Frustrated with Henna/Indigo

Your Results with Henna/Indigo 2-step process

  • Worked for me: My hair color is black

    Votes: 23 82.1%
  • Took a couple of times but I see a difference now

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Did not work: My hair color is still the same

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I'm so frustrated. This is my second time trying henna/indigo 2 step process and it won't take on my hair. :sad: I would think just my greys would be resistant but :nono: my entire head is still the same color as it was before (I've had two friends confirm this).

What I did:
Mixed henna with green tea and let sit overnight for dye release
Applied henna at 10am and left on all day until 11:30p
Rinsed henna used conditioner to remove all henna
Applied indigo (mixed with warm water and sea salt, let sit for 10 min)
Left indigo on overnight (I was tired)
Rinsed indigo around 10am when I woke up
Did a castor oil rinse then applied DC and left on until 6pm

Hair this morning same color as before. :perplexed

Have any of you had this problem where the indigo just doesn't color your hair?
DID you clarify before using the Henna?

I would try a teaspoon of Lemon Juice or something acidic.

I use regular Indian Store Jamilia for Hair ( one capful of Amla oil, One teaspoon of Lemon Juice or OJ, Black Tea, A scoop of conditioner, paprika)

I clarify First,

Apply for 4 hours

RINSE WELL, shampoo, Rinse more, more more more

INdigo for 2 hours

Rinse well, use Hair One Cleanser to clean 2 times and then put on a DC over night

RINSE and style as normal.
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I added some stuff above. HMMMMM
IS the Henna Fresh, that could cause some issues with the staining.
The henna was fresh. It was a new order of Jamila and Indigo from and I checked the dates to make sure they were good. I even did the paper towel test before applying the henna to check for dye release.

I don't too much care for the Peroxide way, but that is what we were also taught years ago that would tame those stubborn grays.

I feel the reason most go to HENNA/INDIGO is to avoid those harsh chemicals be it by force or choice, in my case force.

I would try another brand of HEnna, try mixing your mix with a little Lemon (don't know if you said you've done so).

I hope others who have had resistant Grays chime in.

I JUST HAD grays in the front that were liek HELLO how are you from not being colored for 8 months :nono: so When I used the Henna and INdigo it was like Amazing. :yep:

Don't give up on it. Try BLack Tea and Paprika in your mix.

:bighug: most of all don't give up just yet. It does give a great treatment effect so it's not a total loss.
JJamiah was right. You did not add an acidic ingredient for dye release. I use lemon juice when I want color & when I don't I omit it. Search the forum for henna recipes. Also others add hibiscus flowers to get a redder color. I researched for over a month before I used henna.
@JJamiah was right. You did not add an acidic ingredient for dye release. I use lemon juice when I want color & when I don't I omit it. Search the forum for henna recipes. Also others add hibiscus flowers to get a redder color. I researched for over a month before I used henna.

I used Green tea which is acidic. I've tried lemon juice in the past but it was drying to my hair so I switched to green tea which gave me very similar dye release results w/o the drying.

Is there a reason you use conditoiner to wash your henna out?? My understanding was that the indigo should be put in IMMEDIATELY after the henna. Because the henna helps the indigo "cling" (ok, maybe not the correct verbage , but you get what i'm saying lol). Maybe thats the issue?? Because at first I thought mine didn't take, but the more my hair dried after the henna/indigo treatment, my hair is JET black. I can't wait to take my install down to do it again!
I've never used an acid for color release. I get really great color release, too.
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Is there a reason you use conditoiner to wash your henna out?? My understanding was that the indigo should be put in IMMEDIATELY after the henna. Because the henna helps the indigo "cling" (ok, maybe not the correct verbage , but you get what i'm saying lol). Maybe thats the issue?? Because at first I thought mine didn't take, but the more my hair dried after the henna/indigo treatment, my hair is JET black. I can't wait to take my install down to do it again!

I read in a lot of henna/indigo threads that ladies were rinsing with conditioner and/or shampooing between the henna and indigo steps with no problems.
I have henna'd my hair for close to 4 years now. I use it to cover the gray and it always leaves my hair a natural black color. From what you listed on your post - the only thing that I see that might cause it not to take is
1. Not using an acidic solution ( ACV, or OJ) to release the dye in the henna
2. You rinsed the henna out with a conditioner - the henna'd hair needs to be free of any residue before you use the indigo. You can only rinse the henna out with water and then add the indigo aftwards. The indigo adhears to the henna to change the hair to black. You only have a window of about 15 min for color release from the indigo so that is why you have to put it on your freshly rinsed henna'd hair immediately after you mix it up. I usually leave my henna on about 3-4 hours and my indigo 2-3 hours.

Hope this helps :drunk:
I have henna'd my hair for close to 4 years now. I use it to cover the gray and it always leaves my hair a natural black color. From what you listed on your post - the only thing that I see that might cause it not to take is
1. Not using an acidic solution ( ACV, or OJ) to release the dye in the henna
2. You rinsed the henna out with a conditioner - the henna'd hair needs to be free of any residue before you use the indigo. You can only rinse the henna out with water and then add the indigo aftwards. The indigo adhears to the henna to change the hair to black. You only have a window of about 15 min for color release from the indigo so that is why you have to put it on your freshly rinsed henna'd hair immediately after you mix it up. I usually leave my henna on about 3-4 hours and my indigo 2-3 hours.

Hope this helps :drunk:

Thanks. I will try just rinsing with water between the henna and indigo steps. Is is okay to rinse with conditioner after the indigo and before I DC?
I've indigo'd too--but I feel like the mess isn't worth what I'd gotten. The indigo didn't take very well for me either. It did slightly darken my hair, but it eventually faded. Indigo is suppose to be accumulative--so you have to do it a few times, but again, I don't feel like it's worth the mess and effort, and I felt like it was more drying for my hair than conditioning.

Also, leaving it in overnight is pointless. Indigo only holds its dye properties for like the first 30 minutes after you've added the water to it.
I've indigo'd too--but I feel like the mess isn't worth what I'd gotten. The indigo didn't take very well for me either. It did slightly darken my hair, but it eventually faded. Indigo is suppose to be accumulative--so you have to do it a few times, but again, I don't feel like it's worth the mess and effort, and I felt like it was more drying for my hair than conditioning.

Also, leaving it in overnight is pointless. Indigo only holds its dye properties for like the first 30 minutes after you've added the water to it.

Thanks. Your hair looks very dark in your siggie. Is that your natural color or is that from the henna/indigo?
I read in a lot of henna/indigo threads that ladies were rinsing with conditioner and/or shampooing between the henna and indigo steps with no problems.

Yeah I shampoo with Motions Lavishing Shampoo in between my Henna & Indigo. No problems :)
Thanks. I will try just rinsing with water between the henna and indigo steps. Is is okay to rinse with conditioner after the indigo and before I DC?

Yep - after you rinse the indigo out you are good to go with any rinse or conditioner. I usually shampoo after my indigo remove the henna smell and then deep condition but for some that may cause tangles.
I do a one-step process with a mix of henna & indigo and my grays always turn red; the two-step process is just too labour intensive for me. I only mix with water. :ohwell:

I'm going to try LJewel's advice and make sure my hair is free from any oils and residue and see if the indigo takes better.
The 1st time I did henna the indigo did not take but I did not do it right.. The last time I did a Henna Gloss followed by Indigo and that worked great but my greys are a little resistant.. They were black but they have a hint of auburn to it.. Now the rest of my hair is black and I can tell my main focus was the greys.. I plan to do a touch-up every 3-4 week so the color does not go away all together.. The Henna gloss you still get a color release and my hair is soft from the gloss.. The Indigo I did just like you did.. I only mix one pack I thought about doing 2 packs next time so I can really load the indigo on. I read you only have to let it sit for 1 or 2 hrs. It doesn't need to sit as long a henna for it to release its color.. My next go around I might just do the Henna/Indigo gloss so I won't have to do the Indigo afterwards.. Just do it all in one step
When I henna, I only add 1 Tbs. of lemon juice to my mix for the acidic property, since lemon is very drying. I fill the sink with water and stick my head in it to rinse the henna out which has been the most successful method for me to get it all out before I indigo.

I mix the indigo right before I use it. I only mix it with water and apply it, immediately, to freshly henna'd hair. I rinse the indigo out just like I rinse out the henna.

Afterwards, I co-wash and then DC. However, indigo tends to dry my hair out, so I have to use intense moisturizing treatments for at least a week to get my hair soft again, but I wait the three days for the oxidation process before doing or adding anything else to my hair.
For those that find lemon juice drying, try fresh orange juice. That worked for me plus I mixed in a bunch of oils. I didn't have a problem with my indigo taking. In fact, my resistent greys lasted longer with the indigo than it did with my professional color.
I have done an indigo on DRY hair a day or two after henna. My hair is ink black as a result. But that was after a second indigo. The first indigo left hair an obvious darker color but not ink black. The second application was raven black.

So as my grays come in, I do a henna then an application on dry hair the day after, for me this worked.

And I use about 100 mg of indigo. The amount could be of concern.
