From Nature with Love or Henna for Hair- equal quality Henna?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, so has anyone tried one or both Hennas from both vendors? Which one has the higher quality henna do you think? It looks like HennaSooq is in Canada. I think you incur additional charges when shipping to US-right? Thanks for responding.:grin: I want to try some BAQ henna along with Cassia and Indigo. I'm looking at 100.00 at least already! :( I want the best for my money.
I have not used henna from Henna for Hair. But I have used FNWL and other hennas. AFAIC, FNWL has been the best. Fast, strong color release and great results. YMMV, though. I'm really not sure if they always get their henna from the same supplier. But I've ordered a lot of it and it's always been good.

I ordered from hennasooq and my order arrived fast, but I haven't used it yet so I can't give you a comparison.
Thanks Cichelle, I appreciate the feedback. What does "AFAIC" mean. I'm sure it's something simple!:lol:

Thanks again
I love the quality of henna from hennasooq. It's superior to the others I've tried and the shipping was actually not much different from the other sources I tried. The customer service is excellent and shipping doesn't take forever. I can say with certainty you would be pleased with the quality of the product.;)
I've tried H4H and FNWL, and FNWL wins, hands down. Not to say that H4H henna is BAD - it's just bloody expensive, and it doesn't 'stick/glob' together as well as FNWL's henna. FNWL's henna can be lumpy - you've gotta mix it well, but for the price, I'm willing to beat the henna a little harder. FNWL's henna dye releases within an hour using just warm water, it doesn't smell NEARLY as strong as H4H, and it's got a good color to it, as well.
nappywomyn said:
I've tried H4H and FNWL, and FNWL wins, hands down. Not to say that H4H henna is BAD - it's just bloody expensive, and it doesn't 'stick/glob' together as well as FNWL's henna. FNWL's henna can be lumpy - you've gotta mix it well, but for the price, I'm willing to beat the henna a little harder. FNWL's henna dye releases within an hour using just warm water, it doesn't smell NEARLY as strong as H4H, and it's got a good color to it, as well.

I meant to mention that I sift mine and I use an electric hand mixer so I avoid that problem. :)
s_terry said:
Hi everyone, so has anyone tried one or both Hennas from both vendors? Which one has the higher quality henna do you think? It looks like HennaSooq is in Canada. I think you incur additional charges when shipping to US-right? Thanks for responding.:grin: I want to try some BAQ henna along with Cassia and Indigo. I'm looking at 100.00 at least already! :( I want the best for my money.
Henna for hair is the best site in my opinion because she EDUCATES you that way,you know what you're buying, where it's from, how to use it, and you know the difference between different "types" of henna or so called hennas that others are selling. Plus catherine is really nice, and shipping is awesome! I will only order from her. Now I am in ohio, and actually she's right on my way to work. It's super easy for me to pop in to get some henna, and I know that I am getting the best for my dollar.
Cichelle said:
I meant to mention that I sift mine and I use an electric hand mixer so I avoid that problem. :)

:lachen: Smmmmaaarrrtt!! I always MEAN to do that, but I forget it's lumpy until I'm stirring it already.... I'm going to HAVE to remember to sift it next time...
I have tried FNWL's henna and in general it was great (excellent color and conditioning) but the batch I received was somewhat gritty and hard to wash out of my hair. Is the henna from easier to rinse out? I ordered a sample but I want some more feedback before I order a larger size.