from big chop/shave to WL


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone (i'm new here and just wanted to ask a question)

I saw the **2012 Goals thread**, and my goal for 2012 was to reach Waist Length :lol:

After reading other people's goals, I realise that's just extremely unrealistic. What I noticed was people with much longer hair, have much smaller Goals! so for example someone with APL would aim for BSL, or MBL. So it looks like I have a lot learn about hair growth!

Any of you ladies big chopped/shaved, and reached waist length?
How many years did it take you?

There's actually a thread someone created. She went from 1 inch or bald to waist length. I think it was 3.5 or 4 years. I gotta look for it.
I think I could hit it in about 3.5 years far I'm at shaved to BSL in 2.
I dont think I want hair that long, but we'll see after I hit MBL/full BSL.