Frizzy Hair! Please help! (kinda long)


New Member
I have thick 4c type hair. I am 4 weeks post relaxer and no matter what I do my hair will not hold a curl. It is not long enough for a ponytail due to breakage on the left side and in the back caused by my former stylist from a relaxer.

My regimine includes conditioner washes with pre wash treatement with EVOO, Suave Milk and Honey followed by deep conditioning with Terax Creme conditioner. I also use a combination of Surge and Alter Ego on my scalp. I use Biolage leave in and KeraCare foam for rollerset. I sit under the dryer for about an hour. I follow this with Mango Butter and wrap with a silk scarf. I do this every 2 or three days. My hair looks like it is set but when I unwrap it out in the morning it is a frizzy mess and I have to wear a hat.

I havent had any luck with braid outs or bantu knots. Please help!
Sounds like you didn't let it dry completely. I used to have the same problem when my hair wasn't completely dry.

Do you rollerset your hair and THEN wrap it or do you flat wrap it? If you roller set it first, do you use the end strips to lay ends flat and then fold over and roll?
I rollerset first after my hair is dry I wrap it. I do use end wraps and it does not make a difference. I sit under the dryer for 1hr. to 1.5 hrs. My hair was fine until I hit the 4th week post relaxer now it is like I have a totally different head of hair.
You could be starting to deal with two differing hair textures and that may make a difference. If you are relaxed, have you tried setting your hair on smaller rollers and using smaller sections of hair allowing you to pull the hair tighter?

**okay, why did it just click that you said "post-relaxer"...duh!
Why don't u try airdrying your hair or not letting your hair dry 100% under the dryer. Try sitting under the dryer for 30 minutes and letting it airdry the rest of the way.

I heard the mango butter can make your hair hard. Why don't u apply a light moisturizer or oils or glossing polish before rollersetting. It really helps.
I will try the light moisturizer or oils or glossing polish before rollersetting.
As for airdrying, in the past when I have tried that it has taken about 2 days to dry, so that's not an option. I will let you know how things go with the glossing polish, being the product jukie that I am I know I have some already. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. Thanks!
prettycocolady said:
I have thick 4c type hair. I am 4 weeks post relaxer and no matter what I do my hair will not hold a curl. It is not long enough for a ponytail due to breakage on the left side and in the back caused by my former stylist from a relaxer.

My regimine includes conditioner washes with pre wash treatement with EVOO, Suave Milk and Honey followed by deep conditioning with Terax Creme conditioner. I also use a combination of Surge and Alter Ego on my scalp. I use Biolage leave in and KeraCare foam for rollerset. I sit under the dryer for about an hour. I follow this with Mango Butter and wrap with a silk scarf. I do this every 2 or three days. My hair looks like it is set but when I unwrap it out in the morning it is a frizzy mess and I have to wear a hat.

I havent had any luck with braid outs or bantu knots. Please help!

[/ QUOTE ]

A similar thing was happening to my hair, no matter what I did my hair could not hold a curl. It was due to product build up even though I conditioner washed my hair every couple days, I used a clarifying shampoo and the problem went away! So I clarify every two weeks now. I realy don't think it has anything to do with your hair not being dry, you sit under the dryer for a whole hour.

Hope this helps!
ElecEngnr is on to something. Clarifiers may be what you're missing. Build up blocks moisture and you hair may be drying out, thus lighter, thus frizzy. Be sure to use the shampoo as directed, too often will dry your hair.

I use baking soda to clarify. Either mixed with tap water and rinse before I shampoo/CO wash or sometimes I mix it with my regular shampoo. It's gentle.

Also, check out the hair recipe board. There are very good concoctions there that may help as a pre or post treatment. Some of the things may already be in your kitchen.
I followed my usual regimine. I added a drop of IC hair polish to each section of my hair as I roller set and today I didnt have to wear a hat. My hair actually held a curl in this very humid and rainy New York weather. Thank you Poohbear!