From Why Lord to Thank You Lord and now just confused


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm fairly new to the forum. I was lurking the hair care pages for a few months but then finally decided to join when I started reading this Christian forum. I've been blessed by many of the threads on here but I'm writing today because I need your prayers and words of encouragement.

I've had a long summer. My grandmother and my older brother both died less than 24 hours apart in July. Both deaths were isolated situations and were both unexpected. Needless to say, these deaths put me on an emotional rollercoaster this summer. But through it all I managed to find my way back to God. I found the blessing in the pain. I was born and raised in the church. I was "saved" before I even knew what it meant because even if it wasn't in my heart, I had to live the life because my mother said so and I had no choice. But I didn't grow up with resentment toward the church. I accepted the Lord for myself in junior high school and I continued with Him until right after college when I fell in love with my male best friend. My bestfriend turned boyfriend meant more to me than anything. I even put my relationship with him before God. Through it all I never fully left the church, never stopped going to services, never stopped believing God but my faith grew very weak especially when my relationship ended. I blamed God for all the pain and hurt I was feeling. I felt that if He loved me he would've let me marry the guy that I truly loved.

Fast forwarding a few years, I've been single for almost 3 years now and up until this summer I still angry and had lots of doubts in God. But when my grandmother died my faith was renewed. My grandmother was a praying woman. Her prayers were always quiet but they were very powerful. You could feel God working around her. My whole family believes that our success and our survival is due to her praying for us everyday. I cried so hard when she passed and while I was crying one night God told me that it's my job to take up where she left off with the praying. My grandmother's legacy of prayer had been passed down to me. I laughed at first because I'd been so far from God for the past few years I couldn't see how that was possible. I would need to have a lot of faith in order to pray like my grandmother. I doubted it at first but God worked on me the whole month of August and I can say that He truly changed my heart. I read my bible every day now. I pray out loud and I brought a journal to write prayers in as well. I started searching for a new church (that's another thread on its own) and I've re-committed to abstinence until marriage. I was soaring through the clouds until this weekend...

On Saturday, my car was broken into and my computer was stolen. I never leave my computer in the car but I had been carrying it all day and my back was starting to hurt. I was on my way home when my friends and I decided to go to dinner. I parked far from the restaurant and was going to take my computer with me but since my back was hurting I decided to leave it in the car. I new it wasn't a smart idea to put in the trunk while people were watching but I felt strong in faith. As I walked away something said to me your computer is going to be stolen. I thought it was the Lord talking to me so I walked back to the car and opened the trunk to take it out but then I said no that's the devil trying to shake my faith. I closed the trunk back and I prayed for protection of my car and I walked away in faith. Well sad to say, when I got home, I realized my trunk was broken into and my computer was gone.

My first thought was why Lord?? I've been trying so hard to have faith again, why would you let this happen? I began to cry not just for the loss of my computer but sadness because I've been trying so hard to be closer to God, to be able to hear his voice but yet I still can't hear him and he can't hear me. I wanted to know why he didn't protect my car even though I prayed. But then it occurred to me that he did provide protection. I remembered that when I had turned back to get my computer, there were two men watching me. I looked them dead in the face and I thought, they're going to steal my computer. Any normal person would've taken the computer with them after seeing that but I left it anyway and just whispered a prayer. I thought my prayer was protection for my car but later that night after dealing with the police, God showed me that it was protection for me. I was by myself at the car and those men wanted my computer so badly that if I had taken it, they would've attacked me for it. I went from saying why lord to THANK YOU LORD! I prefer to have my life than to have my computer.

So I got up on Sunday morning ready to go worship and thank the Lord for sparing my life but in church I couldn't even focus. My mind kept running on all the things I could've done differently. All that kept playing in my mind is that this is all my fault. If I had done things differently, I would still have my computer. It got to a point where I could barely even sing and I don't even remember what the sermon was about. I'm so confused and I'm very angry with myself right now. I just don't understand why I'm going through this. This is a terrible time for me to be without a computer. I just started building up my own business, I was in the middle of a project and now everything is gone. I'm trying to find that joy I had on Saturday night when I realized that God spared my life but I can't seem to get that feeling back. I just feel so down and angry while I try to resolve this with my insurance company, my banks and my credit card companies. I even got in an argument with my mom who was just trying to get me to stop blaming myself.

I need your prayers. I don't want to go back to distrusting God again. I don't want to lose my faith again. My mind is telling me this is the devil as I've heard it in so many sermons before. I know that I need to rebuke the devil right now but my heart is so down. I can't stop feeling like I did something wrong to deserve this. Please pray for me. God gave me a big responsibility. He told me its my job to pray for my family every day like my grandmother did but I'm not sure I can do that unless my faith becomes really stable.

Sorry this was so long. I have so many thoughts in my mind right now.
Ask God to free your mind from the negative and start focusing on the positive in your life. Realize that common occurences and forces in nature such as rain and storms happen all the time with no explanation. Therefore, we must keep in mind that God is a sovereign God and everything happens for a reason and a purpose. We must persevere in the trials and tribulations that we face in this life. Ask God for strength, courage, wisdom, and contentment. Don't worry, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Trust God and acknowledge Him always and he will direct your path. Keep the faith no matter what. God bless you.
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I'm just here right now to give you a great big hug. I'm so sorry for the pain you've been going through and in such a short span of time.

Pain is pain no matter when or how it happens, but this was just too close and it's no wonder that you feel as you do. You're going through a vey trying emotional and spiritual transition right now. God will indeed bring you past all of this and you will no longer feel 'confused' and the pain will lifted. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

:bighug: :grouphug2: :bighug:

I truly mean this, somehow, I can 'feel' your 'heart' right where I'm sitting at my desk. All I want for you is for God to make it better. And He will do so just for you. :giveheart:
Thank you Shimmie. I really needed that hug. It brought a tear to my eye. I feel so drained but I have faith that I'll feel better soon.
Praying for you. Just wanted to tell you that the rain falls on good ppl and not so good ones. The difference is we don't perish in the storms of life because of our anchor (Jesus). Also know that in this life sometimes we go through things that are painful and very difficult and it is not even for us but for someone else's benefit. During the pain we will not know why. We all have to learn to trust God knowing that he loves us, sees us, and is there especially when we don't feel him. Continue to seek God. You will learn how to tell when he is speaking to you vs another's voice. If he allowed you to get the 1st laptop, he is able to do it again. I'm not dismissing what you feel :nono: just saying he is able.

Psa 23:4
4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Matt 5:45
45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Thanks Prudent. That's one of the things I'm confused about. I'm not sure which voice was God's. Was it the one who told me to turn back to get my computer? Or was it the one who told me to leave it in faith? Since my computer is gone, it seems like the obvious answer is the one that told me to turn back. But, knowing that sometimes it takes time to see the real blessing, it could be the one that said to leave it and go in faith. It confuses me so much but I'm trying to just leave it in God's hands. I pray everyday that he helps me to hear his voice and to know that it is His voice.

Thanks for your kind words!
Thank you Shimmie. I really needed that hug. It brought a tear to my eye. I feel so drained but I have faith that I'll feel better soon.
It's going to be okay, aweetie. I don't have any other answers than that particular one. It's truly going to be okay. God hasn't let you down and He's not going to crush you with this. He already knows how badly you are hurting and He is not going to allow this hurt to go further.

You have the total Victory in this... :yep: God is not going to allow the enemy to kick you nor bruise you while you are down.

A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax (flickering candle) shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.

Matthew 12:20

God says to the enemy, 'Stop it!' You've done enough!

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person. (Job 22:29)


Thanks Prudent. That's one of the things I'm confused about. I'm not sure which voice was God's. Was it the one who told me to turn back to get my computer? Or was it the one who told me to leave it in faith? Since my computer is gone, it seems like the obvious answer is the one that told me to turn back. But, knowing that sometimes it takes time to see the real blessing, it could be the one that said to leave it and go in faith. It confuses me so much but I'm trying to just leave it in God's hands. I pray everyday that he helps me to hear his voice and to know that it is His voice.

If you had your computer and there was no warning, they would have TRIED killed you! God was just letting you know what was about to happen. As John 10:10 says above God wants us to live abundantly, You are Not bound by the devil.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 - When ever you begin to doubt, start Thanking God for waking you up, giving you life, etc...

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:2 - Jesus died so that we could be free, As a Christian write some positive things about what God has been showing you. Do not argue with your mom if she is encouraging you about God. Some times it is best to keep quiet and listen.

-We can not bind the Devil, only God has the power to bind him. Do not try to bind the devil, read Acts 19:13-16

If we want the devil to leave we should say "The Lord rebuke you!" See below:
8In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander celestial beings. 9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

I also wanted to take a moment to pray for you:

Dear Lord, our father,
I come to you thanking you for sparing our sister Reminiscing's life. Thank you for blessing her to come to this board and her sisters for help and encouragement. We ask that you would forgive her of the sins that she committed in the past both knowing and unkowingly. Right now she is struggling to hear your voice and to know if you are speaking to her. I ask that you would please allow her to hear and know your voice clearly and strong. I ask that you would please give her the strength she needs to read, pray, and seek your word every hour and minute of the day. When the evil one attempts to talk to her we ask that you would put a hedge of protection around her mind. Allow her to see that it is not of you. We want to thank you in advance for the blessings you are going to give to her and her family. Thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Thank you for the prayer MsWoman. I'm so happy to have found a forum where I can fellowship online. Everyone's words have been an encouragement to me.
Thanks Prudent. That's one of the things I'm confused about. I'm not sure which voice was God's. Was it the one who told me to turn back to get my computer? Or was it the one who told me to leave it in faith? Since my computer is gone, it seems like the obvious answer is the one that told me to turn back. But, knowing that sometimes it takes time to see the real blessing, it could be the one that said to leave it and go in faith. It confuses me so much but I'm trying to just leave it in God's hands. I pray everyday that he helps me to hear his voice and to know that it is His voice.

Thanks for your kind words!
Honestly, I think hearing God's voice might take time. It took me some time partially b/c I was a little unnerved by the prospect. :perplexed It seems to be like so many other things in our relationship w/ him. Some ppl are delivered from porn, alcohol, drugs, procrastination, you name it immediately. Then there are some (probably due to spiritual things) that receive their healing/ deliveries later after prayer. :rolleyes: The prayer and scripture Ms Woman gave you are good. Keep praying and believing in the passages that tell us how as God's sheep we can hear his voice. As you grow and stay in fellowship w/ God his voice will become clearer, louder, and stronger. Do not be dismayed. God says he will be found by all those that diligently seek him.