From April to July *pics*


New Member
So this is where I was in April 2010.

This is the beginning of the month of July 2010

I had to trim, my ends were nasty and this is where I am now July 19,2010

I dont have a regimen, I dont take vitamins,protective style, sleep on satin, tie my hair up or any of that.I dont use heat all the time, most of the time I'm in a puff or wash n go. I trim my ends, I dc and cowash ..thats it:look: yeah i've gotten very very lazy. And I see pics of women on here who have great growth retention, I feel so behind, so I guess you can say I'm having a "come to Jesus" moment and want to retain more so that I can reach apl by dec (is it possible?). I'm getting tempted to just cut since I'm not sure if I'm going to make apl by dec and if I dont then I'm choppin out of rebellion.

Post your 3-6 month progress pics so i can see if i'm a slow grower. and share your reggies plz. i need encouragement :yep:
um to me it looks like it grew pretty quick....mine didnt move really since then:lachen:
nice progress
Hey ladies, thanks, sorry I've took so long, I'm cleaning
Anywho, I'm just feeling like although my hair is growing that its growing really slowwwwwwww, especially in comparison to some of the ladies on here and the stories of folks getting an inch or more a month. Nobody has pics they can put up so I can check their progress out? Or do I have to keep stalking your fotkis? :look:
that is FABULOUS progress for just 3 months!

you stick with it and stay away from those sissors, homie! (i was born in detroit)

in my siggy, you can see where i was at jan.feb time and where i just arrived 3 weeks ago, and i was convinced not only to be a slow grower, but that my hair would never get past SL. (it never had in the past)

but consitency with the good habits will pay off, trust me, and trust yourself because your pictures are proof that YES YOU CAN GET TO APL!

congratulations and keep on doing what's working!!!
that is FABULOUS progress for just 3 months!

you stick with it and stay away from those sissors, homie! (i was born in detroit)

in my siggy, you can see where i was at jan.feb time and where i just arrived 3 weeks ago, and i was convinced not only to be a slow grower, but that my hair would never get past SL. (it never had in the past)

but consitency with the good habits will pay off, trust me, and trust yourself because your pictures are proof that YES YOU CAN GET TO APL!

congratulations and keep on doing what's working!!!

OMG! Your hair grew like a weed! Now THATS the type of progress I want! Its beautiful, whats your reggie???!! *homie*:lachen:

and now I REALLY feel like my hair is playing games smhwlol
OMG! Your hair grew like a weed! Now THATS the type of progress I want! Its beautiful, whats your reggie???!! *homie*:lachen:

and now I REALLY feel like my hair is playing games smhwlol

Thanks NaturalDetroit!
that's just proof of what "sticking to it" and reading the "how-to's" on here will do for ya! gotta hand it to my lhcf sistas!!!:yep:

my reggie is pretty simple now (after having tried everything!):

i cowash daily (2-3 times a week when it's cold outside)
i baggy bun religeously
i stopped using heat -- wrap or rollerset for all my straight looks
(including my siggy pics, of course)
i use Ayurveda
i dc on dry hair at least twice a week
i massage my scalp every single day (cayenne pepper, M-T-G, sometimes MT--like when my ng is alot, jbco and aloe vera juice....)

and here's the tough part....i drink a raw egg every single day!:lachen:
(yep, i'm in the egglette challenge, too!)

but hey, give yourself credit because what you are doing is already giving you great results!:spinning:
trying new things can only help (also keeps us from getting bored) but most of all, don't give up!!!:nono::grin:
What is the brown hair color? I mean to ask that in another thread! It looks so good on you!

And your growth is amazing. If you just tighten up and become diligent, you will be able to hold on to that length!
I think you're doing well. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll start to recognize the progress we see. The secret to growing hair is PATIENCE. No one talks about it, but it's KEY. You don't have to do everything perfectly right all the time, just do what you can and don't do anything crazy then you'll get to where you want to be. And APL by Dec is possible, maybe not Full but definitely grazing APL. You've got 5 months girl, go for and stay away from those scissors!! HHG!