*FRUSTRATED* Critique my Reggie.. cuz my ish just not growin'!!! Help me grow!


New Member
Okay, so I have been in the hair game since March of 2006. I am coming on my third year.

I first started at neck length. Now I am at APL, barely.

I have used every product mentioned. I agree that I have great growth and health, but it seems like my hair is just NOT growing. I am becoming so frustrated because, IMO, I should have BEEN BSL, especially with the way I take care of my hair. So, here it goes.

Products I use:
Bioloage Fortifying Leave-In
Liza Ackbari (sp?) Vitamin Spray
V05 Lavendar Conditioner (Co-washes)
Herbal Essences Breaks over (co-wash)
Cocunut oil
Vatika Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Kera Care Humecto
Creme of Nature Hydrating Detangling Poo
Sunsilk Hydra TLC creme (moisterizer)
Nexxus Emercencee (semi-heavy protein)
Aphoghee For Damaged hair (hard core protein, done every 6 months)
Nexxus Kera phix (light protein)
Aveda Damage remedy (light protein + moisterizing, this is usually done every 3 weeks in the winter and sparingly in the summer)
V05 Heat Protectant Spray
Chi Silk Infusion (for straightening)
100% Silk Sarf
100% Silk Pillow Case

-I stretch my relaxer from 12-17 weeks. This has helped me retain the most growth.
- I cowash with either HH or V05 every 3-4 days. This depends on nothing, just what I want to smell. LoL
-I wash every 9-10 days. I wash with the CON poo and DC with Humecto adding coconut oil or EVOO. I then apply Biolage fortifying leave in and a couple pumps of Liza Ackbari. I apply the Hydra TLC and seal with Vatika.
-I Protective style (buns, ponytails, bantu knots) about 80% of the time.
- I straighten 1-2 times every relaxer. I admit, I blow dry, but rollersetting, FOR ME is too much manipulation and it just doesn't work. I used v05 Heat protectant and Chi Serum for my hair.
-I do an Emercencee treatment every 2 months
- I will do an Aveda treatment every 2 weeks.
I *dust* my ends usually every 8 weeks

So, what am I doing wrong here?

I think my hair really is not growing. I get a bunch of New Growth and then when I relax, it doesn't appear that I retained any length.

What do you guys think?
Soundds fine to me, except maybe the blowdrying is too much on your ends causing you to loose some of what you retain. Also, how much do you dust off every 8wks? and how much growth do you get a month?
Aw, your siggy pic is so cute!!! :spinning:

Hmmm, I don't see anything "wrong" with your reggie... Maybe try braiding it up for a while, so you don't have to deal with it. An added bonus is that it's really low mani and your hair will probably thrive! :D
If you are getting new growth then your hair is definitely growing!

Like shopoholic mentioned, it may be a factor that you are just not retaining the length due to breakage that you don't even realize. I know my hair grows by the big patch of new growth on the top of my head but what I realize is that although I don't realize that I have breakage at the time because it is not in the comb, I am experiencing breakage because I see broken hair on the floor of the bathroom and in other places around the house.

Does your hair feel healthy too you? Do you feel like you retain enough moisture and does your hair feel strong? Maybe doing an examination of your actual hair in addition to the products may help.

Also you have quite a long list of products (IMO). Maybe your hair just can't take using so many products?

Anyways, I am still trying to figure out why I am not further along the BSL path so I feel your pain. Good luck!
You went from NL to APL, so it must be growing. Maybe your hair just grows slowly. When combing, do you see little chips of hair breaking? If not, it's probably just slow growth.
I would try to incorporate airdrying into your regimen. Are you using a scarf at night? And also what do you use as a daily moisturizer?
Thank you soooo much for the feedback

I am sorry, but I am unable to use the multi-quote function here at work, so bear with me you all.

Wheezy807: I usually airdry every time. When I am PC'ing or doing my bantu knots, I air dry. the only time I don't is when I flat iron.straighten. I blow dry here. This is usually twice every 3-4 months.

Denise11: I hardly comb, unless I am detangling or wearing it straightened. But, when I do.. i see pieces of hair, but they usually have a bulb attachment or they aren't really lil, maybe 2.5 inches. Do, you think I am breaking?

pear: I agree with you! I do have a lot of products, but, I don't use them all at once. I use different products for different things. I try to incooprate protein, but IMO, some times I may need a light one, depending on the weather or the season of the year. Some of my proteins are maintence while the others are what I consider "recovery". Also, some of y products are for different styles. I just listed EVERYTHING that goes on my head.

My hair feels healthy to me, but IMO, it has can be dry. The strains seem like too light to the point where it is dry. My ends seem like they are split too, but when I try and tackle them, I don't see where I can start. Does that make sense to you?

I usually wear a really simple ponty tail. I wear the pony tail, twist the ends and wrap them around the ponytail and use a bobby pin to secure it. Other times, I use a bear claw, or I just put it in the pnytail and tuck the ends in the ponytail.

At night, I water it, with plain water, add some Sunsilk and seal with vatika. I then twist it up, pin it and wear a 100% silk scarf to bed. I use a 100% silk pillow case too.

Thanks Tiffers:
I hate to sound funky, but I don't like braids. Also, in my professin, it is a lil "unprofessional". My edges are very sensitve and in the past, braids have damaged them.


I am inclined to agree with you. But, I blow dry about twice every 3-4 months. Do you think that is is enough to cause substantial breakage? The growth is the issue, in the 3-4 month period, I usually have abou 2 and a half inches of new growth. I dust about .5 of an inch off.
I agree that we do need different products at different times so the number of products you use may actually be the right number for your hair but maybe some of the products are just not working for your hair anymore or maybe they never did.

You mentioned that your hair can feel dry at times, for me, dryness on my 4B hair = breakage. Controlling my dryness is a constant battle. Maybe you need to consider a different deep conditioner and/or moisturizer if you are still experiencing dryness with their use. I see that you use Keracare humecto. Many women here swear by it but it didn't do a darn thing for my hair. I was also Sunsilk Hydra TLC user and it kept my hair moisturized for maybe a day but then my hair became dry again.

You mention that you dust your ends every 8 weeks but you also mention that your "ends are split but when I try to tackle them I don't know where to start." You may need to actually get a mini trim rather than dusting so that as many split hairs can be removed as possible and you can start with a clean slate. After that, I would say to continue to do protective styles and maybe consider a split end treatment product to help prevent further splitting. There was a recent thread on a product by Joico for split ends and awhile back several people were raving about TIGI Bed Head Split End Mender.

I hope that you can figure things out. My goal for this year is to find the right mix of products and stick to them. Hopefully we can both figure things out and reach BSL this year!
I don't see a moisturizing DC though. OP I wish I could tell you what is wrong because as far as I can tell, you are doing the "right things". You might want to start DCing mre frequently than you are right now and check that TLC mositurizer for protein too. Might be too much protein. IDK

You are shedding if you see white bulbs. Good luck OP
Since you don't seem to be missing protein and you say that your hair usually feels dry, then you must be missing moisture. Try to up your moisture daily and see what happens. You seem to be doing all the right things so it has to be something minor. Daily moisturising and low manipulation work wonders.
I would encourage you to begin moving away from as much direct heat as possible. I used to get split ends ALL THE TIME. Now that I rollerset, I get none and the only thing I really took out of my regimen is using my flat iron once a month or two. I used to hate rollersetting and I hated the results but I was determined to learn. I practiced until I got it. And now, I dont even want to use my flat iron. Its faster but my hair is not nearly as healthy and my ends are alot better. I also notice less shedding and breakage through the week then when I would bun everyday too. I just love it. So dont give up on a tried and true hair styling practice.
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I understand that you don't use all of these products at once and it is needed for a particular issue, but as a RN you almost seem like one of my patients on 10 medications and none of them working. Maybe you need to invest in products that increase growth. Scalp massages plus coconut oil stimulates your scalp. Not trying to push ayurveda because that is a whole other ball game, but try focusing on your scalp and how you can increase growth. Good luck.
:yep::yep::yep::yep:I like the pic in your avatar, beautiful hair:yep::yep::yep::yep:

Thank you!

I agree that we do need different products at different times so the number of products you use may actually be the right number for your hair but maybe some of the products are just not working for your hair anymore or maybe they never did.

You mentioned that your hair can feel dry at times, for me, dryness on my 4B hair = breakage. Controlling my dryness is a constant battle. Maybe you need to consider a different deep conditioner and/or moisturizer if you are still experiencing dryness with their use. I see that you use Keracare humecto. Many women here swear by it but it didn't do a darn thing for my hair. I was also Sunsilk Hydra TLC user and it kept my hair moisturized for maybe a day but then my hair became dry again.

You mention that you dust your ends every 8 weeks but you also mention that your "ends are split but when I try to tackle them I don't know where to start." You may need to actually get a mini trim rather than dusting so that as many split hairs can be removed as possible and you can start with a clean slate. After that, I would say to continue to do protective styles and maybe consider a split end treatment product to help prevent further splitting. There was a recent thread on a product by Joico for split ends and awhile back several people were raving about TIGI Bed Head Split End Mender.

I hope that you can figure things out. My goal for this year is to find the right mix of products and stick to them. Hopefully we can both figure things out and reach BSL this year!

Thank you pear.

While, I agree that my hair is probably dry, i don't know if I need a mini trim. I mean, it is thick and full to the ends, but a lil dry. Now reading you all's posts, I am starting to see where I can have a protein build up. I have been hearing a lot of things about this Joico as well. Maybe I will look into that. I am a 4b as well and I can say that I agree with you that dryness=breakage. I will look into the Joico line for a DC and probably cheta on my Humecto.

I don't see a moisturizing DC though. OP I wish I could tell you what is wrong because as far as I can tell, you are doing the "right things". You might want to start DCing mre frequently than you are right now and check that TLC mositurizer for protein too. Might be too much protein. IDK

You are shedding if you see white bulbs. Good luck OP

Thank you jerseygurl. I am starting to see that maybe I am suffering from portein overload. The Humecto by kera Care was acting as my moisterizing DC, but maybe it isn't concentrated enough, Who knows, it Does contain mineral oil? I am going to look into teh Joico products. Thank you!

Since you don't seem to be missing protein and you say that your hair usually feels dry, then you must be missing moisture. Try to up your moisture daily and see what happens. You seem to be doing all the right things so it has to be something minor. Daily moisturising and low manipulation work wonders.

I practice low manipulation. I was naive to the fact that my daily moisterizer had Keratin (which can act as a protein) until someone mentioned it. Then, I looked when I got home and sure enough.. this explains why I would moisterize and a few hours later, i am dry again.

I would also suggest a different regimen. I have tried different members regimens to see which one worked for me. I finally settled on wash once a week (no more, no less), dc once to twice a week, moisturize everyday, rollerset once a week or two, and bun when I am not rollersetting. It works and its so simple. I have extra little things I do but thats the gist of it.

I would also encourage you to begin moving away from as much direct heat as possible. I used to get split ends ALL THE TIME. Now that I rollerset, I get none and the only thing I really took out of my regimen is using my flat iron once a month or two. I used to hate rollersetting and I hated the results but I was determined to learn. I practiced until I got it. And now, I dont even want to use my flat iron. Its faster but my hair is not nearly as healthy and my ends are alot better. I also notice less shedding and breakage through the week then when I would bun everyday too. I just love it. So dont give up on a tried and true hair styling practice.

Thank you prettyface!

I think you may have sold me on perfecting the rollerset. I think I will try again this weekend! I am ready to claim BSL now.

How is your diet?? Are you on any meds, vitamins, or supplements?
Thanks Eisani!

Meds: Nuva Ring (BC)
Cod Liver Oil Capsules
Alpha Lipoic Acid. I don't take supplements for hair growth.

My diet is pretty good. I usually get 4-5 fruits and veggies a day and I exercise plenty. I also drink a lot of water
I understand that you don't use all of these products at once and it is needed for a particular issue, but as a RN you almost seem like one of my patients on 10 medications and none of them working. Maybe you need to invest in products that increase growth. Scalp massages plus coconut oil stimulates your scalp. Not trying to push ayurveda because that is a whole other ball game, but try focusing on your scalp and how you can increase growth. Good luck.

Thank you hurricane!

It is frustrating. I like how you broke it down. I am using a lot of product, but essentially they aren't "working", menaing they aren't doing what I want them to do, which is make my hair grow. Looking at it, if I have to do all of this to RETAIN length, there has to be something better for me. My DH massages my scalp about twice weekly. I am going to ensure that he adds coconut oil with that. :yep: Thank you
I would also suggest a different regimen. I have tried different members regimens to see which one worked for me. I finally settled on wash once a week (no more, no less), dc once to twice a week, moisturize everyday, rollerset once a week or two, and bun when I am not rollersetting. It works and its so simple. I have extra little things I do but thats the gist of it.

I would also encourage you to begin moving away from as much direct heat as possible. I used to get split ends ALL THE TIME. Now that I rollerset, I get none and the only thing I really took out of my regimen is using my flat iron once a month or two. I used to hate rollersetting and I hated the results but I was determined to learn. I practiced until I got it. And now, I dont even want to use my flat iron. Its faster but my hair is not nearly as healthy and my ends are alot better. I also notice less shedding and breakage through the week then when I would bun everyday too. I just love it. So dont give up on a tried and true hair styling practice.
I totally agree. You need to learn how to rollerset. It prevents splits. Also, it keeps your hair cuticle aligned properly or smthg b/c when u have to detangle your hair or when someone like your stylist has to comb it, you lose less. It helps u keep your hair detangled with the least manipulation.

Another great thing about rollersets, is that your hair is stronger after it is dry. Also, your natural oils can slide down your hair shaft easier this way.

Also, your hair is probably dry b/c u do not use a deep moisturizing conditioner that is good enough. Keracare humecto is just okay IMHO. I prefer AlterEgo Energizing conditioner. It is the most moisturizing. In fact, u may want to try both the AlterEgo nourishing conditioner for 5-10 minutes w/heat, rinse, and apply Energizing. Use salerm 21 and rollerset. Trust me, your hair will be soft and well moisturized in no time.

My last piece of advice is to get a rinse every other touch up or at least twice a year. It will help keep your hair healthy.
Thank you soooo much for the feedback
My hair feels healthy to me, but IMO, it has can be dry. The strains seem like too light to the point where it is dry. My ends seem like they are split too, but when I try and tackle them, I don't see where I can start. Does that make sense to you? Yes, it does!

I usually wear a really simple ponty tail. I wear the pony tail, twist the ends and wrap them around the ponytail and use a bobby pin to secure it. Other times, I use a bear claw, or I just put it in the pnytail and tuck the ends in the ponytail.


There are a few things I see that may be impacting your growth. Each one of these things by themselves is not a big deal. But all together, and over time, could impact your gaining length.

1. If you are dusting every 8 weeks, depending upon how much you are cutting off, you may be cutting away your length. (I can't tell for sure without knowing how much you dust each time) -

2. Twisting your hair around is splaying the ends and exposing them to the air. Unless the very ends of your hair are very thick and even and blunt cut, bit by bit, you can lose length. This style can eat away at the ends slowly. Also, bobby pins can tear and rip hair.

It sounds to me that you have a good routine, you just need to tweak it a bit. I would suggest changing one thing at a time, for 1 month at a time. Make a written note of it, date it and each month look at your hair to determine the impact of the change, be it an addition or a subtraction of something.

You are doing many things right. Otherwise, you would not have the lovely length and shine that you have. There may be just a few things you may want to modify and you may be just 2-6 months away from finding the key that will drop your hair way down your back to the lengths you want.