From the Bandwagon to the Major League


Active Member
I found this on a different hair post. The word is out folks, it really works. I am starting to wonder about MN. I have not tried it but hey............

check out the little dancing man......He is going to my siggy...he is soo cute

Holy Moly...growth so fast it's scary!

So some of you know that I frequently trade hair growing tips with a long-time friend of mine who has textured hair (4a/b) different than my own. I have been showing her how to treat long hair once it's attained, and she has been showing me how to get maximum moisture. It has been a very rewarding trade-off indeed.

Earlier this past winter, she told me about the miconozol + sulfur mixture that many ladies with the same hair type are reportedly raving about on another hair growth forum. I actually (and I'm ashamed to admit this) laughed it off, and thought it was psuedo-science, a gimmick at best. I was not about to use yeast infection cream (Monistat) on my scalp just to get what might be negligable results.

This early spring (March), I bit the bullet and tried it. I bought generic yeast infection cream, started at 2%, worked my way up to 4%. I also needed something that contained sulfur, but I wasn't about to use the hair grease that my friend was using... very wrong for my own hair type. What I did instead was to make a simple rinse out of egg yolk and honey. The yolk contains all the sulphur content in the egg. I did this once a week. The results have been amazing.

At the beggining of the year, I was stalling out at around mid back. A few weeks after I started this, I started turning out at least an inch every month after that. I truly believe this mix had something to do with it. Except for the season change (it's always warm where I am anyway), there is nothing else I can attribute to this wild growth spurt.

It's amazing. Since June 1 2007, I have gone from 32" to 34.5" and I have even had my husband verify this several times.
It truly is a wonder. Before this, I think my normal growth was no more than average, at best. I really hope this streak continues for a little while longer, but I know everything good does not last forever, so I won't be heartbroken when/if this trend stops. But I gotta admit, it is nice to see my hair pumping out at its top potential.

I just wanted to share this with you. I didn't want to say anything at first because I am relatively new here, and I didn't want people's first impression of me to be "oh, she's the crazy one who tries all these crazy new-fangled ideas." I figure, each hair on my head has only one life to live, and I want it to achieve the maximum growth possible in its lifespan.

It's really neat to know how much I've come to learn about the subject of hair growth. When I first joined here, I didn't even know how to measure my hair properly (I had been measuring from the front hairline around the side of the head and down, not pulling my hair straight, and had the idea that hair is "waist length" only when it covers the entire back...
The responses were like half in half. Most members wanted to try something else.....I found this post interesting....

(written by on of the community members)
I've read a lot of raves about the Monistat cream and Mane n Tail Groom (I'm assuming that's what your friend was using) on the Long Hair Care Forum. I don't quite understand why the Monistat works. I've been interested in the MTG but I definitely don't want to have to deal with trying to wash it out or deal with the smell. I've always wondered if these treatments are only appropriate for black hair since I haven't heard of caucasians, Asians, etc using these treatments. Maybe I'll give the egg yolk rinse a try.

Here is the link to the entire page....(hope it works)
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There are many people, of all races, that use Nizarol to treat dandruff and hair loss. The active ingredient is Ketoconazole, another antifungal.

If they did a search they would see the many studies and forums discussing the use of this product.
I've always wondered if these treatments are only appropriate for black hair since I haven't heard of caucasians, Asians, etc using these treatments.

The European medical community is there, precribing a MN lotion for hairloss, and the Asian community is definitely there already. Mochida has been selling Collage Furu Furu, a high-end shampoo and conditioner with 2% MN since last year and my guess is that it's not the only hair care product with MN available to Asian markets. I haven't been able to find the Mochida line from any US distributors, but my cousin and her family are stationed in Okinawa so I think I'll be hitting her up to run to the store :grin: !!
Congratulations... I am happy for your growth.

But I am not sure......Ummm....

It seems to me that if you get average growth a month without the MN + sulfur, about .5" inches a month, you would have made the same progress.

From June to November, that should equate to more than 2.5" inches, almost 3 inches come the end of November. Each 2 months equates to 1 inch of hair.

So maybe it was just you growing your wonderful hair all by yourself and you really didnt need the MN after all.:yep:
StellaB: I saw that post too a couple weeks ago on Long Hair Community. Like someone said in another thread, all you have to do is look on the different hair forums and you see that we are all doing essentially the same things with the same goals in mind.
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There are many people, of all races, that use Nizarol to treat dandruff and hair loss. The active ingredient is Ketoconazole, another antifungal.

If they did a search they would see the many studies and forums discussing the use of this product.

:yep::yep: People are lining up trying to figure out how to add this stuff to hair care products. MN didn't help me with my growth rate but it helped my scalp tremendously
Congratulations... I am happy for your growth.

But I am not sure......Ummm....

It seems to me that if you get average growth a month without the MN + sulfur, about .5" inches a month, you would have made the same progress.

From June to November, that should equate to more than 2.5" inches, almost 3 inches come the end of November. Each 2 months equates to 1 inch of hair.

So maybe it was just you growing your wonderful hair all by yourself and you really didnt need the MN after all.:yep:

I would love to say that I have 35 inches of hair but ...this post is actually from another long hair community;