this earth. He
was and is the Son and of God and you are called to be
like Him. See Him as He is, take up your cross and
follow Him.

Patricia Hamel