From WL to BC; Tales of Completely Unnecessary Big Chops


Well-Known Member
So about 4 weeks ago I went from hair grazing Wl to hair barely covering my ears.

My BF tried to disown me, coworkers tried to spank me and I left more than one person with their jaw on the floor. For some reason people couldn't separate me from my hair.

So I"m curious. Please share stories of chopping off perfectly healthy long hair. Were people mad at you? Did you warn anybody? What was the reaction you received? And feel free to post pics of course. I will post mine tomorrow when I upload my camera.
I'm mad. You could have warned us before hand. Everytime i see your siggy i get high off it. Now the euphoria i'm feeling now is based on a lie:(
You have some pretty pretty hair
Sorry about what you are going through OP

Back in the day I went from relaxed APL length to a bleach blonde natural crop (The Eve Look)
People asked me "Why?" "Whats wrong" "Are you okay"

Nothing was wrong I wanted something new. Relaxed hair got boring for me

For those who loved it, great. For those who hate it great, for those who were disgusted by it and couldn't get over it, sounded like a personal problem I could give less a s**t about. And IMO it may be time to re-evaluate your relationship if your boyfriend is showing and continues to show acts of disowning you because of your hair. I had that happen to me before.

Pics 2002-2006

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I have always wondered why some cut unnecessarily. Altho thats not your exact question, I'm hoping some say why they did so. Thanks. Waiting for responses.
I'd cut mine before and people noticed, sure, but only one or two asked: why did you cut your hair? Others just complimented. :/ I'm sorry you had the experience you did. I wish my bf would try to disown me after cutting off a handful of dead-cells! I'm sure if someone came at me with something like that, not being able to distinguish me from my hair, I'd have a few words for them. I went from long to medium to short with him having known me for only a few months and he's liked them all. My mom's probably my biggest enthusiast as far as hair-cutting goes lol, she keeps hers short all the time- and I mean shorter than twa! I say more power to ya, so long as you are happy!
ive cut my hair plenty of times unnecessarily...

for me it was always just a "whim" kind of thing. i never thought about it much...i just got this itch and then i'd reach for the scissors and SNIP SNIP...same night it popped into my head. haha...warning people? nah. i just did it.

ive been natural for almost 6 years and ive done major cuts 3 or 4 times. i probably could have grown quite a bit if i hadnt cut so many times. i always ended up regretting it, but for some reason i couldnt fight the impulse. i promised myself not to cut anymore after my last...which was about 2 years ago...and ive been good, though, i cant say i havent thought about it at all.
For me it was a "whim" thing too. I went to bed wanting to cut my hair. I promised myself that I would sleep on it and if I didn't feel different about it in the morning...Time to go!

My BF definitley got over it. LOL For him it was a shock because I gave absolutely no warning. I just flipped the script as he said lol.
^^^^Oh okay. I was under the impression he took your BC more seriously than you did. :rofl:
In January I BC'ed MBL hair.
Folk shook their heads. Some tried to talk me out of it. Some gave me crazy looks. And some thought thought I was crazy. But I was just tired of my relaxed hair.
It was gonna get cut off anyways, so I just got it over with sooner.
I can't answer your question, but I can tell you why I have reacted to people cutting their hair...for some people, I don't think they realize that their hair is their beauty. Once they cut it, they lose a certain spark to me. (Like when Keri Russell from that show Felicity cut her hair - ratings dropped and the show eventually got cancelled.)

Others, look great with a new cut and I'm just surprised because they look so different.


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I don't know why on earth you people cut off all your hair. If any of you had asked me, I would have said not to do it.
Most people just love long hair and dont get why you would ever cut it off (Including me! Man I love me some long hair). I mean, just look at this whole forum dedicated to growing it! I know if I ever cut my hair off (which would never ever happen btw lol) my friends and family would die. Because they love my hair as much as I do. In fact, last week my friends were talking about my other friend with WL hair(who i wrote a post about) and my yt friend said she'd kill her if she cut her hair off.

And dont even get me started on my boyfriend. If I cut my hair he would probably cry. I cut off 3 inches in the winter and he was so mad lol
Yeah long hair is something to be envied and cherished to some. They can kick rocks though. Hair grows back :) I cut my hair off on a whim too and didn't think twice!
I can't answer your question, but I can tell you why I have reacted to people cutting their hair...for some people, I don't think they realize that their hair is their beauty. Once they cut it, they lose a certain spark to me. (Like when Keri Russell from that show Felicity cut her hair - ratings dropped and the show eventually got cancelled.)

Others, look great with a new cut and I'm just surprised because they look so different.

I remember the disappointment when Keri Russell cut her hair. I think part of it was because at that that time there were a lot fewer curly haired people (white or black) represented in the media. So I think she became an unofficial spokesperson. I'm sure she expected a reaction to her hair being cut. Just not that it would backfire.

It also reminds me of when Angela Basset's character in Waiting to Exhale cut her hair. The stylist didn't even want to do it (though I've never personally met a stylist in real life the least bit reluctant to cut someone's hair).

I can kinda remember some head shaking when I went natural. I didn't big chop all at once, but cut my hair off with two major cuts over the course of a year. People seemed the most confused when I did the first one (from past APL to SL). It wasn't readily apparent that I was transitioning and people didn't understand why I did it. But the reaction wasn't too bad (but maybe time has dimmed my memory :lol:).
Thanks for the responses everybody...Keep 'em coming.

TBH I shocked myself because I told myself I wasn't gonna cut my hair every again. This seems to be something I do every 4 years or so lol.
So about 4 weeks ago I went from hair grazing Wl to hair barely covering my ears.

My BF tried to disown me, coworkers tried to spank me and I left more than one person with their jaw on the floor. For some reason people couldn't separate me from my hair.

So I"m curious. Please share stories of chopping off perfectly healthy long hair. Were people mad at you? Did you warn anybody? What was the reaction you received? And feel free to post pics of course. I will post mine tomorrow when I upload my camera.

This is what I'm afraid of. People have always associated me with my hair since day one. I've never had short hair, people always tell me to NEVER cut my hair.
When I get the courage to just do it, I dread the negative comments that I'll hear for months to come. There has only been 2 people that have been supportive and encouraged me to cut my hair and they are males:look:
My family should've just tied me up to a truck and dragged me down the dad actually cussed when he saw i big chopped:lachen:...he was in a chill mood and quickly came out of it and literally almost choked on his beer when he saw my hair:rofl:...everybody pretty much concluded that i lost my mind...except my sister...who did it for me:) grandmother still gives me grief about my kinky-curls....i ALMOST told her to have a seat the other day:blush:...i mean after a while you learn to just black out when ppl go there but when its the same person everytime telling you to do something with come to realize how badly you wanna punch them in the face...regardless of who they are.

So my way of dealing with this instead of doing what my angry part of my mind wants to do...i simply ask the anybody gonna DIE bc my hair is curly? Seriously! I haven't MURDERED anybody have i?......then wait for this look: :look:......and then come back with...exactly..have a seat.

^works for me on any subject! :lol:
In hindsight, I recently cut my hair in May from a little past SL to right above my ear and I so regret doing it. I cut it because I had a little setback with braids and thought I had to cut it in order to fix it. WRONG!! All I had to do was give my hair some extra TLC, stay away from the braids. I could have kept SL and been aiming towards APL.

Never again. never.

Everyone fussed at me too, and asked me vehemently "why did you cut your hair?" I reply, with "it's just hair, it'll grow back", but inside I'm crying at the dumb decision I made.
Yea when I BC'ed a few weeks ago everyone was tripping. My cousin who is my bff hates it with a passion. The daycare director at my dd school hates it and looked at me all ugly asking why I cut it, I wanted to ask why she fat but I just kept it moving. My dh loves it and I absolutely love it. I told my homie I feel like a spy lol.