From the bottom of my heart Thank you LHCF


New Member
I have been surfing this forum since June but I got serious in August. Ladies and I mean each and everyone one of you beautiful ladies Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaank YOOOOOOOOOOOOU Is it safe to say I love you. No seriously its the love, support, and care from my sistas. I love it. Where would my hair I be with out you guys advice and experience etc. A hot mess. not moving an inch, trims every 6 weeks, relaxers every six weeks, using grease to moisture, poo and cond with anything onsale dry hair no vitamin knowledge...the list can go on. Thanks LHCF sistas:rosebud:
That was Nice of You to give all the Ladies a Shout Out!!!

And I totally Agree with You..."How would our hair look without LHCF"...It's truely a Blessing!:angel:
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I understand! I have hair today b/c of this site. The day God lead me here is a day I will treasure for a long (hair) time!

Shea said:
I have been surfing this forum since June but I got serious in August. Ladies and I mean each and everyone one of you beautiful ladies Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaank YOOOOOOOOOOOOU Is it safe to say I love you. No seriously its the love, support, and care from my sistas. I love it. Where would my hair I be with out you guys advice and experience etc. A hot mess. not moving an inch, trims every 6 weeks, relaxers every six weeks, using grease to moisture, poo and cond with anything onsale dry hair no vitamin knowledge...the list can go on. Thanks LHCF sistas:rosebud:

ITA......I would be lost and distraught without this forum!!!! Hopefully someday my hair will be so banging that I will be someone's inspiration :lol:
Awww that's so sweet and we feel the same way too...If I had not found this place my hair would be a hot mess:) I really love this site:)