FUBU hair, is this for real???


New Member
I saw some products in target over the weekend called FUBU hair. I'm assuming it is from the clothes designers of the same name. I picked up the setting lotion and must admit it looked kind of interesting, but for some reason i was embarassed to by some fubu hair products
has anyone tried these products?
I haven't tried this line, and I'm pretty sure I won't (since I already have stuff that I like). I've seen it in a few stores though. Did you check out the ingredient list on the products?
I saw it in Target too. I was wondering if it was really "FUBU," b/c you can't tell from the packaging. I'm w/ you Allandra, I don't think I'll be trying this either.
Those products are most likely similar to the "Dyme Piece Grease" and the "Bling-Bling Oil Sheen" I posted here a few months ago.
what a hot mess. and i bet the people selling this stuff are nerdy woody allen lookalikes talking about they are "thugs", how ridiculous
I have seen this but I don;t think it si made by the clothing designer. If not,they'll probably have to change the name. I 'm not really interested in trying these products but I remembre being impressed by the ingredients in one of the products......I think it was a conditioner or moisturizer. Don't know though.
jaibee said:
what a hot mess. and i bet the people selling this stuff are nerdy woody allen lookalikes talking about they are "thugs", how ridiculous

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Or maybe the asian guy who created Ghettopoly?

Just kidding, but this FUBU thing sounds stupid.
I've tried the shampoo, conditioner, oil spray and the leave-in conditioner. The shampoo wasn't anything wonderful. Same with the oil spray. I did like the conditioner and the leave-in conditioner (is a heavy cream leave-in, actually its the consistency of some rinse out conditioners). They were total impulse purchases, and I doubt that I would buy them again.
Why is it absurd ? I bought the Spray in Oil and I LURVE it!!! I have been looking for over 2 years for an oil that can be sprayed on yet wasn't silicone based and this fit the bill. The smell is spicey and it moisturized my relaxed hair AND my new growth.
cutebajangirl said:
Why is it absurd ? I bought the Spray in Oil and I LURVE it!!! I have been looking for over 2 years for an oil that can be sprayed on yet wasn't silicone based and this fit the bill. The smell is spicey and it moisturized my relaxed hair AND my new growth.

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Yea. Why is everyone acting like these products are gonna mess their hair up just b/c the name is fubu. It might not even be the same company as the clothing line and if it was so what?
I can't spak for everyone. But I would hesitate to buy the FUBU hair products because when I think of FUBU I think of a logo-ed out hip hop/street person. The products could be good, but I just don't like that image.

Thug is just ignorant. Wig Split Spray?
i went back and read the ingredients for the hair and scalp spray. actually those ingredients were okay, i remember it having monopolysacharides (sp?) in it and i think that is good for your hair. it didn't have any mineral oil or petroleum in it. but i still won't be trying it, I don't need anymore products!
I don't get that image from FUBU. One thing that that name makes me think of is that it's a black-owned company. To me that's a positive thing. Also, I have to say that the vibe you guys are getting from the FUBU name is the same vibe I got when I first started seeing ads for the Profectiv products and the Black N Sassy products. Now that I see that lots of people like the Profectiv products and I heard that people use the Black N Sassy products on another board I've had to rethink this. I'd say don't write off FUBU products right away.... Now those Baller's Inc. products?? That's another story!!!!
I hear you on the Black & Sassy.
I feel the same about Let's Jam (I don't want my hair to jam
), Black Thang and Fair & White skin care care products to name a few. The names bug me enough to make me leave them on the shelf.

I saw some rubber bands called Go Girl.