Frustrated with


Hi everyone. I am a long-time lurker who is very thankful for this board and all of the advice everyone has given. I recently placed an order with I LOVE the products (Knot Today & Curly Custard). My dilemma is that I ordered the the Styling Spray too and did not receive it. I emailed the owner several times...she finally responded two weeks later. She told me that she "would look into it with her shipping company and get back to me." It has been two weeks since that email. I am growing very frustrated and sent her another email....but no response yet. I admire her for starting her own product line and I am sure that she is very busy, but this is ridiculous....a whole month since I place my order!

I only have a little bit of the Knot Today leave-in left. I really want to place another order, but considering everything that happened with the first order I'll probably wait. What should I do? Any suggestions for products just as good as Knot Today? Should I continue purchasing with a company that has great products but terrible service?
shellyb said:
Hi everyone. I am a long-time lurker who is very thankful for this board and all of the advice everyone has given. I recently placed an order with I LOVE the products (Knot Today & Curly Custard). My dilemma is that I ordered the the Styling Spray too and did not receive it. I emailed the owner several times...she finally responded two weeks later. She told me that she "would look into it with her shipping company and get back to me." It has been two weeks since that email. I am growing very frustrated and sent her another email....but no response yet. I admire her for starting her own product line and I am sure that she is very busy, but this is ridiculous....a whole month since I place my order!

I only have a little bit of the Knot Today leave-in left. I really want to place another order, but considering everything that happened with the first order I'll probably wait. What should I do? Any suggestions for products just as good as Knot Today? Should I continue purchasing with a company that has great products but terrible service?

If I'm not mistaken, I think she says you can sub VO5 Strawberries and Cream for the Knot Today. I hope that helps.

Where do you live? If you're in L.A. you can get them locally at Simply Wholesome.

patient1 said:
If I'm not mistaken, I think she says you can sub VO5 Strawberries and Cream for the Knot Today. I hope that helps.

Where do you live? If you're in L.A. you can get them locally at Simply Wholesome.


Thanks patient1. I'll check into the VO5, but I thought it was a regular conditioner that you wash out...not a leave-in. I live in Ohio and have not seen the products at any of the local BSS.
shellyb said:
Thanks patient1. I'll check into the VO5, but I thought it was a regular conditioner that you wash out...not a leave-in. I live in Ohio and have not seen the products at any of the local BSS.

The thing about the VO5 used to be on the old containers if I'm not mistaken. It was also on the website. Plus I met her when I was living in Los Angeles and she made this stuff called Jojoba Jelly. She was really nice, her hair IS awesome, and the thing about the VO5 was something she shared. She said you could apply it and not rinse it thoroughly. I've co-washed and left a bit of VO5 in with no problems. She probably got business savvy and chose to leave the VO5 bit out. It's the only reason why I never purchased Knot Today.

I'm sorry you're having a bad experience right now. I wish I had something more to add besided VO5 S&C. :perplexed

Right now I am having the same problem. I wanted to compare it to the Curly Pudding I tried but it is taking so long and I haven't heard back on my email I ordered the Curly Pudding again.

My payment came out on May 3 and I think it is very wrong to take my money and not deliver product right away. I don't care how good this product is I won't order from them again.

(But if it's that good I would wait till you ladies tell me she has gotten her act together):grin:
I think she is just slow. Everytime Ive ordered its taken forever to arrive and get an email confirmation from her.
I've had issues with getting damaged shipments replaced, she's just slow. Just keep emailing and stay on top of it.
I really hate to say this......but one month..she may be busy but that is POOR customer service..Being that you did not receive everything you ordered I wonder if disputing the charge w/ your credit card company would put some fire under her butt.:confused:

I really like to support small businesses, I know she's very busy, but one month later? That's getting ridiculous.
locoabouthair said:
I really hate to say this......but one month..she may be busy but that is POOR customer service..Being that you did not receive everything you ordered I wonder if disputing the charge w/ your credit card company would put some fire under her butt.:confused:

I really like to support small businesses, I know she's very busy, but one month later? That's getting ridiculous.

Ditto... I DO NOT tolerate stuff like this when I spent my money. I will not support businesses that provide poor service...I was actually thinking of trying her stuff but the comments here are enough to make me say nevermind. And to answer the posters question : I would not continue to order being as though you did not receive items from your first order.
shellyb said:
Hi everyone. I am a long-time lurker who is very thankful for this board and all of the advice everyone has given. I recently placed an order with I LOVE the products (Knot Today & Curly Custard). My dilemma is that I ordered the the Styling Spray too and did not receive it. I emailed the owner several times...she finally responded two weeks later. She told me that she "would look into it with her shipping company and get back to me." It has been two weeks since that email. I am growing very frustrated and sent her another email....but no response yet. I admire her for starting her own product line and I am sure that she is very busy, but this is ridiculous....a whole month since I place my order!

I only have a little bit of the Knot Today leave-in left. I really want to place another order, but considering everything that happened with the first order I'll probably wait. What should I do? Any suggestions for products just as good as Knot Today? Should I continue purchasing with a company that has great products but terrible service?

You should dispute the charge. If she's in business she should be handling it a little better.
If it were me, I would dispute the charges and would not order from her again. She's been in business too long to not have better customer service set up.

With regard to product. I'd try QB Olive Cream Detangler. It's great, as a leave-in.:)
matter of don't walk to your cc company. dispute it now!to other ladies who have ordered and she takes're basically giving her your money and saying send me my goods whenever you feel like it! thank goodness no one is expecting it for a vacay, a wedding or something else important!

good luck everyone!
matter of don't walk to your cc company. dispute it now!to other ladies who have ordered and she takes're basically giving her your money and saying send me my goods whenever you feel like it! thank goodness no one is expecting it for a vacay, a wedding or something else important!

good luck everyone!
Thanks for all of your replies. I think I am going to dispute the charges. I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt because I thought she had just started this company. I didn't know that she had been in business for awhile. In the meantime I guess I'll try QB Olive Detangler and experiment with some other leave-ins.

It really is a shame that she is loosing customers just because she doesn't know how to run a professional business.
I put in a dispute on Paypal and later that day I got the UPS tracking number for my product being shipped out.

Too bad it had to happen that way.

It better be a very good product.
sistawithsumthin said:
I put in a dispute on Paypal and later that day I got the UPS tracking number for my product being shipped out.

Too bad it had to happen that way.

It better be a very good product.
Glad you got it worked out. Most of us work hard for our money. People should learn to run their businesses more professionally!
sistawithsumthin said:
I put in a dispute on Paypal and later that day I got the UPS tracking number for my product being shipped out.

Too bad it had to happen that way.

It better be a very good product.

It's a shame that you had to put in an official complaint before getting a response. Stay on top of it, and I hope you get your product soon.:)
I ordered kinky curly from simply wholesome and she told me that the owner is a new mother and runs the business herself, which is why they no longer ship outside the US. I know its frustrating to wait for ur stuff, but theis product is really popular and im sure shes swamped with orders and a young one it must be tough. Im just offering some perspective.
Kurlee said:
I ordered kinky curly from simply wholesome and she told me that the owner is a new mother and runs the business herself, which is why they no longer ship outside the US. I know its frustrating to wait for ur stuff, but theis product is really popular and im sure shes swamped with orders and a young one it must be tough. Im just offering some perspective.

I'm sorry, but it is clearly evident that she needs assistance and a lot more support from family and friends to make this business work. Also, there are those who are in much more taxing jobs who get pregnant and somehow they make it work. I feel sorry for all the pregnant doctors I see on duty at the hospital. They do what they have to do. Anyhow, she needs better customer service, otherwise she'll lose customers.
Also, the impression I'm getting from the slow shipment of products, is that she is probably making products to order, and not necessarily having a large stock of products just waiting for people to order, especially those that aren't ordered regularly. If that were the case, then she should say that, and people would be more willing to wait for the products.
I was going to order from shopnonstopbeauty on ebay (cheaper shipping), and was wondering for sometime why the person hasn't told me that she got new stock yet. Now that I've read this thread, I completely understand why. It's for exactly the same reason- slow delivery of products.
Kurlee said:
I ordered kinky curly from simply wholesome and she told me that the owner is a new mother and runs the business herself, which is why they no longer ship outside the US. I know its frustrating to wait for ur stuff, but theis product is really popular and im sure shes swamped with orders and a young one it must be tough. Im just offering some perspective.

I think anyone can understand when a company grows faster than it can keep up with.

But you don't take money before you are ready to ship product.

I did notice that she has an apology on the website but I should have gotten it through an email letting me know about my money.
spoogeywoogey said:
I'm sorry, but it is clearly evident that she needs assistance and a lot more support from family and friends to make this business work. Also, there are those who are in much more taxing jobs who get pregnant and somehow they make it work. I feel sorry for all the pregnant doctors I see on duty at the hospital. They do what they have to do. Anyhow, she needs better customer service, otherwise she'll lose customers.
Also, the impression I'm getting from the slow shipment of products, is that she is probably making products to order, and not necessarily having a large stock of products just waiting for people to order, especially those that aren't ordered regularly. If that were the case, then she should say that, and people would be more willing to wait for the products.
I was going to order from shopnonstopbeauty on ebay (cheaper shipping), and was wondering for sometime why the person hasn't told me that she got new stock yet. Now that I've read this thread, I completely understand why. It's for exactly the same reason- slow delivery of products.

ITA! I was just telling a friend she is probably too cheap to pay some teenager to help her out. At any rate I work very hard and don't have weeks to wait for products.I can just spend my money else where. If being pregnant is a hinderance at this point maybe she should just take a break? BUT NO! She doesn't want to lose money....Yet she will make people wait?
Sorry to sound insentive, but she has to figure out if that is what she wants to commit to, if not give it up! It seems like this is her full time job, right? She better hop to it!
locoabouthair said:
ITA! I was just telling a friend she is probably too cheap to pay some teenager to help her out. At any rate I work very hard and don't have weeks to wait for products.I can just spend my money else where. If being pregnant is a hinderance at this point maybe she should just take a break? BUT NO! She doesn't want to lose money....Yet she will make people wait?
Sorry to sound insentive, but she has to figure out if that is what she wants to commit to, if not give it up! It seems like this is her full time job, right? She better hop to it!

Wow u guys don't hold no punches! Im jus offering perspective. If this is her livelyhood and she has a newborn it may be difficult. If this is her main source of income she may be in a bind. Thats all i'm saying. And the way paypal works is once its sent, there no TAKING OF MONEY PROCESS. Once u press send on paypal it jus automatically goes there and sits there electronically and ur credit card is charged right away, unitl u send it to a bank account. Anywho, its jus my nature to be sympathetic to people, becuase EVERYONE goes thru a patch when they just can't get the things they need to done and you can't jus throw in the towel and i look at it as, one day this could be me and i wouldn;t want people to think of me like that and be insensitive. Sometimes u gotta struggle through and learn and improve, but I dunno, it seems now adays people don't think about all that. So, good luck with whatever u decide OP.
I am a very sympathetic person too, but you have to look at how many people are complaining about her's not just one or two. I completely understand having a busy lifestyle and running a business, but a business owner should know when to get help if needed. She is taking money (our hard earned money I might add) and not sending out the product. She did finally post something on her website about "upgrades to customer service and shipping"....but this issue should have been addressed months ago....many people have been complaining about the slow shipping and service for awhile.

She also finally replied to my 3rd email....5 weeks later. She said that my order would be shipped out this week. She did mention in the email that she was in the process of changing shipping companies...I guess that was the reason that it has taken six weeks to get my complete order. (?)

Well, I am just glad that I will be getting the rest of my order this week (hopefully). It seems like the owner is trying to make changes for the better. I wish her the best and hope that she gets on the right track with the service & shipping...because the actual products are good.
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shellyb said:
I am a very sympathetic person too, but you have to look at how many people are complaining about her's not just one or two. I completely understand having a busy lifestyle and running a business, but a business owner should know when to get help if needed. She is taking money (our hard earned money I might add) and not sending out the product. She did finally post something on her website about "upgrades to customer service and shipping"....but this issue should have been addressed months ago....many people have been complaining about the slow shipping and service for awhile.

She also finally replied to my 3rd email....5 weeks later. She said that my order would be shipped out this week. She did mention in the email that she was in the process of changing shipping companies...I guess that was the reason that it has taken six weeks to get my complete order. (?)

Well, I am just glad that I will be getting the rest of my order this week (hopefully). It seems like the owner is trying to make changes for the better. I wish her the best and hope that she gets on the right track with the service & shipping...because the actual products are good.


I got my product yesterday. Not going to use it for a while cause I finally got the Curly Pudding to work for me in a style I like.

I don't believe I will give up completely on her. I would like to try the Knot Today but I won't till I find out she has a better shipping turn around time.

Please post anyone finds out that she implemented what she said on her website.

Happy growing!!!
Okay I used the Curling Custard. I don't like it, I love it! :) Curls just popped in all over the place. My hair looks the best it ever has in a long time.

I wanna try the Knot Today but I won't be ordering it for a while till I find out from you ladies that she has gotten her act together.

So now what do I do? :look:

I found a product I love but no real time frame on receiving it.