Front vs Back


Active Member
Is anyone's hair thinner in the front than in the back? The back of my hair is really thick but the front (parted straight across-ear to ear) is thinner.--:nono:

I hate this and want to work on thickening up the front that it's full all around.
The front, bang section of my hair is definitely thinner (as in less dense) and shorter then the rest of my hair. Considerably so, in my opinion, but no one else in my life who I ask seems to notice the difference lol. The growth rate for the rest of my hair is probably a little above .5" per month; for the front section, it's around .25" :perplexed

This is the area of my hair that was always "left out" back in my pre-journey days...when I didn't give a hoot about healthy hair. I'd flat iron and curl it daily, this *after* spritzing and sometimes gel-ing it to death to get it to behave like my expensive weave. Poor probably just gave up eventually and hasn't ever fully recovered from the years of abuse :(

In the new year, I'm going to focus on stronger PTs for this section of my hair, and continue applying castor oil to my scalp as I've started back doing over the last month. I'm hoping to continue to see this area improve in 2012.
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My hair is quite thin at the back - the strands are thinner and my hair is less dense.

It's annoying, but I've managed to mask it with the hair on top.
Is anyone's hair thinner in the front than in the back? The back of my hair is really thick but the front (parted straight across-ear to ear) is thinner.--:nono:

I hate this and want to work on thickening up the front that it's full all around.

I have the exact same issue as you and am working on it. I leave relaxer on less time using the front and back method as opposed to the side to side method. And will work on using castor oil every other day on the front scalp sections. I'm still experimenting to see if this will work.
Yup, my hair is less dense at the front. My solution is very thick bangs like Zooey Deschanel.

My hair is thinner in the front. I've been wearing braids for almost 2 years now and while my back and sides have made a lot of progress, my front is struggling. I know my edges and front should be at least 8 inches long but I believe it's about 3/4 inches in some sections. I can't believe there could be such a difference but it is. I am going to focus more on the front to see if I could make a difference. I wish I know what to do to get it growing faster.
Same problem. I try to protective style but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I think the growth rate in the front is slower, on top of being more prone to breakage, and finer/thinner. I've cut the rest of my hair several times because my front and edges looked ridiculous. My twists don't even look right, it looks like a mullet.
Opposite - I'm thicker in the front than in the back. I have a middle section in the back that stretches from my middle crown all the way to my nape that is thinner and shorter than the rest of my hair. Trying to decide if I'm going to try a growth aid or just start using castor oil on my scalp in the area to thicken and hopefully encourage growth.
Sorry to see you guys are having the same issues, but glad to hear it's not just me. I'm going to do the castor oil thing and hope that this will help thicken up the front. That will be my focus in 2012.
Hmmm my front being one texture is thinner and more tightly kinky than the back which is thicker and more like a loose wavy/curly texture....Of which drives me batty
sometimes bc the back doesnt have much shrinkage the front almost 75% shrinkage!