Frizzy roots on Natural Hair...Any tips?


Well-Known Member
My roots are frizzy but the length of my hair isn't. I have tried almost everything to keep my roots smooth but they always frizz up and look funny cuz the ends of my hair are smooth and nice looking. What can I do about this? Anyone else have this problem?
yeah I have the same problem...I once used the Garnier Fructis worked pretty well...I can't say it lasted though....I hope someone else can answer this question too.
I would try a super thick, alcohol-free gel (if you're wearing a "wet style" like a wash n go, or if your hair is in a bun or pony). I really love Fantasia IC gel.

But if your hair is being worn in a straight style, I would try a pomade, especially one containing castor oil, as that is known to combat frizzies.

Sometimes I like to mix a little coconut oil with castor oil together and apply a small amount to my roots or a butter based (shea, avocado, mango) product, some of the faves are Elasta QP Mango, Qhemet Biologics heavy cream, etc. HTH
when I was natural, I would mist the root with water and add aloe vera gel and wear a scarf for a while or overnight
I sometimes wear my hair parted down the middle, gathered into a pony/puff. On those days, I:

part my damp/moist, detangled hair
apply Fantasia Frizz Buster Straightening Gel
brush it through (might be a no-no for some)
gather the hair into a pony/puff
gel the edges and brush to smooth
spray Surge 14 into my palms and apply to gelled hair

I've been doing this for at least a year and it's worked very well at taming the frizzies!

I haven't decided what I'm going to use to replace the Surge once my supply runs out.:sad:
are you talking about when you wear your hair straight or in its natural state?
Maybe it could be a sign of heat damage?