Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!


Well-Known Member
I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to do a rollerset that took the lady at the Domincan hair salon 10 minutes to do, wtf? I started with a mohawk set but then then I couldn't get the rollers to fit on the sides so I took it out and started over again. Does anyone feel me? There has got to be an easier way to do a rollerset..maybe when my hair gets longer.....? Sorry venting....
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I got the rollers and bill clips and they are sitting in my bathroom cabinet. I'm too scared to use it because of what you are going through right now :lachen:

Good luck though hun, have you look at marcharieamour's video on youtube? It may help.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to do a rollerset that took the lady at the Domincan hair salon 10 minutes to do, wtf? I started with a mohawk set but then then I couldn't get the rollers to fit on the sides so I took it out and started over again. Does anyone feel me? There has got to be an easier way to do a rollerset..maybe when my hair gets longer.....? Sorry venting....

It just takes practice. You will get better/faster with time. It took me about 8 tries to get it right.

And don't go by the Dominican salons way of rollersetting. I'm sure you are being far more careful with combing out your wet hair than they are at the Dominican salons I use to frequent in Brooklyn.:nono: Being more gentle with your hair takes more time. You will get better if you keeping doing rollersets.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

LOL Took me a couple months to get it down as well. I remember when i joined this site, i turned up my head at the ladies who could rollerset when i refused to put down my damaging blow dryer.

NOW, with a fresh relaxer, i can rollerset my hair on medium rollers in 20 minutes.

I roll UP and then UNDER, to get more rollers on my head and i do the mohawk method.

Mohawk rollers on top all the way down THEN do the sides.

And i do NOT use the magnetic w/ duckbill clips. NEVER was able to use them. I use the snap-on rollers.

And i have 3 sizes of rollers in order to get them to fit. You can get some tight spaces on your head where the rollers dont fit, so just size down.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I have not seen Macherie's video but in a minute I'm going to have to buy it, cuz I can't spend 2 hours every week ( or more if I condish wash mid-week) on rolling my hair. Well I'm under the dryer as I type, hopefully it will at least look like something when I'm done..else I'm a really be pissed! :rolleyes:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

LOL Took me a couple months to get it down as well. I remember when i joined this site, i turned up my head at the ladies who could rollerset when i refused to put down my damaging blow dryer.

NOW, with a fresh relaxer, i can rollerset my hair on medium rollers in 20 minutes.

I roll UP and then UNDER, to get more rollers on my head and i do the mohawk method.

Mohawk rollers on top all the way down THEN do the sides.

And i do NOT use the magnetic w/ duckbill clips. NEVER was able to use them. I use the snap-on rollers.

And i have 3 sizes of rollers in order to get them to fit. You can get some tight spaces on your head where the rollers dont fit, so just size down.

Com-pull-eately agree with this post, esp the bolded. I would have given up setting years ago if I had to figure out how to use pins and clips.
Snap ons are a MUST for me. Sitting under the dryer with them on now as I type. :yep:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I feel you. I bought a Pibbs last January in hopes of doing my own weekly rollersets, and I've only used it once! :rolleyes: I got so frustrated trying to strategically place those rollers. My arms were fingers were cold and numb from the constant spritzing with water :ohwell:. Needless to say, I'm still going to the Dominican salon every week for their quick and easy rollersets.

I'm going to get back at it, day. :look:

Good luck!
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

Girl, I feel your pain!!! I just attempted to rollerset today. I started with the mohawk, the clips were all coming out and it was just a mess. So I took it down and tried again, and after about 20 minutes I said "**** it" and did a twistout :lachen:

I don't understand how folks can do rollersets in 10-30 minutes. I can't even comprehend that! It takes me an hour, on a GOOD day!!! :ohwell:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

For real. I got a pibbs in december and I rollerset for a month. Only ONE of those sets came out cute. I really had to give rollersetting a break until I was ready lol I got back at it 3 weeks ago and each of my five sets came out great! Its one of those things you have to find what works for you. I found that applying product to my hair once and only once (besides re-wetting with water) has helped me set 50% faster. Also, try rollersetting when your mad. Im dead serious. I had just finished cusssing someone out and I was cussing up a storm and rollersetting----I finished my set in 15 minutes, the fastest I have ever finished and my hair is BSL and layered LOL.

One more thing, I found using the double prong clips, the ones that look like they have a step on them (if that makes any sense lol) really work. Duckbill clips and flat double prong clips dont work for me. I sometimes clip the rollers together for a straighter, faster set. :look:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

One more thing, I found using the double prong clips, the ones that look like they have a step on them (if that makes any sense lol) really work. Duckbill clips and flat double prong clips dont work for me. I sometimes clip the rollers together for a straighter, faster set. :look:

dittoo :yep:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

Hi. Please don't be discouraged. Keep trying! I was pretty much born with rollers in my head. But I didn't start doing the mohawk thing since I got on LHCF. You don't HAVE to rollerset your hair that way. Sometimes, when I wash my hair in sections, it's easier for me to part my hair in the middle-- just so I can comb it.

Keep trying, it gets much easier everytime. Make sure that your hair is soaking wet! It helps the hair stay on the roller better. Good luck and take pics!
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

Ladies, Macherie's video will break it down for you really well! It is worth the $20. You can go to her site and watch a preview of her dvd in her videos section. Made RS so much easier for me! I know this was mentioned previously, just wanted add my two cents.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I can do a rollerset in 15-20 minutes.
The only thing that really helps me is having a 3way mirror. My rollersets would come out a hot mess using a one dimensional mirror. When I moved into my new apt, I saw to it that I had a 3way mirror installed stat b/c I was use to using one for 14 years. Once you have the mirror and can see what you are doing it becomes much easier to rollerset with practice :yep:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I can do a rollerset in 15-20 minutes.
show off :grin:

The only thing that really helps me is having a 3way mirror. My rollersets would come out a hot mess using a one dimensional mirror. :scratchch Good Idea...I'll have to try this! Thanks.

Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I feel you. I bought a Pibbs last January in hopes of doing my own weekly rollersets, and I've only used it once! :rolleyes: I got so frustrated trying to strategically place those rollers. My arms were fingers were cold and numb from the constant spritzing with water :ohwell:. Needless to say, I'm still going to the Dominican salon every week for their quick and easy rollersets.

I'm going to get back at it, day. :look:

Good luck!

:lol: same with me and there is always some hair hanging off the roller.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I'm in the same boat. My rollersets have never taken me less than half hour. I might have to go back to using the covers cause those daggone clips give me a headache. I just hate that it takes me so long, and then I have to sit under the dryer for another hour, and sometimes it's still not dry! But I'm laying off them for a while and just airdrying, most times I just can't be bothered:nono:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I sometimes clip the rollers together for a straighter, faster set. :look:

I thought you weren't supposed to do that cause it keeps your hair from drying in the spots where the rollers are clipped together :confused:

Do you have any probs with fully drying? If not, Imma be a clippin fool! :lol:
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Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

Patience is the key.

It took me over a year (really 1.5 years) to feel like I mastered rollersetting.

You will get the hang of it. Just keep practicing, do a search of the forum and look up rollersetting threads. You'll get lots of tips.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

im going to try my first rollerset today. i just had a relaxer, so my roots will be straight. for the time being, i dont need to be able to do them perfectly so now is the perfect time for me to start trying to learn how to do it :yep:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

You poor thing! I hope the ladies' advice and tips will help you get the job done! I KNOW I will never even try it because I won't get it right. I couldn't even wrap my hair back when I used to get relaxers. :sad:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I thought you weren't supposed to do that cause it keeps your hair from drying in the spots where the rollers are clipped together :confused:

Do you have any probs with fully drying? If not, Imma be a clippin fool! :lol:

No problems thus far. Dries fast cuz I use minimal product and get results this way. I know your "not supposed" to do this cause it causes breakage:yawn:
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

I feel you. I bought a Pibbs last January in hopes of doing my own weekly rollersets, and I've only used it once! :rolleyes: I got so frustrated trying to strategically place those rollers. My arms were fingers were cold and numb from the constant spritzing with water :ohwell:. Needless to say, I'm still going to the Dominican salon every week for their quick and easy rollersets.

I'm going to get back at it, day. :look:

Good luck!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Glad I'm not the only one suffering from cold numb fingers because of the excessive spritzing. I just can't seem to get rollersetting down to save my life. I even tried the Mohawk way ... still no good. I finally had to give up.
Re: F'ing Frustrated trying to do this &*&da*n Rollerset!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Glad I'm not the only one suffering from cold numb fingers because of the excessive spritzing. I just can't seem to get rollersetting down to save my life. I even tried the Mohawk way ... still no good. I finally had to give up.

LOL Once I put the bottle down my thumbs dont get numb until I get to the last roller or two. If my hair is wet, cool, but I find its not neccessary for me to mop the floor with it either. This has made me not hate rollersetting so much because I hate mushy fingers!!!!
I've been rollersetting my own hair since I was a teen and the first few times it was hard, but you have to just keep trying. One thing I've learned is that its easier to put them on if you buy the extra long bobby pins. They hold the rollers in place much better. Oh and make sure you buy the right size for your hair length.